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Everything posted by MelonGx

  1. For the nearest problem, such as facing up strong enemies with poor level and stats, then passing defensive skills like Renewal is OK. But to be noticed that all non-exclusive skill passing would limit the child's final usage. Here is a list of exclusive skill passers: (Mother to son) Lissa Olivia Maribelle Cherche FeMU Panne Miriel (Father to daughter) MaMU Vaike Gaius Gregor Henry Donnel (Mother to daughter) Olivia (LCK+4)
  2. Aether. Severa!Morgan has nothing but Spd. Aether!Morgan has not only enough Spd for non-LB Apo but also Aether's average output boost. But to be noticed that Aether+Luna has less activation than single Luna if your Skl is over 67.
  3. Some perfectionists would rather say Bullion(M) is the most important one because the total amount of Bullion(M) is limited. I have intentionally worked on it and proved that getting Bullion(M) within 1 turn regardless of difficulty is available. The guide generally uses the following idea: Even you're not playing LTC, it's quite enough to achieve those items. Wish that will help you. For passing down wrong skill, it's always a fatal mistake. You can just remind yourself not to do it anytime, anywhere.
  4. I'm just interesting in what is the cap of stored item lol xD
  5. Storing 1000+ Bullion(S) in the convoy has been proved. But how about 10000+?
  6. Special pairings: 1) Virion x Panne Make Yarne the best Dual Strike % booster in Sniper class, which makes a 100% Dual Strike pair without Chrom and Lucina available. 2) Lucina x Anyone who has Vantage+Vengeance 100% Dual Strike to 6-hit KO any enemy unit (except counterbombs) in Apotheosis's enemy phase. A ranking of Fred / Virion / Stahl x Panne Berserker usage: Fred (Str+5) = Stahl (Str+5) > Virion (Str+3) DS% Booster usage: Virion (Required wife Skl mod +3) > Stahl (+4) > Fred (+6)
  7. You know the true meaning of it XD? (hint: it's not Japanese but Chinese.)
  8. Oh the video answered my question which is going to be asked. I haven't realized that I don't need anyone to be put on either of slot 15~19 which required seperation. Slot 1~2 is quite enough for the start to reach the nearest enemy. (Edit) BTW, Normal Prologue is theoretically available to be finished in 2 turns. But it requires 3 Dual Strikes or Critical Hits to be activated in Turn 2: Chrom and Fred vs. Mage in PP, MU and Fred vs. Boss and full-HP Barbarian in EP. (It has already been discussed in the NM LTC post...)
  9. @Chiki I just found my captures about the reposition of doubled units. But it's JPN game. You can see the backward units' order numbers are not counted.
  10. There are no big difference between marrying this Owain and this Brady. So flip a coin to choose one of both. You can try another alternative choice: FeMU x Laurent and Lucina x Morgan. But there are two problems that (1) VV!Laurent cannot have 100% DS (2) if you treat Morgan as a VVer his Galeforce may be wasted.
  11. LTC = Low Turn Count Works for all difficulties. No handicap. [Paralogues] 01: 1 02~05: 1 06: 1 07: 1 08: 1 09: 1 10: 1 11: 1 12: 1 13: 1 14: 1 15: 1 16: 1 17: 1 18: 1 19: 1 20: 1 21: 1 22: 1 23: 1 [DLC] Champions of Yore 1~3: 1 The Golden Gaffe: 1 EXPonentional Growth: 2 Infinite Regalia: 1 Lost Bloodlines 1~3: 1 Smash Brethren 1~3: 1 Rogues and Redeemers 1~3: 1 Death's Embrace: 1 Five-Anna Firefight: 1 Roster Rescue: 5 The Future Past 1: 1 The Future Past 2: 1 The Future Past 3: 1 Harvest Scramble: 1 Summer Scramble: 1 Hot-Spring Scramble: 1 Apotheosis: 1(Wave 0) 5(NM) 6(SR) There're already some posts talking about it. For I know, lots of SpotPass Valkyries/DarkFliers and some in-game pairs are required. Seperate all paired units before SR Wave 4's resetting is also required. I'll post my own conclusion several weeks later. Here are my own conclusions: (Edit) NM (beta version) (Edit) SR (beta version) Recommended Einherjars: For other people's LTC guides, click LTC tag.
  12. I've never used Pass on Apo with regular buildings. What we need Sniper for Apo is that (1) using bows to avoid melee attacking on enemy counter (2) range 3. Stats are not such important since the main output comes from Berserker and Luna/Vengeance. BTW, both Sniper and Assassin's output suck, even equipping a Bowfaire. But there are no female forward physical classes can be better than these two. Hero is limited for melee combat. Bride has worse Spd and non-physical bonus when switched to backward.
  13. The best class for Stahl!Severa is either Assassin or Sniper. Throw a Berserker and a Spd+2/All+2/Tonic to Sniper!Stahl!Severa, rally the pair, she'll have 75 Spd to double attack and ORKO Anna with Longbow. But Virion!Severa does it better since she'll have a native 75 Spd. Lon'qu!Severa doesn't achieve the Sniper usage. But by throwing her a Berserker, she has a high enough Spd to double non-boss enemies without either rally or Limit Breaker.
  14. 1) If he wants Armsthrift on Laurent, Gregor is the only choice. 2) Vantage + Vengeance can be forward. For Miriel, Stahl: Just provides a Vantage. Lon'qu: Vantage and Mag+4 Spd+5. Throw a Dark Flier and rally the pair, Lon'qu!Laurent will have a native 75 Spd to double anything. Gregor: Vantage and Armsthrift.
  15. Mire would never be good in Apotheosis, but was always good in any other stage. Sorc (AT,LB,Gale,VV or AGG+TF) Mire,AN FK (AT,LB,Gale,Mov+1,Deliverer) Gradius,Rescue DF (AT,LB,Gale,Shadowgift,Deliverer) Mire,CG are the canon buildings for LTC. But unfortunately, even you have 3 Shadowgifts in Movement 11, you cannot 1-turn The Golden Gaffe by AI-moving, without a manual rescue.
  16. Cordelia x Vaike: It's OK for Severa's basic usage, but no more extension. For Severa's extending usage, she need either of the following things: (1) Vantage to be VV tank for non-Apotheosis use (2) Tomefaire to make Severa's Dark Flier useful since magical output > physical output in average on Apotheosis (3) Lancebreaker & Spd+5 to be able to perform a non-DLC-skill challenge on Apotheosis, and much more convenient for common play that she could battle with the Apo enemies without rally. FeMU x not only Virion but also all the other 1st Gen, is much more awful than marrying Chrom. Since at least Chrom provides an Armsthrifted Lucina, and one more 100% Dual Strike single Galeforce pair, but other 1-gens give absolutely no benefits.
  17. The price is dropped to 9,080 yen on Amazon JP. However, I won't have it either, since I don't trust PVC's chemical stability.
  18. Has Virion!Yarne already been discussed? I calculated the 100% Dual Strike threshold for Sniper(Assassin)/Virion!Yarne@Sniper. Virion!Yarne's wife should have Skl+3 or higher if she just equipped LB. Skl+1 if she had All+2. The formula: (100-60)*4 = [48(Sniper)+5(mods)+10(LB)+10(rallies)+2(All+2)+2(Skl+2)+2(Tonic)] +8(Sniper's duel bonus) + [48(Sniper/Assassin)+X(mods)+10(LB)+10(rallies)+2(Tonic)] 160 = 79 + 8 + (70+X) = 157+X X = 3 Available common wives' X: Stahl!Severa: 4 Lon'qu!Severa: 6 Ricken!Severa: 3 Chrom!Cynthia: 4 Donnel!Kjelle: 2 Gaius!Kjelle: 5 Donnel!Noire: -1 Gaius!Noire: 2 Lucina!Morgan: 3~4 (supposed MaMU is +Mag -Def) Lon'qu!Severa!Morgan: 8 (supposed MaMU is +Spd -Def) FeMU(+Str/+Spd): 2 FeMU(+Skl): 4 Actually we have many girls available to pair up with this Yarne for pratical 100% DS. Then let me try calculating Virion!Nah: (100-60)*4 = [48(Sniper)+2(mods)+10(LB)+10(rallies)+2(All+2)+2(Skl+2)+2(Tonic)] +8(Sniper's duel bonus) + [48(Sniper/Assassin)+Y(mods)+10(LB)+10(rallies)+2(Tonic)] 160 = 76 + 8 + (70+Y) = 154+Y Y = 6 Available common husbands' Y: Owain: 0~1 Inigo: 2~4 Brady: 3~5 Vaike!Gerome!Morgan: 3 Chrom!Inigo!Morgan: 3~7 MaMU(+Str/+Spd): 2 MaMU(+Skl): 4 That means it's very difficult to find a common boy to pair up with this Nah for pratical 100% DS.
  19. https://miiverse.nintendo.net/posts/AYQHAAABAAC_UqFMo68G4w A No_Skill bug on EU version?
  20. Whether Severa will become magical or not is determined by whom she gonna marry. There are only 2 children definitely to be physical: Gerome and Yarne. Lucina / Inigo, Severa, Morgan and Nah depend on their mother/father. Kjelle and Noire are neutral. Others are all magical.
  21. FeMU!Lucina(Dark Flier, AT, LB, DS+, TF, Gale/All+2) can do the double-AT sweeping thing with either Libra!Inigo or Gregor!Laurent (Sage, AT, LB, VV, Gale/TF/All+2) It cost 0 Gold if the VV Sage equips All+2, 150G for a Speed Tonic if equips another.
  22. Another question: How to set up Vantagers in Apo? I tried eating counterback damage from Secret Wave 1's Warriors, but just got my full rallied Libra!Inigo(Sorc)/Maiden!Lucina(Bride) 13/80.
  23. All the optimal things are discussed for Apotheosis, which is normally based on Galeforce + Luna/Vengeance + 90~100% Dual Strike combinations. Other stages don't need such a combination because the enemies are not strong enough to optimize in-game units. So, as the same point #838 and #840 said, in-game units are required to complete a Galeforce + Luna/Vengeance skill combo, unless you don't play Apotheosis. P.S. 1) There're also some alternative strategies for this stage, such as Vantage + Vengeance + 100% Dual Strike tanking Enemy Phase, but they can't be independent without other Galeforce+Luna/Vengeance units' help to cover the strategies themselves's weakness. 2) Astra can't take place of Luna/Vengeance because of its poor activate rate (up to 35~40% after fully rallied & Limit Breaker equipped, while Luna is 70~80%, Vengeance is 100%).
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