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Everything posted by MelonGx

  1. Sorry I have no spare Yellow Papers to help you for that. Though I can purchase one easily on the auction sites.
  2. 1. Gameplaywise, Gaius x Sumia is the worst pair-up for Sumia since it wastes Gaius's Str mod and Pegasus Knight class to daughter. It also weakens Cynthia's Meg. And Vantage is less practical without a Sorcerer class which Gaius!Cynthia can't learn. 2. Dark Flier. However, a Sage is better if you don't really want Dark Flier's movement.
  3. The topic owner had said that he wanted to go to the outrealm after Ch.4 so I posted this suggestion.
  4. Actually +Def is not a necessary mod for DLC/Logbook enabled runs due to the Frederick Emblem. If you want your Lunatic+ to be a final post-game data, +Def has the worst modding efficiency on Morgan for Apotheosis, unless you're making Kellam!Nah!Morgan. For Frederick Emblem, I suggest Frederick to gain his Spd every level-up for making his Spd enough to double-hit all enemies by pairing Chrom/Avatar on Ch.3. (Edit) Well, it's a problem that you can't go Frederick Emblem if you choose Water Trick. For the Water Trick Emblem, +Def is do better.
  5. For tanking, Vantage + something.For being attacker, Tomefaire, Luna/Ignis, Aggressor, Galeforce.
  6. Both had fun. Choosing FeMU is more challengeable while you planned marrying Chrom with Olivia in Lunatic / +.
  7. You can switch Libra to Kellam if you want a Luna access for Inigo. Libra makes Inigo a perfect Nosferatu Tank and a Galeforced Mire user's combination for in-game usage, and Sage for Apo. But his output deeply relies on Vantage/Vengeance which is not so easy to handle as Luna in Apo. Though it's more reliable than Luna in-game. For being a Galeforced support unit, both Kellam!Inigo and Libra!Inigo can do it well.
  8. For Gerome being a pure supporter: Vaike/Gregor/Henry 50(Berserker) + 7/6/5(Mods) + 10(LB) + 10(Rallies) + 10(Aggressor) + 5(Axefaire) + 2(All+2) + 2(Tonic) + 17~19(Brave Axe) = 111~115 Stahl/Virion/Ricken(what? 48(Warrior) + 6/4/3(Mods) + 10(LB) + 10(Rallies) + 10(Aggressor) + 5(Bowfaire) + 2(All+2) + 2(Tonic) + 17(Brave Bow) = 107~110 Others 48(Warrior) + 4~6(Mods) + 10(LB) + 10(Rallies) + 10(Aggressor) + 2(All+2) + 2(Tonic) + 17(Brave Bow) = 103~105 You can have 2 more MT for equipping Str+2. You can have 4 more MT for a Barracks boost. For Nah being a pure supporter: Vaike 50(General) + 5(Mods) + 10(LB) + 10(Rallies) + 5(Axefaire) + 2(All+2) + 2(Tonic) + 17~19(Brave Axe) = 101~103 Stahl 48(Great Knight) + 4(Mods) + 10(LB) + 10(Rallies) + 5(Swordfaire) + 2(All+2) + 2(Tonic) + 14~18(Brave Sword) = 95~99 Frederick/Kellam 50(General) + 3~4(Mods) + 10(LB) + 10(Rallies) + 2(All+2) + 2(Tonic) + 17~19(Brave Axe) = 94~97 Others 46(Sage) + 0~4(Mods) + 10(LB) + 10(Rallies) + 5(Tomefaire) + 2(All+2) + 2(Tonic) + 11(Celica's Gale) = 86~90 You can have 2 more MT for equipping Str+2/Meg+2, 4 more MT for a Barracks boost too. For ORKO Secret Apo's pricipal enemy units with 4 hits of Dual Strike:
  9. Oh! It's horrible. I have never tried a NA/EU version yet since my friends and I had only FE:A JPN games. Feel sorry for just posting JPN version's condition in my previous post. This seemed not happening on JPN version. But it's being worse that my JPN game is just able to tag JPN team only from any HomePass's MAC.
  10. Just buy Champions of Yore 3 and Roster Rescue if available. Not recommended buying a whole pack.
  11. No, it won't. My friends and I have tested streetpassing DLC character enhanced FE:A (JPN) teams on some 3DS consoles with no DLC purchased. The teams were tagged properly. The only thing to be lost is the DLC character's portrait won't be displayed if the 3DS console hasn't had that DLC. And a randomly generated one is just appeared from tagging a same opponent twice before I beat/dismissed him/her in my condition. Backing to the topic. All my female characters and male Galeforce characters are used as Nostanks for performing LTC, except Est and Palla. Est has poor Meg and no attractive skills for StreetPass. So I still left her untrained. Palla has Rally Str. and Counter which makes her both a good Rallybot and a good StreetPass unit. So I mainly treated her as a Falcon Knight for several purposes, such as a Rallybot, a Staffbot, a deliverer, or even an auxiliary attacker. Falcon Knight also has the highest Skl from all the flying classes so it's good to make Palla a Kamikaze unit - Brave Lance x { Counter + Lethality/Luna (+ Miracle) }. MODEDIT: good morning please don't doublepost
  12. That reminds me Ricken!Owain has no enough Spd to 4x attack to Apo's Berserker without a +6 pairing bonus. So it seems that changing the pairs to Owain x Lucina and Inigo x Nah will be better. Maiden!Lucina @ Bride gives +7 Spd to make Ricken!Owain's Spd over 69. (Edit) If switched Owain to Dual Strike side, Lucina @ Bride should have at least a Spd Tonic boost or All+2 to reach Spd 69. It's still pratical.
  13. That reminds me this graph. I'll post the original URL later when I'm able to use my PC. It has been come out for about 2 weeks. (Edit) I'm sorry that it's difficult to find old posts in the Miiverse so I gave up to find the original URL of this graph.
  14. Thanks. I'm trying to go Owain (Sage) x Nah (Manekete?) Inigo (Dark Knight?) x Lucina (Bow Knight?) Yarne (Berserker) x Noire (Sniper?) Laurent (Sage) x Cynthia (Dark Flier)
  15. Whether the DLCs are worth your money or not depends on how do you treat them. Some DLC are still good at being a tool to help you pass through the game progress, e.g. Golden Gaffe.
  16. Thanks ; ] I gave her Counter. Question 4: I made another progress with Chrom x Maiden for 19 pairs in total which can be viewed in logbook. Need a suggestion for pairing the following 2nd gen children - a twin-Galeforce with a Galeforce-less pair, or 4 single Galeforce pairs? Boys: Ricken!Owain Libra!Inigo Frederick!Yarne Lon'qu!Laurent Girls: Maiden!Lucina Henry!Cynthia Gaius!Noire Kellam!Nah
  17. Another question: Is Henry!Cynthia worth to get a Rally Strength?
  18. Chrom x Sumia: A Stahl x Sully: C Gaius x Cordelia: B Donnel x Nowi: A Libra x Tharja: B Vaike x Lissa: C Ricken x Maribelle: B Gregor x Olivia: D Frederick x Sabine: Depends on your Avatar's Asset/Flaw Virion x Cherche: C Lonqu x Miriel: A Kellam x Panne: B A: Supports that expand children's career a lot and make them more tactical. B: Supports that narrow skill or class's choice or waste some classes, but still provide good skillsets. C: Supports that waste parents' skill or class and do nothing better in children's main career. D: Worst tier. All the parents' classes are overlapped. Well, even it's a D tier, Gregor!Inigo still works good at being a Vantage/Sol land mine which can make the game progress much easier.
  19. For being an ATed bow user, Donnel!Noire is good but you have to find another alternative choice for Kjelle. Vaike!Noire lacks of Galeforce and a Sniper does need a Galeforce. MaMU!Noire solves all the above problems though. P.S. Many thanks to Duck and Czar_Yoshi for answering my previous questions.
  20. Q: Donnel!Kjelle: Counter or Underdog for StreetPass?
  21. Uh oh.....There's already a better strategy for non-DLC-skill LTC.
  22. If DLC skills are available, the LTC becomes a piece of cake. I'm considering the following 3 patterns for a non-DLC-skill run. Besides all the above, there's still another method here: Any other ideas?
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