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Everything posted by Florete

  1. I mean, just because Cordelia and Gaius got summer alts doesn't mean Tharja had to as well. Tharja is the only one with a desert alt (and spring alt if you count her backpacking), and Gaius only has the summer alt. I don't think them being the "Fates reincarnation trio" really means anything for FEH. For the record in case it's not clear, I'm in no way upset by Tharja getting this alt, it's just funny to me.
  2. > Ivy is the only Engage character. > Another Tharja alt. > Fjorm but no Hrid. Lmao.
  3. While I do still think the right will be Fjorm, the one hang-up I have is that she looks rather...small and dainty. More so than Fjorm normally looks. That could just be a trick of the silhouette, though. The popular guesses on these are usually correct.
  4. Dorothea and Ivy are my favorite characters in their respective games. They are now both (presumably) in alt hell. Right looks like Fjorm.
  5. I am gradually moving more and more towards digital over physical these days, especially for books. I used to be hardcore physical-only for books, even to the point of not being able to read some things I would have liked to, but I've bought so many physical books over the last ten years I am literally running out of space to store them. And then there are other factors; digital books are cheaper and I don't have to wait for delivery, which COVID made significantly worse. That doesn't all apply to my games situation, though it is still often easier to get better prices on digital games, PC specifically, and space is still a concern. I also have a brother who does not share my interest in books, but does share my interest in games, so we often split the cost on physical games, making that technically the cheaper option (individually) for a lot of games we both want to play. You're basically saying "Souls games aren't hard, you just have to be good." Which means they are hard, relative to other games and the average skill level.
  6. Probably not actually unpopular, weebs just love to let people know how much they love the Japanese language and despise English dubbing.
  7. First legendary who was not originally a playable unit (in a story campaign, at least).
  8. Competition. SF used to be the place to come for both discussion and information about FE with little real competition, but now we have Reddit and Discord for the former and wikis for the latter, all of which are easier to use in general and have bigger built-in userbases.
  9. No. I have no attachment to the specific way Melee works, so it would be a pointless downgrade to me.
  10. I wouldn't say it's an unspoken rule, but it's a factor that doesn't come into play often due to the nature of things. A tier list is a compilation of 1v1 comparisons, and in a 1v1 comparison, you assume each of these two units doesn't die for a variety of reasons. Whether or not any other unit dies typically isn't relevant, because the good units who are naturally assumed to be in play are good in part because they're not likely to die, and the bad units who are more likely to die are assumed not to be in play because being bad at living typically comes alongside being bad at killing. Also, I think most people who play FE either play casual mode, or just naturally play in such a way as to keep units alive as much as possible, so tier lists reflect that assumption. However, while it's pretty rare, I have seen strategic discussions that brought up possible unit death. I wouldn't say your Gordin sacrifice is 'banned,' but I don't know where it would be relevant. You wouldn't use it when discussing Gordin's value throughout the game, and to my knowledge he's not considered strong enough that the loss of him would be likely to force the player to make a significant change to their general team structure.
  11. Eh, I mean, it's definitely close. Who are you talking about? I didn't see many people actively expecting anything FE.
  12. Metroid Prime 4 is totally happening, this is definitely the time y'all, after all if I predict it every time I will eventually be right, ya know? Silksong, too.
  13. I remember when I first played RD I thought the Begnion senate was kinda silly and unrealistic. Now that I'm older I can see how real they actually are lmao.
  14. Filler seals. Though I'll take dual chills, which at least have some niche PvE application, over garbage like Catch.
  15. FKris in shambles as the only CYL-voteable female avatar without a summer alt.
  16. Left could be Shez or Panette. Right looks like L'Arachel.
  17. I actually found all the geoglyphs before finding the map, so I didn't have that issue. Yeah, I ran into this as well. In fact, the most common thing that happened here for me was Tulin blowing stuff away. I didn't go out of my way to obtain monster parts, but as a result the only armor set I got substantial upgrades for was the Miner set since Brightbloom seeds are handed out like candy on Halloween. I fought two King Gleeoks myself...and that one wasn't one of them.
  18. Just beat the game, ~115 hours. For context, here was my early impressions post: Current feelings: Now that I've played Octopath Traveler 2 (~80 hours) and Tears of the Kingdom (~115 hours) back-to-back it's time for something shorter.
  19. I was excited about the Persona 3 Reload announcement until I heard the female protagonist option would be absent. Looks like another skip.
  20. What's legendary about her is that she's technically a main character.
  21. Lmao. I love it for the fact absolutely no one expected this. Really surprising to see her before Camilla, Takumi, Leo, and MCorrin.
  22. It's a good game. I like it more than Three Houses, which was a let down for me, but at the same time I think that comparison occasionally results in me giving it more praise than it actually deserves. Its gameplay is strong but not quite peak FE, and its story is passable at best.
  23. Anna (Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon) Anna (Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War) Anna (Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade) Anna (Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn) Anna (Fire Emblem Awakening) Anna (Fire Emblem Fates) Anna (Fire Emblem Warriors) Anna: Commander (Fire Emblem Heroes) Anna (Fire Emblem: Three Houses) Anna (Fire Emblem Engage) Salesclerk (Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE) ...What?
  24. I played BotW twice, once normal at release, and again a few years later in master mode. While I don't remember the exact order, I did the divine beasts in a different order the second time around, so I've kind of already had that experience.
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