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Everything posted by MelonGx

  1. Valkyrie!Donnel!Kjelle 's firepower really sucks. I use her on Apo SR LTC because she has a native Deliverer. Skillset: LB,Luna,Deliverer,All+2,Gale ATK: 42-1+10+10+2+2+11=75 VS Boss Berserker in the front (with a Sage at the back): [Full Power] Int[int[(75+9-58)/2]/2]*A + Int[int[(75+9-58+RoundUp(55/2))/2]/2]*(4-A) = 24~52 [2-hit] Int[int[(75+9-58)/2]/2]*B + Int[int[(75+9-58+RoundUp(55/2))/2]/2]*(2-B) = 12~26 VS Boss Berserker at the back: [Full Power] Int[(75-58)/2]*2A = 16A = 0~64 [4-hit] Int[(75-58)/2]*2B = 16B = 0~32 A={0,1,2,3,4} B={0,1,2} Comparing with DF!Henry!Cynthia in LB/Luna/TF/Mov+1/Gale, Cynthia has 7 MT higher, which deals 2 more damage per hit in the front, or 4 more damage per hit at the back (aka. 8 more damage per DS activating). So here is DF!Henry!Cynthia's VS Boss Berserker data: [Front, Full Power] 32~60 [Front, 2-hit] 16~30 [back, Full Power] 0~96 [back, 4-hit] 0~48 Typical Sage (Mag+0, LB/Agg/TF/Luna/Gale)'s VS Boss Berserker data: [Front, Full Power] 44~72 [Front, 2-hit] 22~36 [back, Full Power] 0~144 [back, 4-hit] 0~72
  2. Yes. It took me 3 months to finish it. I don't want to repeat it on other carts anymore and gonna try the save dumping & duplicating method instead of it. But I failed on decrypting my dumped save. If I can't decrypt and re-encrypt the save, then the dumped save is unable to be restored on a different cart.
  3. It's OK for ordinary use. It's not enough to survive on DLC Apotheosis with no Limit Breaker.
  4. Actually I have a file in harem mode that all girls are single and having A support with MaMU.In this condition I have to think about feasibilities of using A-support in-game Double-Gales or full Einherjars. For the RNG, the more other units' actions remain, the more retry we can do. I think the Wave 5's RNG manipulation won't be harder than Prologue NM's LTC, which requires a 20% DS to be popped 3 times with few other units' actions to manipulate RNG.
  5. If I play Casual, I can manipulate the RNG to avoid the failure of Wave 5's Einherjar vs Sorcerer, which decreases essential in-game pairs to only 1 pair. Theoretically, it's full Einherjar available by manipulating RNG to make Dual Strike activating 3 times on Boss Berserker.
  6. Just gonna ask if there's someone using HomePass? It enables you spread your team worldwide. But unfortunately FE:A StreetPass is region locked. I have only JPN and EUR games, but no USA version.
  7. Supposed that all Einherjar Valkyries are +Mag -Def, and they're paired. Skillset is LB, TF, Gale, Luna, Lifetaker. All eats HP, Magic, Skill, Speed Tonic. Then the forward Valkyrie's MT = 42+4+10+10+5+2+11+6=90. The backward's MT = 42+4+10+10+5+2+11=84. The formula of enemy unit's Res requirement (except for the HP>80 units) is: (90-x)/2/(Aegis+)*4+(84-x)/2*2*(DS pops)+RoundUp(x/2)/2/(Aegis+)*(Luna pops)=80. If no DS and Luna activated, enemy had Aegis+, then x=10. If no DS and Luna activated, enemy hadn't got Aegis+, then x=50. If both DS and Luna activated once, enemy had Aegis+, then x=50. If both DS and Luna activated once, enemy hadn't got Aegis+, then x=66. If the target is flying unit, MT = MT + 18. Since all enemy flying units have Aegis+, if nothing activated, then x=28. If both DS and Luna activated once, then x=69. If the target is Anna or Boss Berserker (HP 99), the formula will change into: (90-x)/2/(Aegis+)*4+(84-x)/2*2*(DS pops)+RoundUp(x/2)/2/(Aegis+)*(Luna pops)=99. Anna's 4-hit threshold is Spd.75, Boss Berserker's is Spd.69. Spd of paired Einherjars: Valkyrie/Valkyrie: 72 Valkyrie/Sage: 70 Sage/Valkyrie: 68(DLC Seliph)/71(Jamka/Jeffar)/75(Camus) ---------- For the units who have no Aegis+, only Wave 3 Paladin, Wave 4 Sage, Wave 3/5 Sorcerers and Anna have their Res>50. So we can ORKO all non-Aegis+ units (except those mentioned above) with no risk. For the units who have Aegis+, only Wave 3 Paladin*4, Boss Sniper and Boss Berserker have their Res>50. For Wave 3 Paladin and Wave 4 Sage, they're both having 50<Res<66. So we can ORKO all Aegis+ units (except those mentioned above) and Wave 3 Paladin + Wave 4 Sage by gambling both Dual Strike and Luna activated once. (You have 4 chances to gamble it in each battle, with a 61% Luna and 49.75% DS.) For Wave 3 Paladin*4 who have Aegis+, you need to gamble 1 DS & 2 Luna for ORKO each of them. But actually you have lots of free units to help the ORKO on Wave 3. So it's not enough to be a large problem. For Boss Sniper, x=46, but his 4-hit threshold is Spd 75 that is too high to achieve with most units. So the formula will change into: (90-x)/2/(Aegis+)*2+(84-x)/2*2*(DS pops)+RoundUp(x/2)/2/(Aegis+)*(Luna pops)=80. Put x=46 into formula: (90-46)/2/2*2+(84-46)/2*2*(DS pops)+RoundUp(46/2)/2/2*(Luna pops)=80 38(DS pops)+5(Luna pops)=58 We need the following pattern to ORKO him: 2/2 DS + 0~2/2 Luna That's pretty unreliable. So send in-game pairs or Sage!Camus/Valkyrie instead. But actually you have some free units to help the ORKO on Wave 2 and Wave 5. So Boss Sniper is not enough to be a large problem by comparing with Sorcerers, Boss Berserker and Anna. For Boss Berserker, x=55+3. Put it into formula: (90-58)/2/2*4+(84-58)/2*2*(DS pops)+RoundUp(55/2)/2/2*(Luna pops)=99 26(DS pops)+7(Luna pops)=67 We need the following pattern to ORKO him: 3~4/4 DS + 0~2/4 Luna 2/4 DS + 3~4/4 Luna That's pretty unreliable. So send in-game pairs instead. For Anna (x=55+3), if send Sage!Camus(MT=94)/Valkyrie to beat her, then: (94-58)/2*4+(84-58)/2*2*(DS pops)+RoundUp(55/2)/2*(Luna pops)=99 26(DS pops)+14(Luna pops)=27 We need the following pattern to ORKO her: 2~4/4 DS + 0/4 Luna 1/4 DS + 1/4 Luna 0/4 DS + 2~4/4 Luna That's worth gambling. But to be noticed that Anna has high Spd and Lck, accuracy becomes a large problem to affect the ORKO stability. And it's not only happened on Einherjars, but also on in-game characters. Sorcerer is a special case since their Lck 70~99 makes their Hit & Avo extremely high, Nosferatu (+ Luna/Vengeance + Hawkeye + Miracle) increases their dynamic HP. Miracle also prevents your Galeforce being activated from your 4th hit without Dual Strike. All these factors make Einherjar vs Sorcerer unreliable. ---------- Conclusion: By using Einherjar Valkyrie & Galeboy Sage troop, you can: 1) Defeat all non-Aegis+ except Wave 3 Res.57 Paladin, Wave 4 Res.55 Sage, and Wave 3/5 Sorcerers without any risk. 2) Defeat the Paladin and Sage, and all Aegis+ except principal bosses by gambling activating Dual Strike once, Luna once or twice. 3) Defeat Boss Sniper and Anna with Sage!Camus/Valkyrie, hit boost, each of DS and Luna activation. You can't: 1) Defeat Sorcerers and Boss Berserker with low risk.
  8. Actually Einherjar Valkyries are pratical enough for all SR Apo units except Boss Sniper, all Sorcerers, Boss Berserker and Anna.(and maybe Tricksters, Paladins, Soldiers, Sages with bad luck that no DS has been popped within 4 forward attacks) Children have more output by the high DS rate but they need decent pair-ups, which has less compatibility to every challenger. That's why I don't mention them without necessary. So does eating Boots on in-game characters. Unlike feeding Boots to Einherjars, feeding Boots to in-game characters consumes Boots and it's not reversible. P.S. With the Mov.10 rule, the best children for Apo SR LTC is not generated by canon pairs. Here is a list of Female Galeforce + Luna + Deliverer + DF/Valkyrie: FeMU FeMorgan FeMU!Lucina MaMU/Gaius/Donnel!Kjelle MaMU/Frederick!Cynthia <-- Well, Chrom/Henry!Cynthia is acceptable if we can adjust her to #2 on Wave 4. MaMU/Frederick!Severa MaMU!Noire <-- This one is highly recommended since you'll have two Mag+8 x GF+Luna+Deliverer+Tomefaire MaMU!Nah If Vengeance is proved to be acceptable, then we still have: Aversa Virion/Lon'qu!Severa I don't discuss in-game Gale-boys because they have only Dark Knight to match the Mov.10 rule. But well, if I consider about that, the available children will be: MaMorgan MaMU!Owain MaMU/Frederick!Inigo MaMU/Frederick/Virion/Lon'qu!Brady P.S.2 The post you Google-translated is just the guide made by yourself. Actually I was referencing #21 - the second response on that page, posted by 天照之火. The Valkyrie method is created from him. I just performed and tried to make it as specific as possible.
  9. Virion!Severa: 48+10+5+2+2+2+10=79 Sniper bonus: 8 Lon'qu!Laurent: 43+10+5+2+2+10=72 Total: 159 100% Threshold: 160 99.75% sounds not bad. But you may have an experience of Aversa's Night's durability dropping from 10 to 9 with LCK 49's Armsthrift during a Risen battle. So I can't say it's stable enough. Then I suggest you go.....Gerome / Yarne / Laurent. +Def MUs have an inferior power of both MU herself and Morgan. But pure Dual Strikers don't care how much power the forward unit has because of the output ranking by source: DualStrike > Luna/Vengeance > Forward attacker's native power.
  10. What's your FeMU's Asset and Flaw? If +Str, then go Gerome. If +Mag/+Spd, then go magic Galeforce boys. BTW, the reason Laurent need Vantage is to marry Lucina for VV+CelicasGale+100%DualStrike combo. If Lucina has been married with someone else, then Laurent's Vantage becomes optional, since no Sage can have 100%DS without DualStrike+.
  11. AT, LB, VV, Gale It's my standard set for any unit to be used in non-Apo. Only change VV into Aggressor + Tomefaire if I need to increase Mire's MT.
  12. @Czar_Yoshi: 1) With full boost, Spd is not a big problem even on SR Wave 5's Anna side. The three requires 69-75-69 to double-hit and it is not such difficult for canon DF/Sage Double-Gales to achieve. For DF to reach Spd.69, she just needs neutral Spd with Tonic & All+2. For Sage to reach Spd.75, he just need +3 Spd with Tonic, or +1 Spd with both Tonic and All+2. 2) For DF/Sage Single-Gale, switching back DF on their 2nd hit is acceptable, even it decreases the pair's movement on next turn.
  13. This Severa has 48 Str, which equals to Mag.42 magic attackers by that calculation, is able to compete with Dark Fliers. It's OK. BTW, this also reminds me Gaius!Kjelle will be better than Donnel!Kjelle for this purpose because of the Spd+5 mod. 100% Dual Strike without Lucina is generally locked to Sniper/Assassin/Hero's combinations. Even having married with Virion!Yarne, the entire best DS booster except Morgan, his wife still requires at least +3 Skl mod on Sniper/Assassin (+5 Skl mod on Hero) to achieve 100% in full boost. And Sniper(Assassin/Hero)/Sniper's output does not high enough.
  14. Still another case to make it happen: The enemy unit was defeated by player unit's Counter skill, but not the unit's attack.
  15. Stahl x Sumia is impossible. If you don't want to modify Henry x Maribelle, then keep the 3 pairs I mentioned is OK.
  16. A special building for Double Duel: Army of Shadow 's LTC (No DLC skills) Class: Warrior Skills: Counter, Bowfaire, Hit+20, Vengeance, Miracle Generally it's available for all male Einherjars and female Counters (Warrior -> General, Bowfaire -> Lancefaire).
  17. Gregor x Panne: Good mods, but Barbarian class overlapped. Yarne doesn't need Gregor's Vantage on postgame, but someone else does. At these two points Frederick is better. Frederick x Sumia: Bad mods on Magic and Speed, but Frederick is the only father except MU to give Cynthia Deliverer, which makes her movement insane. If you don't care about boosting Cynthia's movement, then Henry is better. Ricken x Miriel: Generally, Laurent is one of the children who cares about Vantage. But since you have married Lucina with MU, your Laurent doesn't need it at all. So it's OK on your situation. It's impossible.
  18. I'm adding some points to the previous page's discussion: 1) Secret Apo's enemies have an average of 3.333 difference between Def and Res. If removed 33 Res>Def enemies, the rest have 9.594 average difference. According to this, by comparing with Sage, physical attackers should have 46+10-(17-11)=5250 basic Str to not to be inferior than magical attackers. Only GreatKnight/General/Warrior/Berserker/WyvernRider can provide a Str.50 with decent parent mods. But GK/General/WR's Spd are too awful to double-hit even a random soldier. Warrior/Berserker are male exclusive. That means no physical girls can have both hi-Str and hi-Spd. So I suggest always pairing female physical attackers with Gale-less boys. If making the girls to Double-Gale, then you'll have one battle with bad output on switching Physical!Girl backward each turn. 2) Vantage + Vengeance without Chrom and Lucina means unable to have 100% 6-hit before enemy's attack. It's not recommended on tanking Apo enemies. So VV is not such important on anyone who isn't Lucina's husband, except for special rule challenging which has to give up achieving 100% Dual Strike on VV. 3) Although Gale!Kjelle's magical output sucks, she is still acceptable to be magical. Kjelle's magical index: 41-5=36 (DF or Valkyrie, -5 for being lack of Tomefaire) Kjelle's physical index: 43-6=37 (Hero or Paladin, -6 for the calculation on 1) above) 4) Berserkers always need hit boost skills. Without any skill of them, they'll have only 80~90% on Sorcerer, Berserker, Anna with full rallies.
  19. 1. Recommending Youtube it instead of asking for it personally. 2. After gaining only 8EXP per kill, you'll gain 8EXP per kill on ANY map. So the more enemies exist, the weaker enemies are, the more efficient the map has.
  20. You can't use DLC Celica on StreetPass unless you're playing Japanese game. That makes her RFK meaningless. And unlike Shadowgifts and Male Galeforces, ordinary Mag+4 Female Galeforces don't make any improvement on LTC strategy except Apotheosis NM/SR's. But you have 8 Mag+4s and 3 Male Galeforces in SpotPass for free. Oh sorry, off topic. For the art, there're already a bunch of people have said that she's Lolica.
  21. Vaike!Gerome's Str+7 has been always rounded down to +6 in Apotheosis. Could you beat the scenario final boss without defensive skills/weapons like Sol, Aegis, Aversa's Night?If you could, then follow this way to make skillsets for postgame.
  22. Try to think of building a non-Galeforce team as possible. I wonder if the following is enough to be the worst optimization for this purpose: Chrom x Sully Lissa x Gaius Olivia x Gregor Maribelle x Stahl Sumia can't get married Cordelia x Henry Cherche x Lon'qu Panne x Donnel Miriel x Vaike Tharja x Frederick Nowi x ? MU x anyone who has an opposite mod of MU's asset Pass down Demoiselle or Lck+4 instead of Galeforce.
  23. Oh, the 67 was my calculating mistake. Thanks for the correction and extension.
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