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Everything posted by Florete

  1. Etie is a quest freebie and Lumera is the GHB. Oh damn, beaten to the punch twice.
  2. Engage launches in FEH with 5 ladies and 1 dude. Lmao.
  3. I'm not very invested in this game anymore but I still managed to get 7 votes in.
  4. To be fair, though, I'm not sure it really matters anymore. Eirika happened in year 2, and was the first non-Brave New Heroes alt, so that was kind of a special situation. Meanwhile, Camilla and Byleth have both gotten CYL wins right after getting alts. I suspect most, if not all, of the Soren voters won't be stopped by this.
  5. Also, we can vote for Altina, but not Ullr or Elimine.
  6. Your fault for living in the southern hemisphere! (That was sarcasm)
  7. Fix your time machine, you're in the wrong timeline. If Dorothea is so hated, there'd be no reason to tell people to vote against her.
  8. My thoughts exactly. Best I've seen is that a game looks good "for a Switch game," or that it has a nice art style, which isn't the same as "good graphics."
  9. Hades is the closest thing to a perfect game I've ever played. Very excited.
  10. I've never had issues levelling Lyn, but I also always play Lyn mode. Eliwood I tend to need to feed some kills early on, but he usually gets going before too long, assuming he gets some speed. Hector is never hard to level per se, but also never becomes really great for me. He's like a consistent 7/10 from beginning to end.
  11. 18-20 I'd say, but you can probably get away with some earlier promotions if you're good at spreading exp. It also somewhat depends on where you are chapter-wise, since an early promotion in late game won't have as much impact on exp as an early promotion around Ch 18 or something. Barrier or Pure Water makes a lot of units capable, but I usually use Lyn and Florina.
  12. Definitely Linus. Not only do you get Geitz, you get 11 extra turns. Like, clearing Lloyd's map in 3 turns is equivalent to clearing Linus' map in 14 turns. Try to make use of the arena, as well. I don't think either one is specifically advantageous over the other. Jerme's map probably takes longer, but also gives you 7 more turns. I'd probably give the edge to Jerme's map because of those turns, but it's not a big deal. If you've been careful, gotten all treasures (especially the Ocean Seal and Silver Card), etc. then Funds won't be that big of a deal. In my HHM S rank run I promoted 6 units, one of them Lyn, and still came out pretty far ahead of the Funds threshold (~50k). I also used a few stat boosters and while I wasn't swinging around Silver Swords all day, I let myself use more expensive weapons when the time called for it. As for who to promote...whoever you're using and is doing well. Just look at me, Lyn was one of my most valuable units even though everyone says she sucks. I don't think enough people actually do ranked HHM runs for there to be a list of what units "generally" get promoted in them. For stat boosters, I'd say you can use the good ones (Energy Ring, Speedwing, Boots), but maybe hang onto the rest. You can use a Body Ring on Athos if you want, but you're actually better off saving an Angelic Robe for him on the off chance the Fire Dragon rolls 40 atk.
  13. Wow, they're actually using the female avatar in some trailers.
  14. They must really hate us for voting adult Tiki in CYL lmao.
  15. Story seems generic as can be. At least they're not getting our hopes up.
  16. I've actually felt for a while that Sacred Stones isn't as easy as a lot of people make it out to be. It's still among the easier titles, but I think what happens is that it's not a common first entry for people, so by the time you play it you've probably already played at least one other title and know better what to expect. On hard mode Phantom Ship and Rausten Court are legit tough maps, and plenty of others can catch you off guard if you're not ready. I did an iron man draft of Sacred Stones about a year ago and nearly lost it on Rausten Court (Eirika route, so no Phantom Ship). I knew how to be prepared for everything else, but that map is a doozy.
  17. Calm down. I don't disagree with any of this. You said, and I quote, "no value comes from forcing players to replay long stretches of content." But some people do value that. People value that in Souls games and people value that in Fire Emblem. Sure, I'll start following all your conversations to make sure I don't miss it.
  18. I know of that series, but Demon's Souls is the game that first put From on the map. Demon's Souls came at a time when gamers were lamenting the lack of difficulty in modern games and massively overshot its estimated demand. Dark Souls is more like the Three Houses to Demon's Souls as Awakening.
  19. There are obviously people who like it, and you're more likely to find them on a forum like this, but the game bombed each time it was released and people have been making fun of it since the first trailer. Keep in mind it was Demon's Souls that actually kicked all this off. You can value what you do, and you can let others value what they do.
  20. Oh, it's mutual all right. Since I'm here and thinking about it I guess I might as well give my popular-with-fans-but-unpopular-with-everyone-else opinion on FromSoft games. FromSoft games don't need lower difficulties. This isn't me saying I'm against it; I won't care if From adds them or not. But it's a deliberate, creative decision and if it's how they want to make their games, they have the right to make them that way. Anyone who doesn't like the games as a result can play other games. There are plenty of games out there that I avoid because of one seemingly-simple aspect that I would need to enjoy it properly, and I'm not saying "They need to add this!" because this is the decision they made and if they choose not to add whatever to their game, it's a little disappointing but I've got other games to play and other stuff to do. On a simpler note, whenever this kind of question is asked the first thing that always comes to mind for me is that I think Ori and the Blind Forest is mediocre at best. Its sequel is good, though it did retain a few of the same issues. Not sure if this is still common, but people have loved to say that Breath of the Wild isn't a "true" Zelda game, and I think the opposite, I believe BotW is the truest Zelda game we've ever had since the original The Legend of Zelda and is the game the Zelda team has been trying to make ever since. Smash Ultimate is my least-favorite Smash. Largely for personal reasons, but hey, unpopular opinion. The Last of Us Part II is better than the first, but gamers weren't ready for it. Bioshock 2 is the best one. Donkey Kong Country 3 > Donkey Kong Country 1, but Returns is the worst DKC.
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