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Let's say that Nintendo has been working on it since it released in Japan. How long do you guys think it'll be before we at least get a US/Europe release date?

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Holiday season is the earliest it might show up; most likely sometime in the first half of 2013.

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Well, that honestly depends on a few factors. First of all, the European release is probably going to arrive first. Nintendo don't generally seem to talk about anything that isn't coming in the current year, which might explain why FE: A was quite absent from the main part of E3. The EU version will probably arrive in October/November/December of this year, while the American version will probably be in 2013.

Secondly, censorship. There's nothing in FE: A that requires any censorship, though Nono and Sariya might get some new costumes. If there is any though, it'll probably be the American version that get's hit with it.

And thirdly, timing. Releasing a game just after the christmas rush isn't generally a good idea, so I'd be honestly surprised if the game came out in America in January/Early February. So March would be my guess.

Of course, I could be entirely wrong and the EU and US versions might well pop out within a few days of each other, in which case they'll both be out in 2012.

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It'll most likely be out in 2013, but there is a very small chance it'll be out later this year. When Reggie let slip that the game was being worked on, he did so because he believed it was a part of the media kit (at least that's what the stories are saying). We already know that media kit covered games to be coming out later this year, so if Reggie thought that the game was in the media kit, it may be ready for release sometime later this year.

Of course, this is just a logical guess on my part, so it may end up not being true.

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Censorship: They might rewrite Nono's character as well. I doubt Sariya'd be hit by it simply because well, Code of Princess is coming out and that outfit...I'd say it's a bit more crazy than Sariya or Micaiah's getups.

I'm fairly certain that the US version will come out in early 2013.

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Censorship: They might rewrite Nono's character as well. I doubt Sariya'd be hit by it simply because well, Code of Princess is coming out and that outfit...I'd say it's a bit more crazy than Sariya or Micaiah's getups.

I'm fairly certain that the US version will come out in early 2013.

Good point with regards to Code of Princess. Hard to top that. I honestly doubt they'll change Nono personality though. Switching her clothing a bit will probably be as far as they'll change her, at least in the EU version. I can't really speak for the US version as NoA seems to be a little more...'uptight' than NoE.

Really, I hope that both versions escape completely unscathed though. Censorship of this title seems really unnecessary and I'm not fond of censorship to begin with. I doubt IS want anything lower than a Teen rating anyway.

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It'll most likely be out in 2013, but there is a very small chance it'll be out later this year. When Reggie let slip that the game was being worked on, he did so because he believed it was a part of the media kit (at least that's what the stories are saying). We already know that media kit covered games to be coming out later this year, so if Reggie thought that the game was in the media kit, it may be ready for release sometime later this year.

But the point is, that it wasn't in the media kit. Reggie just had a memory slip.

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Good point with regards to Code of Princess. Hard to top that. I honestly doubt they'll change Nono personality though. Switching her clothing a bit will probably be as far as they'll change her, at least in the EU version. I can't really speak for the US version as NoA seems to be a little more...'uptight' than NoE.

Really, I hope that both versions escape completely unscathed though. Censorship of this title seems really unnecessary and I'm not fond of censorship to begin with. I doubt IS want anything lower than a Teen rating anyway.

I kind of hope they at least make Nono have the mental capacity/maturity appropriate for someone getting married and having kids. I don't really want to be part of something that encourages you (for gameplay reasons) to marry off someone with the mind and body of a ten-year-old.

Nn is probably safe because the children supports all imply that they get married later anyways.

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If they sensor anyone, it'll probably be Inverse.

I honestly don't see a problem with Nono. Her personality makes me like her more.

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As far as Nono goes, they changed some parts of US T.E.R.A because it had lolis (mainly changed the clothes and maybe they made sure some dialog was lost in translation) , I am quite positive that this game will get the same treatment and Nono will still be in the game but her S supports and the child will be censored

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As far as Nono goes, r they changed some parts of US T.E.R.A because it had lolis that wore as much clothes as Nono does(mainly the clothes and maybe they made sure some dialog was lost in translation) , I am quite positive that this game will get the same treatment and Nono will still be in the game but her S supports and the child will be censored

I would far prefer they just redraw her art to look older and rewrite her dialogue than change the ganmeplay.

They might even be able to get away with tossing in some sideways reference to manaketes being children for a thousand years, then suddenly having a growth spurt, and have her S rank supports be betrothals rather than actual marriages.

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I would far prefer they just redraw her art to look older and rewrite her dialogue than change the ganmeplay.

They might even be able to get away with tossing in some sideways reference to manaketes being children for a thousand years, then suddenly having a growth spurt, and have her S rank supports be betrothals rather than actual marriages.

Yeah I suppose that could work but are they willing to put in the extra effort? I know they did for changing Bastian's speech pattern but this time it's much easier to just censor everything

Someone on GFAQs suggested making n_n the child of Tiki instead. Which seems like a fine suggestion.

Yes that seems like a good solution as well.

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I doubt it's coming out this year because releasing the game alongside Luigi's Mansion 2, Paper Mario: Sticker Star, and Pokemon B&W2 would be suicide. I think they'll make it a Q1 2013 release, probably alongside Animal Crossing and Layton 5.

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Whatever Nono's appearance, it's really only an issue because of her immaturity. Rewriting her would be the easiest solution that doesn't mess with gameplay content.

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Whatever Nono's appearance, it's really only an issue because of her immaturity. Rewriting her would be the easiest solution that doesn't mess with content.

Agreed. Hopefully, they'll pull a Woolseyism with it, if they feel the need to alter it at all. Which I honestly doubt.

Making Nn Tiki's daughter, while certainly a neat solution, would be a little troublesome. You'd need to change all of Nn's supports with her parents, her recruitment mission and possibly some of her other supports as well. Her bases and growths would likely have to be altered too. That said, if they're willing to put the effort in to do that, and do it well, then I won't complain.

But they won't, because it would reduce Nono's usefullness as a character. And gameplay value seems to trump all in this fandom.

Maybe they'll just release it with Nono as is

Seems totally likely right?

Actually, yeah. It does. Young looking (and acting) romance interests in mainstream japanese games are hardly rare and they never alter them when they bring them across. Ever played Agarest Senki? Or Star Ocean 3? How about Ar Tonelico 1, 2 and 3? The list goes on. It's not a new thing and it's never raised a furore or caused a problem beforehand.

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Rewriting Nono would be the easiest solution. Let's hope they do, because...eesh. That won't go over to well, me thinks.

Anyway, Early 2013 is my expected time table for a release. Holiday season is the earliest, but considering Nintendo has titles prepared for that period, I'm saying 2013. Combine the fact that didn't plan on formally announcing the title, and that leads me to believe it's because it's a 2013 title.

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Agreed. Hopefully, they'll pull a Woolseyism with it, if they feel the need to alter it at all. Which I honestly doubt.

Making Nn Tiki's daughter, while certainly a neat solution, would be a little troublesome. You'd need to change all of Nn's supports with her parents, her recruitment mission and possibly some of her other supports as well. Her bases and growths would likely have to be altered too. That said, if they're willing to put the effort in to do that, and do it well, then I won't complain.

But they won't, because it would reduce Nono's usefullness as a character. And gameplay value seems to trump all in this fandom.

Actually, yeah. It does. Young looking (and acting) romance interests in mainstream japanese games are hardly rare and they never alter them when they bring them across. Ever played Agarest Senki? Or Star Ocean 3? How about Ar Tonelico 1, 2 and 3? The list goes on. It's not a new thing and it's never raised a furore or caused a problem beforehand.

did I hear Woolseyism? are there going to be any "leaps of faith"?

also, imagine the amount of censoring they would've done if FE13 did have gay/lesbian romance lol (though they are probably going to tone down SairyaxFeMU a bit)

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did I hear Woolseyism? are there going to be any "leaps of faith"?

also, imagine the amount of censoring they would've done if FE13 did have gay/lesbian romance lol (though they are probably going to tone down SairyaxFeMU a bit)

Ah, I don't get the reference unfortunately. Sorry.

And again, I highly doubt it. Really, nothing that's in FE: A, whether that be Nono, the... *ahem*.... subtext between certain people (Libera and Viole, I'm looking at you. You too, FeMU and Sariya.) or the brutal destruction of an entire world, is at all extreme for JRPG's.

For example, all these concerns about Nono. In Ar Tonelico 1, one of the primary love interests is locked in the form of a 10 year old girl, despite being around 18. After about two thirds of the game (when the romance really starts to kick in), she get's her original form back, that of a rather attractive eighteen year old. All pretty normal, right?

Except that you can put her back into the child form. And dress her up as a magical girl. Or put her in pajamas. Or get her to cosplay. And the game proceeds as normal. And this is the version that got across to the West.

Ar Tonelico 1 is, according to PEGI (the people who rate European games), a 7+. That is to say, suitable for 7 year olds.


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I doubt any gender confusion moments or same-gender ships will be censored. After all, we have Legault teasing Heath in FE7, Lyn + Florina with slight yuri overtones depending on who you ask, Heather's status as a lesbian is still pretty obvious, and of course, Soren. Even if you refused to think Ike is gay, I think it is safe to say Soren has feelings for Ike.

On the other hand, I wouldn'y mind if they totally rewrote Nono's character. I have always been less than thrilled about the child-like archetype no matter their appearance, but Nono is just bleh. I actually like Nn though.

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