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Getting things taken away from you without warning

Perfect Infinitive Exitus

Parents are assholes sometimes  

18 members have voted

  1. 1. What would you do?(situation is stated in the post)

    • Grab your parent'/whatever's credit card/Phone/most precious item and show them a hammer/magnet(if its electronic), you won't say anything but you slowly decrease the distance of the objets, your parents will react and you stop
    • Even though you know that your parents won't listen to you, you apologize to your parent/whatever and ask if you can get it back after you do it but again explain that you need to rest
    • Even though there is a high chance of you not getting the item back and you will be continued to work for them, you do the stuff immedeatly they ask you to do, after you are done you ask your parent/-s if you can get it back
    • try to discuss things out further even though you know your parent/whatever will break/do sth. to that item if you talk discuss things for too long
    • Charge at your parent/whatever and beat him/her up until you get the item back or your opponent is KO, when your parent broke that item while in the process, you beat them until they are KO
    • Go to your parents/whatevers most precious item and break it immideately even befor your parents have done something to your item
    • Cry
    • Pressure him/her with suicide even though you know they won't bother

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Imagine you, sitting on your comfy bed after you had again a extremely frustrating day of school, when suddently your father/mother/whatever comes in and asks you to do lots of things again

you explain that school is hard and frustrating, especially in the years when you really have to study because your graduation is near and your cassmates annoy you enough already and you just want half an hour to nap or just some peace

You were thoughtless and your precios item lies on your table

suddently your precious item was grabbed to pressure you to do these things without even be warned that they would do that

Your Parent WILL harm your item if you don't do anything and WILL grab your next precious item after it is complletely useless and you have not done anything after that

You know this situation because you hide it your for this exact reason because it has happened often enough

your most precious item could be anything, Your Memento/1billion$Vase/credit card/phone/laptop/Videogame console/your Room/ really anything and your parent has done that a few times before

and you most likely wont get it back because your parent will pressure you as long as it has your item in its might and it will most likely not give it to you because it knows how precious it is to you and it knows you will do anything as long as it can pressure you with it.

Your Parents WILL cut your money income or WON'T give you food if neccessary to make you do anything

what would you do?

Edited by Flare
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Ah, the days of my teenage years...when I had to put up with shit like that...my parents would confiscate my games and computer for the stupidest reasons, like I was on them too much. I had gotten the certain game for Christmas from them and they turned around and punished me for enjoying it wtf...

Things will get better. One day you'll move out. That was the best thing that ever happened to me. They can't take my stuff anymore, BUT I now have to buy everything myself. The good outweighs the bad anyway...

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parents like these wouldn't understand if they raised their kids only for profit and to make their life easier

well to be honest, i don't know how they were raised in sowjet russia so maybe i should feel lucky that i was not raised like them if they were raised worse


buying things yourself

should i feel good or bad having friends and a side-job?

at least your parents even bothered to give you things they could punish you for

well they did give me some privacy i must admit, after they found out that some things they have done were against the law like punishing your kids for things by beating them but they did not let me out of the house for a while after that and we moved

Well to see the good side, i know how to cook, manage money, do the laundry, wash everthing in the house and treat kids from every age geez i would be a good wife if i would be female wouldn't i?

(If you wonder why i am in SF, i raised enough money with my side-job to buy me a phone(and after that a PC but that was taken away last month) and dl emulators so i could play games on them, nothing big)

You forgot to put the option to ''not give a fuck about everything''.

No i purposely did not pick that

would you give a fuck about when they would let you hunger and would continue even if you pass out or cut your money income if you would live for yourself

because if you would not give a fuck about

you would be most likely dead

and this aspect is intended to be included in the suicide option

since if they would cut off things like these

You WILL die

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Your Parents WILL cut your money income or WON'T give you food if neccessary to make you do anything

To be honest, my parents whilst strict have always been at least somewhat reasonable. My answer would go to "be a reasonable enough child to not even have to get into a situation like this". Most of the time, parents do something for a reason, if you're being punished, you probably did something you shouldn't have. Of course there's the obvious exceptions, but that's only true for a small minority of cray cray parents.

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I don't know if your parents are actually being dicks or if anyone would actually consider it, but threatening suicide is disgusting and hugely manipulative.

Edited by Tryhard
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I don't know if your parents are actually being dicks or if anyone would actually consider it, but threatening suicide is disgusting.

I've done it on bad days, but I was never serious...and I would never be able to actually do it.

If they're not letting you eat though, that's seriously messed up...I don't know the whole situation but meh.

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I don't know if your parents are actually being dicks or if anyone would actually consider it, but threatening suicide is disgusting and hugely manipulative.

i threatened with suicide when i was 10, they said:"go ahead" gave me the most painful looking knife and watched me not doing it

To be honest, my parents whilst strict have always been at least somewhat reasonable. My answer would go to "be a reasonable enough child to not even have to get into a situation like this". Most of the time, parents do something for a reason, if you're being punished, you probably did something you shouldn't have. Of course there's the obvious exceptions, but that's only true for a small minority of cray cray parents.

the situation was this: i went home after school directly to my bed becazse i did not get enough sleep for the exam i have been studied on

my step-father came in and ordered me to make something with meat to eat

i prepared the frozen meat to get unfrozen since i knew that would take a while

While i was going back to my room to get some rest he went up to me and asked why i went out of the kitchen

i responded that it would take some time to make the meat unfrozen and that meanwhile i could sleep a little bit

He went to the table where he got my most stress relieving item(my phone) and said"this thing annoyed me for quite a while, it holds you back from working harder" i tried to explain him that that thing is most precious to me so he said"the better" so i snapped, i rushed to the living room, took the hammer from my step-fathers toolbox and the magnet from the fridge and went to his table he spends 24/7 on with his laptop and tablet conviniently placed next to each other

i pointed the magnet towards the direction of the tablet and the hammer to the laptops direction.

He immideately screamed:"OK I WILL LET YOU REST goddamnit"

My step-father did not tell anything to my mom and did not talk to me since then, so that stuff is done i think

i feel better now but i wonder what others would have done in that situation

so i mad this thread

end of story

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That story sounds a little far-fetched... No self-respecting guardian is going to cave to something like that. Not long-term, anyway.

Edited by Makaze
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No self respecting (step) parent is going to break your expensive stuff to force you to do menial tasks for them. Or rather, that's what I want to believe but mine turned out to be shit parents and persons.

Your stepfather is a cunt and you have every right to defend yourself from his bullying.

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I was pretty motivated in school so I didn't have as much a problem with this although my parents did threaten to take games and stuff away if I was slacking or if I kinda mouthed off to them or was impolite and perhaps rightfully so. Although they never threatened to destroy or get rid of anything I owned I knew they would never do that. Also if they got rid of the stuff I liked it kinda elminated whatever leverage or motivating thing they were trying to use so....yeah theres that.

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I feel like the OP is not only exceedingly young, but quite frankly, not the sharpest knife in the drawer. Parents do not take away vital things like food and shelter, nor are they going to destroy things for petty reasons.

That story sounds a little far-fetched... No self-respecting guardian is going to cave to something like that. Not long-term, anyway.


I've done it on bad days, but I was never serious...and I would never be able to actually do it.

If they're not letting you eat though, that's seriously messed up...I don't know the whole situation but meh.

Never ever do this. Ever.

This thread is a serious facepalm. Kids need to learn that they can, and should, go to their parents about things. And they are reasonable. So what if you go without video games for a week. Its not the end of the world.

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Crying fixes everything.

If your mother is a reasonable person unlike your step dad (who should have very little authority over you), then talk to her.

Do you live in a religious household? I could understand your actions if you do come from one.

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My parents do this to me a lot still. If I have a friend over but they wanted me to do something else they'll get mad at me. If I was in the doorway they wanted to go through they'll get mad, and so-forth. The result has been me becoming highly territorial about everything. A good example is that I recently bought some olives on sale (I love olives) and, since they were 2-for-1, I got my mom some too. Before I had even opened my jar she was hovering nearby and, as soon as I did open it, she stole at least 10 without even touching her own jar.

Parents. Respect your kids boundaries. It is one thing to punish them when they've done something wrong, but going overboard results in resentment and them becoming defensive about everything.

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