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Everything posted by MelonGx

  1. Chrom x Olivia: Good for Inigo. Lucina lacks Tomefaire. (But there is another story that if Olivia!Lucina can do at least 10 damage per hit in the front, Olivia!Lucina/Vaike!Gerome!Morgan can tank the entire Apotheosis SR, without counting accuracy failures.) Frederick x Cherche: Gerome lacks Axefaire for General and Bowfaire for Warrior. Suggest switching Frederick to either of Vaike, Gregor, Stahl. Ricken x Miriel: Since you have Libra x Lissa, this is OK. Gaius x Tharja: Good. Kellam x Nowi: OK. Libra x Lissa: Good if you want Vantage+Vengeance Owain. OK if you don't make it intentionally. Personally I prefer Luna Owain to Vengeance Owain because Vengeance needs preperation but Luna doesn't. Sully: Since you used Gaius, Donnel is the only choice. Sumia: Pick up Henry. Panne: If you use Stahl on Cherche, then pick up Frederick. If you don't use Stahl on Cherche, then pick up Stahl. Maribelle: Lon'qu for the best mod. After that, let's see your children balance. Lucina: Physical > Magical Kjelle: Physical > Magical Cynthia: Magical Severa: Magical > Physical, but she needs physical class to play non-LB Apo runs which also requires Berserker husband Morgan-F: Magical > Physical, but she needs physical class to play non-LB Apo runs which also requires Berserker husband Noire: Physical > Magical Nah: Magical > Physical Owain: Magical Inigo: Physical Brady: Magical Gerome: Physical Yarne: Physical Laurent: Magical Generally it's balanced enough. But if you wanna play a non-LB Apo run, then you'll have 5 Physical girls which makes it pretty unbalanced. For ordinary usages: Owain x Severa / Morgan Inigo x Kjelle Brady x Cynthia Gerome x Noire / Lucina Yarne x Noire / Lucina Laurent x Severa / Morgan (Nah is benched) For non-LB Apo run: Owain x Lucina Inigo x Nah Brady x Cynthia Gerome x Severa Yarne x Morgan Laurent x Noire (Kjelle is benched)
  2. Stahl x Panne If Lissa, Olivia, Cordelia, Cherche, Miriel these 5 girls are all paired without Stahl, I'll suggest pairing Stahl x Panne and bench Panne's fiance (probably Frederick). Reason: Hard support Berserkers do need hit boost skills on Apo SR Sorcerers, Berserkers, Boss Sniper & Anna.
  3. That's not true. A Lv.1 DF/Bride with internal Lv.50 will still have 52? EXP on Lv.30 Risen without Paragon. It faded to 8 EXP on Lv.1x.
  4. Sometimes the Berserkers miss at those LCK 70~99 Sorcerers. You could use anything = True Do well = Not so true. It depends on player's standard. People in this thread believe that one-strike-KOing every unit is the most efficient method for ordinary Apotheosis runs. Pairing optimization is just for providing children to be available to one-strike-KO Apo enemies & making the one-strike-KO easier. So that's why people in this thread suggests achieving a basic skillset for all children such as Gale + Proc + suitable class + good mods (+Weaponfaire) for leading units, Weaponfaire + suitable class + good mods (+Agg) for pure supports, Vantage + Vengeance + Tome class (+Lucina as wife) for Apo Tanks, as their standard.
  5. I have already run a DLC grinding enabled L+ CLA with DEF flaw. The strategy is simply based on Frederick Emblem. All you need is RNG manipulating your Frederick's SPD growth on his every Lv UP. Frederick/Chrom should be available to double all enemies of Ch.3's first wave. After Ch.3, sell Supreme Emblem and buy a self-StreetPass MU from your 2nd 3DS console. If you don't have a 2nd 3DS console, buy a well-trained SpotPass unit instead. If you don't have either Renown 99999 or a well-trained SpotPass unit, then use Frederick Emblem and try your luck to beat Ch.4. Frederick Emblem only brings you to Ch.4, since Frederick isn't tough enough to tank the later chapters. But since you're gonna do the minmaxing in L+, only Frederick Emblem allows you choosing the -Def MU.
  6. Manakete will be good since without Braves you maximum hit during a battle will be dropped from 12-hits to 4-hits, which means you'll probably be counter-striked by the enemy and unable to 4HKO some enemies in Apo. In this case high defense/resistance becomes important.Wait. If 4-hits cannot KO some enemies in Apo, then the Galeforce+Luna for the all-out strategy becomes overrated. That means if Braves are prohibited, Galeforce and offensive procs will be less important if the unit can't 4HKO enemies. They will be taken place by some defensive skills. This makes the situation complicate. I'd suggest you do a backup save before you marry them and try the pairs you're interesting.
  7. Not using Braves just unlocks Manakete and Taguel. But all Manaketes and Taguels need MU to get both Luna and Galeforce, which doesn't change anything from those suggestions above.
  8. Cordelia - Sorcerer Armsthrift, LB, Vengeance, Galeforce, filler Only use non-Sorc classes on Apo.
  9. Only physical leading girls have a sight of 2nd weaponfaire because only leading girls have a free slot - LB, Luna, 1st weaponfaire, Galeforce, filler.But actually I never use even a 1st weaponfaire on physical girls because most enemies don't require it to be OHKOed when the girl is switched back. Dual Guard+ is acceptable. But your units never need it until their HP getting damaged, which is 2*(1-DS%)+(1-DS%)^2 chance per battle (the failure of double Dual Strike activation before enemy's counterattack).
  10. Stahl!Inigo = Chrom!Inigo without RFK. Ricken!Inigo is good but it takes Owain's best option. Libra!Inigo is good too. But by the Vengeance's inconvenience, Libra!Inigo is usually used as in-game Nostank or Apo VV tank rather than Hit & Away attacker.
  11. BTW, Gerome can be magical. 0 mod from mother, natural Sage & Tomefaire.
  12. A) Wyvern Lord is only worth with FEMALE units, since there are only 3 physical classes - Great Knight, General, Wyvern Lord - for female are able to achieve a basic Str 42+6=48 - a threshold to make the female unit's physical power not to be inferior to neutral Dark Flier's magical power in Apo. If a female unit doesn't need a high physical power, she has many classes to choose - Hero, Sniper, Assassin, Paladin, Great Lord ..... etc. For Gerome, he has natural Warrior so he doesn't need Wyvern Lord. But since he lacks all physical weaponfaires, you must give him a father with a physical weaponfaire in order to make his power ideally. Vaike: +7 Berserker Gregor: +6 Berserker Henry: +5 Berserker Stahl: +6 Warrior/GK (aka. +4 Berserker) Frederick: +6 General without weaponfaire (aka. +1 Berserker) Q: Why compare with a Dark Flier? A: 1) All magical 2nd-gen leading girls have Dark Flier. 2) Nobody uses a magical class inferior to Dark Flier. Here are some stats to help you choosing Nah's father: Vaike!Nah (pass Axefaire) General - Str.55 (7 superior to neutral Dark Flier, 3 superior to neutral Sage, lacks Spd bonus) Hero - Str.47 (1 inferior to neutral Dark Flier) Sage - Mag.46 Gregor!Nah (pass Axefaire) Wyvern Lord - Str.50 (2 superior to neutral Dark Flier, 2 inferior to neutral Sage, lacks Spd bonus) Hero - Str.46 (2 inferior to neutral Dark Flier) Sage - Mag.47 Valkyrie - Mag.43 (has Spd bonus, but this class's hit sucks.) Kellam!Nah (for reference) General - Str.53 (same as neutral Dark Flier because NO Lancefaire/Axefaire, 4 inferior to neutral Sage) Sage - Mag.48 * That means, without BOTH General and Axefaire, Nah's magical output is always superior to her physical output. Only Vaike can achieve it. -------------------------------------------- B) In hard mode's non-Apo, the enemies are all inferior to your capped units. So you don't need too much power. I'll suggest Aether + Sol + Galeforce + RFK + Vantage. No weaponfaires & offensive procs unless you're going to beat the scenario's final boss. For an offensive strategy like Hit & Away, drop Sol and Vantage, put Luna to cooperate with Aether and one weaponfaire (or All+2) to enhance your power. 2 weaponfaires is only worth with leading your Lucina and battling with both Aegis+ and Pavise+ enemies, who are only existed in Apo. If you want to put Dual Strike+, drop anyone you don't think it's important.
  13. Vantage!Laurent Stahl - Vantage only Lon'qu - Vantage, higher Mag Skl Spd Gregor - Vantage, Armsthrift MaMU/Gaius - Vantage, nullify his Peg.Knight passdown
  14. Already done it but never wanna do it once more. It's so much boring.
  15. Vantage on Severa = Tank Tanking on non-Apo = Main strategy but Tanking on Apo = Not as easy to handle as Hit & Away
  16. @Czar_Yoshi Once you have a cart, the 2nd method works on the cart perfectly. You just need to register your cart's StreetPass Team on a target console before it get tagged with your existed console. Unfortunately, for the DL copy you have to use the formatting method on the DL-unexisted console. If it isn't a blank 3DS I'll not recommend it because the formation makes all your DL saves & network bundling nullified and all DL softs should be re-download, whose size will be over dozens of gigabytes.
  17. You won't have anything important on your 2nd 3DS, will you?P.S. Without formatting 2nd 3DS, we still can buy items infinitely with the following method: Buy 3DS-A team's items -> quit game & put the cart into 3DS-B -> buy 3DS-B team's items -> quit game & put the cart back into 3DS-A -> repeat these operations P.S.2 If having HomePass, we can receive a same remote tag synchronously on several 3DS consoles.
  18. Don't forget formatting 3DS. It makes you tag 1 person per 10 mins.
  19. I would only choose buying a 2nd 3DS console for self-StreetPassing to get those early-game exclusive items infinitely.
  20. Weaknesses: 55% Sol: 1) Failure of not activating Sol 2) Weaponbreakers + 1 or Proc 3) Pavise / Aegis + Vengeance 4) Lethality 100% Sol: 1) Tomebreaker + Proc 2) Aegis + Vengeance 3) Lethality VV: 1) Tomebreaker 2) Aegis 3) Counterbomb Lethality / Counterbomb can be covered by PP actions. Aegis / Breakers can be covered by Dual Strike. Lacking Sol activation is uncoverable.
  21. That 100% Avo duel sounds great but to make the duel not to be disturbed by other enemy units is a problem. And the most difficult unit to defeat by Einherjars is not Anna or Boss Sniper, but the Sorcerers and Boss Berserkers.
  22. Wait, is it no marriage or no double? If it's no double, then I have said nothing.
  23. No pairup no grind is available even in L+ (+Def MaMU is the easiest way to achieve it) since the basic strategy does not require it.
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