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Everything posted by MelonGx

  1. http://www.datel-japan.co.jp/lineup/japanese/par/3dsparsave/title_list.html#title-06 Japanese version updates the code. Grima (weapon) & Ragnell (infinity version) are available. But making Save 1 to a specific L+ progress seems to be removed.
  2. Steps 1) EXPo - CoY3 - LB3 2) EXPo - LB3 3) Repeat 2 SpotPass is never usable anymore in L & L+.
  3. But since all StreetPass teams can't double, players are always sure win against them unless the StreetPass team pops at Prologue - which limits player's launch limit. This made the StreetPass team building a little bit worthless. Besides that, you can't use any SpotPass & DLC character in StreetPass unless you play Japanese version. This is caused by an unfixable bug which only exists in USA/EUR version.
  4. @shadowofchaos Animal Crossing is a CARD2 game which saves the savedata inside the ROM. So does Pokemon XY. The method of extracting CARD2 save is dump the ROM and use a CARD2 save extractor. But the save is encrypted either. FE:A is a traditional CARD1 game.
  5. 5000 JPY for DLC in main console (Don't wanna buy LB1 SB1 RaR1-2) 4000 JPY for 1 cart 10 GBP for DLC in a Gateway console
  6. Japanese version's Powersave has some other codes such as making your Save 1 to a specific Lunatic+ Ch.4 progress. It still lacks Renown 99999, all support logs, inserting DLC Einherjars to the Logbook, etc.
  7. About Vantage!Severa Initially Vantage is just for building a Nostank!Severa. But now it's not so important. +Skl -Lck It works on Manaketes. Manaketes for post-game The class lacks power in Apotheosis because Manaketes can't use 2-hit weapons. In other situations the Manakete class works fine.
  8. You can do a test of it. Use Second Seal or DLC class item to change the Logbook Avatar into a basic class. Then defeat a Lv.30 Risen at EXPonential Growth without equipping Paragon. If internal level isn't transferred, it's a level-up. If transferred, it's only 52? EXP in Lunatic or +.
  9. As the topic, this thread discusses sweeping Apotheosis enemies in enemy phase as many as possible by one pair & necessary helpers (at least a rallybot). Basic strategy: VVDS+ Vantage + Vengeance + Celica's Gale + 100% Dual Strike + enough power and accuracy to 6-hit KO enemies as many as possible - Vengeance provides at least 10~20 damage against Aegis+. - But since leading damage is seriously restricted by enemies' Aegis+, focusing boosting support side's Str/Mag while sacrificing leading side's Vengeance, such as Olivia!Lucina (single Vantage, no Vengeance) / Extreme Str/Mag Morgan-M, is also feasible. - Each +1 Str/Mag on support side provides +2 total damage in the 6-hit. - Each +1 Str/Mag on leading side provides +0.5 total damage against Aegis+ in the 6-hit. Performers: - Lucina - Lucina's husband - Rallybot - Chrom (x FeMU or Olivia only. The latter is unpractical.) Who will be the leader? - Lucina's husband: Default option, since most of the optimized Lucinas lack Vantage. - Lucina: Only FeMU!Lucina and Olivia!Lucina are available to be the leader. Sully!Lucina has Vantage but she has no Tome classes. - When Lucina's husband leads, Lucina is the only supporter and her output is restricted. - When Lucina leads, we can choose higher output supporters. Physical supporters are also exclusive here. Hit Problem: - Brave Axe users usually need Hit+20 and one more Hit+10 skill to ensure a 100% hit on Throne Berserker (see the enemy Avo database). --------------------------------- Some specific Q&A Why physical supporters > magical supporters when Lucina leads? - Physical supporters' max damage to Hi-Def > Magical supporters' max damage to Hi-Res. - The loss of Mag pair bonus is very low. Switching Sage to Berserker decreases 6 Mag on leading side = Only -3 damage against Aegis+. Difference of FeMU!Lucina and Olivia!Lucina: - FeMU!Lucina has Vengeance (+10~20) and Tomefaire (+2). But she loses Extreme Morgan access (+8). - Olivia!Lucina has Extreme Morgan access (+8) but lacks Vengeance (+10~20) and Tomefaire (+2). Any good Lucina's husband's leading options? - See Czar_Yoshi's analysis in another topic, or calculate it yourself. Rankings? - Under construction. ------------------------ Database Enemies theoretically cannot be tanked: - NM Wave 3/5 Longbows - SR Wave 1 Warriors - SR Wave 4 Mires if you're outside their moving range or your HP < their Mire's damage. The most difficult enemies to be 4-hit KOed from support side (Required-Physical-ATK/Required-Magical-ATK) - SR Wave 4 Berserker on the Throne (117/108) - SR Wave 5 Berserkers (114/105) - SR Wave 5 Anna (105/105) - SR Wave 2/5 Boss Sniper (110/86) - SR Wave 3/5 Boss Sorcerer (96/104) Enemies who have a high Avo: - SR Wave 4 Berserker on the Throne (148) - SR Wave 3/5 Boss Sorcerer (139) - SR Wave 5 Anna (137) - SR Wave 2/5 Boss Sniper (131) - SR Wave 5 Berserkers (128) More points going to be added here later.
  10. Support units never get hit. Leading units do. Lucina x Gerome: Lucina leads, Gerome supports. Lucina x Laurent: Laurent leads, Lucina supports. Kellam!Nah @ Manakete: Def.70 Res.62 Spd.46 Nah/Paladin!Yarne: Def.77 Res.65 Spd.53 Full Rallies, Tonics, All+2: Def.91 Res.79 Spd.67 Against Luna+: Def.45 Res.39 Spd.67 Always use rallies with a SpotPass character. Recommend using staves with a SpotPass character.
  11. Def is a bit useless in Apotheosis since: 1) All the effective strategies for Apotheosis makes your units all-out. 2) You only need 52 (if you have HP Tonic it's 48) to endure an Anna's Aether hit, which is achievable by any class with LB+rallies. Besides that, there is a reason to give Morgan-M more power than more other stats: +1 Str/Mag on support side gives +2 damage before enemy's counter attack. Back to pairings. Your 1st gen pairings are optimized (Though I'll suggest Stahl x Panne more than Frederick x Panne for covering Berserker!Yarne's poor accuracy). But 2nd gen pairings are unbalanced. Lucina x Gerome: Vaike!Gerome has a good support power but the power is not enough to tank some principal bosses due to the Aggressor's nullification on Enemy Phase. You can use the pair on Player Phase well but be aware of Berserker's accuracy, which is about 65% to Throne bosses, or 80% to other principal bosses. If you want to build a Vantage Tank, change Vaike!Gerome to Laurent because Laurent has Vengeance to increase the total output. Laurent/Lucina is still not enough to tank the principal bosses but they works on others very well and at least you'll never worry about support Berserker's poor accuracy. To judge whether the pair is able to be a Vantage Tank or not, you just need to calculate if the 2*lead+4*support total damage is enough to KO the Boss Berserker, Boss Sniper, LCK 99 Sorcerer and Anna. Also don't forget to ensure 100% hit. Brady x Cynthia: Good. Owain x Severa: Unbalanced. But since you have no more Tomefaire Gale-girls, if you want more double-gales for convenience, this pair is acceptable. Otherwise, switch it to Severa x Yarne & Owain x Nah. Morgan-M x Kjelle: OK. Nah x Yarne: Although Kellam!Nah has an insane Def, she still gets large hurt on Luna+ enemies. Others see Owain x Severa. Noire x Laurent: Noire lacks Tomefaire. Gregor!Laurent lacks power to deal a big damage on Hi-Res enemies. I'd suggest Noire x Gerome. Sniper!Noire: 41+2+5(BF)+10(Berserker support)=58 DF!Noire: 42+3+9(Sage support)+4(Magical's average advantage to physical)=58 They're equal but support Berserker's damage to Hi-Def is more than support Sage's damage to Hi-Res.
  12. First of all. 1) It is ultimately difficult to pair Chrom x Olivia in a FeMU no-grind playthrough. 2) +Def is never necessary for full grind L+ since you can reach Xenologues with Frederick Emblem and bypass MU. So if you're preparing for full grind L+, go -Def.
  13. Gerome's father who recognized to be good: Vaike(Berserker+7) has maximum Str. Gregor(Berserker+6) has Armsthrift. Henry(Berserker+5) has Anathema & Tomebreaker for a better hit. Stahl(Warrior+6 aka. Berserker+4) has Hit+20 & Prescience for a better hit. All the other fathers can't give Gerome a Str mod higher than Berserker+2. But well, there are 2 alternative choices - Ricken and Libra, who make Gerome Sage+2~3.
  14. BTW, the picture is outdated. Some of them need to be more optimized due to the Apotheosis DLC's out.
  15. Which device you're using? I have experienced with routers. But I don't know how to set USB Wireless APs & Android mobile phones. (iPhone doesn't support modifying AP mode's Wireless MAC so I would never talk about it.) If you are using a router with a DD-WRT firmware, then you can ask me for the setting. ------------------------- For the tags you can receive, I'll say not everyone shares a StreetPass data selling Second Seal. If you want it to be more pratical, you may need to change the MAC every 3 mins.
  16. Extension: Olivia!Lucina Dark Flier lead LB/V/DS+/GF/filler 42+1(mods)+10(LB)+10(Rallies)+2(Tonic)+11(Celica)+3(General Pairup)=79 ATK 41+3(mods)+10(LB)+10(Rallies)+2(Tonic)+3(General Pairup)=69 SKL 45+2(mods)+10(LB)+6(Rallies)+2(Tonic)+3(General Pairup)=68 LCK (69*3+68)/2+95+15(Dual Support)=247 HIT (If no Rally Skl, then 247-4*3/2=241.) VS Berserker: 247-128=119 (If it's Throne Berserker, then 119-20=99.) VS Anna: 247-137=110 VS Sniper: 247-135=112 VS Sorcerer: 247-139=108 VS Lck70-Sorc: 247-117=130 Vaike!Gerome!Morgan General support LB/Axefaire/All+2/AT/Hit+20 50+11(mods)+10(LB)+10(Rallies)+2(Tonic)+18(Brave Axe)+5(Axefaire)+2(All+2)=108 ATK 41+3(mods)+10(LB)+10(Rallies)+2(Tonic)+2(All+2)=68 SKL 45-1(mods)+10(LB)+6(Rallies)+2(Tonic)+2(All+2)=64 LCK (68*3+64)/2+75+20=229 HIT (If no Rally Skl, then 229-4*3/2=223.) VS Berserker: 229+10-128=111 (If it's Throne Berserker, then 111-20=91.) VS Anna: 229+10+15-137=117 VS Sniper: 229+10-135=104 VS Sorcerer: 229+10-139=100 VS Lck70-Sorc: 229+10-117=122 Damage=[(79-55)/2]/2*2+(108-64)/2*4=6*2+22*4=100>99 (If tanking Throne Berserker, then damage=[(79-58)/2]/2*2+(108-67)/2*4=5*2+20*4=90<99. In other word, we need both Str+2 and Barrack's Str+4 on VGM to 6HKO the Throne Berserker.) Throne's Avo boost is +20.
  17. Seems that I have calculated something wrong with either 9.15 or 9.594. But anyway, this is just a qualitative analysis. For the 33 Res>Def units, physical does have advantage. So we don't need to talk about them except only the enemies who cannot be 6HKOed by magical but available by physical - which is what I mentioned coming after. And yeah, I made another mistake on this thread's response. In The Pairing Thread I've already considered about CG & Braves' MT but I didn't do that here. So, physical classes has 17-11=6 weapon MT advantage than magical classes. Then it is: Berserker (50+6=56) = General (50+6=56) > Sage (46+9=55) > Warrior (48+6=54) = Great Knight (48+6=54) > Sorc (44+9=53) > Wyvern Lord (46+6=52) > Dark Flier (42+9=51) > Dark Knight (41+9=50) > Hero (42+6=48) = Paladin (42+6=48) > Dread Fighter (38+9=47) = Sniper (41+6=47) > Assassin (40+6=46).
  18. Ricken!Owain: His Spd mod is +1. With Dark Flier support, LB, Speed Tonic and full rallies, his Spd is 42(Sage)+1(mod)+10(LB)+10(rallies)+8(DarkFlier)+2(Tonic)=73. If you need him to double Anna, you are required to put an All+2 which forces you drop off his either Tomefaire or Luna. A Sage with Spd+3 mod will never have this problem. Henry!Cynthia: Her Spd mod is +4. With Sage support, LB, Speed Tonic and full rallies, her Spd is 42(DF)+4(mod)+10(LB)+10(rallies)+3(Sage)+2(Tonic)=71. Only equipping both All+2 and Spd+2 enables her to double Anna. But on the other hand, she will never have a problem to double Berserker.
  19. Magical & Physical: For average output, magical > physical. Apo SR Def >= Res enemies have an average 9.15 difference between Def and Res. According to this, Sage (46+9=55) > Sorc (44+9=53) > Dark Flier (42+9=51) > Berserker (50) = General (50) = Dark Knight (41+9=50) > Warrior (48) = Great Knight (48) > Dread Fighter (38+9=47) > Wyvern Lord (46). For maximum Dual Strike output, physical > magical. RLM @ support Sage (Mag.66, the entire highest Mag unit) are never able to 4-hit KO Apo enemies with the highest Res (Sorcerer, Berserker, Anna). But VGM @ support Berserker (Str.71, the entire highest Str unit) can 4-hit KO Apo enemies with the highest Def (Sniper, Berserker).
  20. http://gbatemp.net/threads/r4i-save-dongle-send-data-to-device-fail-on-windows-8-1.365812/
  21. First, confirm that your Save Dongle's FW is 1.3. If not, upgrade it. Second, make sure your OS is XP or Win7. Someone said that the software didn't work well on Windows 8.1. Then, prevent any bad contact. If all the above don't work, it might be driver problem. Use the Save Dongle on another PC. If it still don't work, then I have no idea. I have another backup hardware which comes much more later. It is: This can be much more reliable than Save Dongle I think. Because it's up to date.
  22. There is one Aegis+ Soldier has Def 65 Res 50. In my case, Libra!Inigo is a VV tank. Without TF, his ATK is 46+2+10+10+2+7+11=88. Native output is [(88-50)/4]*2=9*2=18. Lucina's output is [(84-65)/2]*4=36. Required total Vengeance output is 80-36-18=26. (80-HP)/8*2=26 HP=80-26/2*8=-24 So it fails. If he has TF, then his native output becomes [(93-50)/4]*2=20. It still changes nothing. (Edit) Wait, I didn't count Lucina's All+2 and Tonic. They change a lot. With these two, Lucina's output is increased to 44. Required total Vengeance output is decreased to 18. Required HP = 80-18/2*8 = 8. It's not impossible anymore.
  23. Just running Libra!Inigo / Bride!Maiden!Lucina. The pair has no enough power to 6-hit KO even the Apo SR Wave 4's Aegis+ Soldier.
  24. Berserker's hit: [(35+Mod+LB+Rallies+Tonic+All+2)*3+(45+Mod+LB+Rallies+Tonic+All+2)]/2+ForgedBraveAxeHit =[(35+4+10+10+2+2)*3+(45-1+10+14+2+2)]/2+75 =205 Enemies Avo: Anna: (70*3+65)/2+20=157 --- 205+10+15-157=73 Berserker: (64*3+65)/2=128 (+20=148 for Wave 4's) --- 205+10-128=87 (-20=67 for Wave 4's) Boss Sniper: (70*3+60)/2=135 --- 205+10-135=80 Boss Sorcerer: (60*3+99)/2=139 --- 205+10-139=76 Sorcerer: (55*3+70)/2=117 --- 205+10-117=98 That means Berserker needs Hit+33 for 100% hit everything, or Hit+24 for 100% hit non-throne bosses. If use breaker to deal with them, you need 4 breakers.
  25. I also have this hardware. I don't know why it can't backup MK7 properly. But it does not backup MK7 properly. It works on FE:A. It works on Rune Factory 4 too. But the dumped save's size is not correct - 1MB. Forgot to mention that since the save encryption hasn't been cracked, your dumped save is locked to its own cartridge.
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