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Mr. Francis York Morgan

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Everything posted by Mr. Francis York Morgan

  1. Get the fuck out of here ya neo conservative nazi. No one gives a shit about the tea parties. Just get a fucking life homo.
  2. I remember you from gamefaqs... if that's actually you and not some guy who took your name for the lulz. Welcome to the forums either way.

  3. Fuck all of you. I don't even know over half of you. But just from looking at your names I can tell your all douchebags.
  4. Really I wouldn't even bother with smash's ranks. Personally ranking each person shows a level of arrogance far beyond any of the people he criticized for in fact being arrogant. Oh and espada number 5 died to a guy putting 2 hands on his sword. Narga, you at least got stabbed to death by 50 million metal shards sent speeding at you from every direction at once.
  5. Asuka and King/Armor King are my personal favorites of the tekken franchise. And who need's a wall game when your in <33333333 Asianteen Tier?!
  6. What. Seriously, how the fuck did that happen. They'll tame him. I'm not saying his redhead fetish is bad taste (Good taste I'd say). It's just a weakness of his as well. Every tier debater worth his salt has slept with lachesis and shiida so it doesn't count. There like the slutty underbelly of tier debating. Either that or we list it for all the tier debaters... cynthia included. And your obviously popular with the crazy teenage girl demographic. That's a bit of a double edged sword.
  7. Redheads. Added. And how could I forget? It happens. Weaknesses are usually found in what a person favors >_> Now that I think about it... I don't really consider liking redheads a weakness. Just means you have good taste in women. It's like looking at the glass as half empty. Stop being so negative vergil.
  8. Berzerker Man Strengths: Hates failure units with a passion, can be quite funny at times Weaknesses: Redheads Chain Man Strengths: Animating awesome shit, logical bastard Weaknesses: Hype Colonel Strengths: Is an actual megaman character, dueling, wields a beam saber, ratings topics, knowledge of class setups, fake british accent Weaknesses: Ice Edit: forgot to add... Fake British Accent to Colonel! HOW COULD I FORGET SUCH A THING?!
  9. Well, look on the bright side BB. You wouldn't wanna be an espada anyway. There all dead. Or in the case of number 6 going to be a gay rival for the rest of the series. Screw you kubo. And I prefer the tier debaters be listed like megaman bosses with weapon/weakness listed. Of course this limits the list to 8...
  10. Um.... Ok. Sorry... I was expecting something funnier.
  11. Screw the weapon triangle I have overkill speed, no durability, lack of 2 range, and lulzy offense to back it up! Oh and nice avatar and sig Ninji. SIEG ZEON!
  12. Only if everyone agrees.And by everyone, I don't actually mean EVERYONE. Unless we count recruitment cost ... I don't really see what is stopping her.
  13. Tiki should be in the same tier as nagi. I think just existing on 23 and 24 is enough to get her there or even directly above nagi. 23 is full of mages. Tiki's base 21 res is quite nice here. Throw in a pure water/ward staff and she is pulling some of the best mage tanking in the game aside from merric. You already read what base tiki can do to the mamkute's on 24/endgame. She also enables warp skip on final (and 24) without needing ridiculous amounts of experience/sealing/forges dumped into her. Sure she dies in the process unless it's the finishing blow but she still is pulling a major positive here in helping to trivialize the final chapters of the game. I honestly wouldn't even bother deploying her on 21/22... and she would still be virtually the same the next 3 chapters.
  14. Been waiting to for you to update for a while. They really needed to buff the bases of several pre promo's in this game. Just enough for them to at least be relevant on initial join time for a few chapters even if they should eventually be dropped.
  15. Screw general route for ceasar. With his bases/growths we should send him into hero after promotion. Let's say we promoted him at level 12 with hunter route in mind in chapter 12. With hunter route we can skip past his durability issues. Here's what we would be looking at stat wise. Ceasar: 32 HP | 10 STR | 12 SKL | 18 SPD | 8 LCK | 10 DEF His weapon ranks are worse than rogers on top of having a worse strength growth so roger is rofl stomping him the rest of the game but ceasar ain't bad at all even if he is stuck wielding iron axes for a chapter and a half. Growths as a hero for ceasar: 90 HP | 40 STR | 35 SKL | 45 SPD | 20 LCK | 15 DEF Once he gets handaxe's he is pretty much better than marth and navarre the rest of the game. Edit: Lol 8 luck growth...
  16. Half the cast can go curate/mage/whatever... to bad the tier player is generally limiting the number of units in use. That means elice is only facing competition from the mages that are currently in use. I would assume a maximum of 3 sages on an efficient team. Another point in her favor is that she comes with A rank staves. While the rest of the cast can get A rank staves an be decent in the class... we don't have to waste any money buying countless heal staves for her to get there. Or wasting a master seal. Let's not even go into deployment costs for units a and b and all that BS. She comes before chapter 24 as well. We might as well field her if we have additional slots unlike lorenz in the earlier chapters... because we need healing badly for this and the next chapter. We also need people to spam warp staves if we plan on skipping this chapter. Even if the entire rest of the cast can get C ranks in time to do this... it doesn't matter cause only 3 of them should ever have the ranks at the same time as her. The rest are all dead. Everybody else is in a combat setup. BB summed up everything else that needs to be said about her.
  17. I love mass effect. Thanks for posting the trailers. I had every achievement and I had done several run throughs for mass effect 2. And then my 360 rrod'd. Lost all my memory so I was like **** you microsoft since my warranty ran out no less than 10 days before the rrod happened. Gotta get the game for pc since I sold all my 360 games after that. Hopefully they make mass effect and mass effect 2 for PS3 at some point. Now all the alien party members from the first game have been shown off in some way. Garrus is as cool as ever in the above trailer. Tali is also confirmed as a returning party member. Wrex was seen in a sketch with shepard in an interview. And liara was shown entering and escape pod and saying something in another trailer.
  18. If that is his best route than paola might be better or comparable to him. Unless he doubles more than the slow ass enemies (cavs, generals, sages) then this comes down to who can do the most damage in a single hit. 8/0 Paola 22 HP, 21 ATK (Silver Lance), 13 AS, 8 Def 13/1 (peg-sniper) Paola 33 HP, 22 Atk (Killer Bow), 16 AS, 11 Def Growths: 70 HP, 55 Str, 30 Spd, 25 Def
  19. So was I.Anyway obligatory image: DEATH TO THE REBEL SCUM!
  20. I let a student cheat off me all year long in english in 10th grade. Both he and I passed every test and project with the same 90+ scores. Yet he passed and I didn't...
  21. The killer lance has its use since it allows generals to ORKO every once in a while on counter. Same with the killer bow for generals. The rest are only useful in the hands of high/top tiers in there preferred classes but you'd rather have silvers instead of killers then.
  22. I have played H5. I will admit that I haven't completed a PT yet (still at 15ish IIRC), but I do realize that it is a major jump of difficulty over other games. My use of Sedgar/Wolf may have skewed my thoughts on the abilities of units though, since they actually do help a lot with their major defense capabilities, since, unlike other modes, you are moving your army like a moving fortress instead of spreading guys out. Hard RD/POR are nothing compared to this, since in those games, it actually was possible to ORKO something and leave a unit alone for 1 turn. In this game, you actually do have to have the units work as a team. The reason why I wasn't so sure about the use of bows was since I usually defer to magic in this game thanks to the nonexistent res that will be attacked by using a mage. Besides, why would you think I would argue Jagen up if I hadn't done even chapter 1 of H5? If I never played H5, I would have been arguing him down probably, since in this game, the Jagen role is incredibly key. It is kinda funny too, since Jagen is one of the weakest Jagens out of the FE games, yet he has the most use due to those heavy silver lance counters. I will admit that it was very nieve to say that bows weren't good without trying them out all that much, and I am sorry for that, but just because I don't use bowmen all that often doesn't mean that I have never played H5 Alright. Sorry then. I just found it hard to believe anyone would think bows are useless in SD.
  23. No. Have you even played H5? I have to agree with this because if tehnikhil actually played H5 he wouldn't even be thinking this line of thought. He probably hasn't even tried out the first chapter of h5.
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