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What is efficiency?

Paper Jam

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Macmillan Dictionary defines efficiency as "the ability to work well and produce good results by using the available time, money, supplies, etc. in the most effective way."

In my opinion, the ranking system in FE6 and 7 matches that definition pretty well: The Combat, Power (in FE6) and Experience ranks demonstrate the ability to work well and produce good results, while the Tactics, Funds, and Survival ranks demonstrate the ability to use time, assets, and units (respectively) in the most effective way.

Is this correct? When people talk about efficiency in FE6 or 7, are they talking about S-ranking?

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A miserable little pile of turn counts achieved reliably.

You steal mens turncounts and use it as Warp

Anyway, playing efficient is to me is to achieve reasonable turncounts and time spent with small room to wiggle(around like 1 - 2 turns)

Pretty subjective in its own rights though, since the word "reasonable" has different meaning for different people

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So how does efficient use of money and resources come in? I know Banzai doesn't like the way FE6 and 7 do it (Funds rank), but I honestly can't think of a viable alternative.

Giving us gems that we can either sell for X or hoard for 2X does seem to be a good way to encourage efficient use of both gold and inventory space, to my mind. Is there a better way?

Actually, I can think of a better way for FE7 at least: Give us the same starting gold in Hector's tale that we get in Eliwood's tale. The player actually is quite impoverished in Hector's tale, at least until chapter 17x.

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That's not even true

The funds rank requires you to specifically not sell items that can only be used to be sold, like gems, and thus sludge through the game destitute and living in squalor


Good thing I don't care about ranking, because that is f***ing bulls***.

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That's not even true

The funds rank requires you to specifically not sell items that can only be used to be sold, like gems, and thus sludge through the game destitute and living in squalor

It's more that it prevents you from using expensive items that are meant to be used, like stat boosters and promotion items. Selling items at least gives you back half the value.
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The FE7 funds rank is actually very unintuitive. You can't sell items that are only made to be sold (the gems), and then if you have the silver card, you have to buy as much items as possible, since it doubles the value of the money used.

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Don't waste time/resources. Make sure every move or purchase achieves as much as possible. That's what I consider "efficient", and it translates to overall lower turncounts in practice.

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Or it could be *gasap* actual funds (e.g. ending the game with a certain amount of Gold). But maybe that would be too intuitive, knowing FE...

EDIT Although I would prefer fundless honestly.

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Efficiency = output/input

In FE terms? That's debatable.

People play so many different ways, I think we'll be asking what efficiency is in FE for a loooooooong time

Then there will be those like me who don't really care :P

Edit: I just realized I missed the point of Boron's post

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I think just the first part of definition is all that's needed to define efficiency, because not every game has ways to rank you for your money skills.

An efficient team is able to work well and produce good results (good results could be hitting the BEXP limits in FE9/10 or the turn rank in FE4/5/6/7 or some other objective). Teams that work better and produce better results than others can be seen as more efficient, with the most efficient team being the minimum TC teams.

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