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ITT: Kai plays FE4


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I've been bored and with all the FE4 discussion going out there, I decided that playing FE4 might quench my bordom for a while. So, I fired up my FE4 rom and started playing. Oh man, been so long.


So I looked at Alec and Noishs stats and they suck. Noish cant double and Alec just does chip damage. So, I sold Noish's sword and had Alec buy it. Sigurd was off killing stuff while Ardan's fatass stayed at the castle.

Ha! Midir died. Edin got kidnapped by the big shirtless guy. They said stuff in japenese and then headed back to wherever their homecastle was.


Alec cant afford the sword. Oh well, maybe you can help Fin kill stuff. Lex and Azel arrived and with Azels help, siezed the village and got some cash.

Cuan's crew arrives. They say some more stuff that I dont understand. Meanwhile, Sigurd headed southwest towards the castle Dimagio took and got beat up. HE ran back like a pansy to his mother sister Ethlin who healed him. Cuan lol'd at Sigurd while he and Fin took care of the rest of the bandits. Alec fought the bandit that attacked the Village near the castle and got hit.

Lex attacks a bandit, Azel kills one and then I ended the turn.

Bandits attacked Lex and hit like usual. Thats about it.

My turn! Alec killed the bandit, took the gold and headed back to the castle to buy the steel sword. Fin and Cuan finish of the rest of the bandits and Lex heads south to save the village while Azel goes West. Now, the castle guards. Finn attacks one, gets hit, healed by Ethlin then, Cuan finishes off the bandit. Sigurd heads down to the village to secure the speed ring for Celice.

Lex gets hit, has 5 hp left and Fin and Ethlin got ambushed by two hairy bandits. Lex heads to the Church to get healed.

Sigurd kills the archer while Cuan and Fin team up to kill the bandit. So, all the bandits near Jungby are gone and Azel saved the village at the Northwest corner. Meanwhile, Alec tries to catch up with the main group. Sigurd attacks Dimagio and gets hit >.>

Dimagio suicides, my turn, siezed Jungby.

OMG, that chick Midir is still alive. I should totally pair her with Sigurd. Shit, I still havent saved that Village. Go Lex!

That guy at the other castle comes out and sends another volley of hairy men at me. Seriously, is this the Verdane military?

Alvis arrived, screw him, I didnt give him any kills. MY EXP BITCH! You get enough exp when you kill Sigurd you bastard!

Alec caught up, he attacked a bandit. He still couldnt kill the bandit.

And then, the bandits attacked, Alec finally killed something and gained a sweet level up. Maybe I'll pair Alec with Midir instead @_@

Alec kills more stuff and gains a level up. Now I know why Furet likes Alec so much 8D He's awesome! Sigurd attacks the guy on the bridge and blocks off the bandits from getting to his squad. He gets beat up. Alvis reached Sigurd and gave him his Silver sword.

Sigurd charges the castle, misses, hits, hits and seizes.

Sigurd    9   39  14  0  12  19(SPD ring)  8  10  0   None
Cuan      6   36  18  0  12  10  6  11  4    Ethlin 
Ethlin    2   28  5   8  11  12  8  4   6   Cuan
Fin       3   34  9   0   8  10 10  8   0   None
Midir     2   32  9   0   7   9  3  7   0   None
Alec      3   33  10  0  10  10  4  8   0   None 
Lex       8   37  10  0  10  12 10  11  0   None
Azel      3   31   0  12  7  10  2   3  6 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know why, but Noish always gets a level lead on Alec with me, and I end up dropping Alec unless I'm pairing him. It's not even like I feed Noish a lot of kills out of favoritism because he doesn't have a personality, or Pursuit, or anything that could make him a likable unit. I need to find out why that happens. @_@

And Alec can do so much better than Midir. In fact, anyone can. Except Aideen, because she's also boring and he's the perfect dad for Lester gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

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I've had a couple of good Alec's, I can get them to promotion on most playthroughs or at least close to it. My Noish with 10 speed at level 19 made me sad though.

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I don't like to use Midir because his stats are kinda crappy, he doesn't gain levels as quickly because he's locked to Bows (even though he's on a horse, which makes him slightly better than Jamka) and until he gets the Hero Bow (if he's paired with Aideen) he can't even clear the Arena properly. In fact, my Midir always promoted in Chapter 5, mere turns before Tiltyu. And Tiltyu doesn't even get a lot of kills outside of stomping the Arena with Thoron + Wrath. D:

Edited by Axie
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Clearing the arena?

I'm currently almost done chapter 1 and the only unit who could clear the arena was Cuan.

Midir died on the second one. Plus lolbows aren't too great. And Midir gets 2HKO'd by bandits.

I'm not a huge fan of him and am seriously thinking AideenJamka instead.

A few days ago, I played FE4 and leveled Alec a bit. His levels were beasting everyone, so I figured he'd be pretty awesome to keep using.

This is how he ended up at Ch.5:


Green knights FTW.


Why is your Alec so beast?

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Am I the only one that gets good Midirs? He's turned out pretty great for me both times I've played. Not as good as Jamka, obviously, and Bows are crappy because they're Bows, but his stats aren't terrible and once he gets a Killer/Brave Bow he can pretty much kill anything relatively reliably.

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It definitely helps to give Midir the Killer Bow. His hit is bad otherwise and the -8 AS from other bows frequently prevents him from doubling. Jamka doesn't see much combat due to no horsey anyway and he tends to do well enough with a steel bow anyway. Also he can actually use the Silver Bow unpromoted since bow fighters have A bows. He's got a pretty good skill base even if his growth is terrible, and he doesn't have much need for the Killer Bow's -3AS since his spd base is great as well so the -8 AS from most bows doesn't prevent doubling. He's got Continue and Charge as well so lacking Critical from the bow isn't a big deal.

Jamka has so much going for him statistically (aside from move) that the Killer Bow is generally needless overkill. Better to make Midir easier to raise since he makes a better father.

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The Killer Bow makes Midir awesome, and then salvages Johalva. LOVE that thing.

My current Alec has base strength at level ten. ...I'm still trying to give him levels in the hope he'll improve.

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