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Everything posted by MelonGx

  1. Nothing will be better than producing a Nosferatu Tank with Armsthrift, Galeforce, Vantage, Vengeance. So choose a girl and train her for above skills is quite enough! If you have produced 7 Nostanks + 4 Flying Deliverers + 2 Rallybots, you can easily perform all stages' but Prologue~Ch3 and full-Apo's LTC. (Full-Apo's LTC requires lots of Dark Fliers or Valkyries instead. In stages before Ch3 you don't have an access to hire SpotPass units.) (7 Nostanks = 7 mire users is a minimum need to perform Golden Gaffe's LTC.) Purposes other than performing LTC should be much easier to achieve with this team formation.
  2. Try to make a pair having 100% Dual Strike with your Skl+10 L!Y!M and without Lucina. For example, LYM @ Assassin: Skl 48+10(Mods)+10(LB)+10(Rallies)+2(Tonic)=80 Stahl!Severa @ Assassin: Skl 48+4+10+10+2=74 When they get paired up, the front side will have Assassin's Skl+7 bonus. The DS rate/%: (80+74+7)/4+60(Rank S)=161/4+60=100
  3. Nostanks never need rallies, never care about maps. The only problem is Range 1 Counters.
  4. I'm interesting in these following Morgans: Vaike!Gerome!Morgan (Str.71) Ricken!Laurent!Morgan (Meg.66) Lon'qu!Severa!Morgan (Skl.68) Lon'qu!Yarne!Morgan (Skl.68 or Spd.67) Aether Morgans (for better front side output) Cordelia!Morgan (Actually I just go this pair for Severa COSPLAYING Miku Hatsune perfectly lol)
  5. For pure supporting or front side attacking, Laurent doesn't care because of his natural TF and Vengeance. So you don't need to worry about Libra/Henry's classes overlapping since they are unimportant for these purposes.
  6. For Brady, you don't need him to have an highest possible Meg without counting MU since it wastes Ricken's Luna for somebody who is magical and doesn't have it. For Severa, giving her Tomefaire is an alternative method to increase her output to Apo's enemy units, since some SF members thought that Severa's physical output sucks in Apo and they wanted her becoming a magical attacker. But this makes her lose the Vantage access to complete a Nosferatu tank's usage for Severa, unless you're producing lots of SpotPass Nostanks that you don't need in-game characters to do the same thing, or you're pairing MU with Cordelia. Vantage is not a must, but it's a good insurance to Nostanks that prevents them from being KOed when the HP is going red.
  7. Vantage. Since Vantage + Aversa's Night + Armsthrift (+Galeforce to KO Counters on player phase or cooperating Mire to move farther) rules all stages except Apo.(Celica's Gale + Sol tanks aren't so safe as Nostanks in farming LB items on RaR3 due to the bad triggering pattern of Sol.) The problem is just that both tanks can be mass produced from SpotPass characters so it may be not necessary to stick to the AT+Vantage+Gale+Sorc on in-game characters to make them compatible with non-Apo.
  8. Alternative switching from AC's suggestion: Miriel - Lon'qu (Give Laurent Vantage and better Meg Skl Spd mods but no Armsthrift) Olivia - Ricken (It's not so good as Lissa - Ricken but still OK.) And don't switch other pairs. (Edit) For Vantage + Vengeance units in Apo, you DO need a definite 100% Dual Strike to KO all available enemy units before suffering their attacks, since once you got hit by the enemy unit you'd always die. So if you don't make Lucina a VV unit (only possible with Chrom x FeMU), pair Lucina with a VV unit is recommended. But in other side, you don't need VV units to pair anyone outside the Apo.
  9. MaMU is the only father to give both Owain and Noire Armsthrift + useful skillsets. So put him for the child whom you want to give Armsthrift to.
  10. For MU, I'll go: Pegasus Knight / Wyvern Knight Lv.10 - Armsthrift, Galeforce, Deliverer, Movement+1 or Dark Mage Lv.10 - Armsthrift, Galeforce, Vantage, Vengeance / Sol For MaMU, replace Galeforce with Despoil. (Edit) I'm not discussing items on sale because you should be knowing what you really need on self-tagging.
  11. I'm sure that the following classes are the latest ones to reach the corresponding parameter's green.HP: Trickster, Dark Flier, Valkyrie / Manakete Str: General Meg: Sage Skl: Sage Spd: Sorcerer Def: General / Manakete Res: Valkyrie, War Monk/Cleric, Sorcerer / Manakete Thank you both :P
  12. HP of Trickster and Lodestar are definitely 80.Others are all green.
  13. A new question: After fully trained King Marth, his price became 149,200G. But we got 149,300G calculated from the updated formula: Base Price: 1600 Skills: (68+1-5)*800=51200 Boots: 20000 Stats: [371-2(+Str)+1(-Meg)]*200=370*200=74000 Lodestar: 2500 Total: 149,300 So what's the problem with the new formula again?
  14. Are you meaning only Tomefaire is valuable?Stahl!Severa still has a Bowfaire for becoming Assassin/Sniper.
  15. VV in Apo is a balanced skillset for both EP tank and PP attacker usage, but still be focused on its EP tank usage. What it requires is just the Vantage skill and classes for Celica's Gale access e.g. Dark Flier. What a VV unit need to do is making his/her pure supporter 4-hit KO engaging enemies without taking any damage in enemy phase. So there are no difference between Stahl!Severa and Lon'qu!Severa except the Skl mods for this purpose. For the difference of Spd, if pairing Severa with Frederick!Yarne @ General, Stahl!Severa @ Dark Flier has 42+3+10+10+3+2=70 Spd, and Lon'qu!Severa has 73. Both are quite enough for 4-hit KOing any enemy unit except the Long Bow users, Range 1 Counters, Spd 70 Sniper and Anna, and both are not enough to double-hit Sniper and Anna without more gaining Spd methods.
  16. I'll support Vaike for making Nah as a Dual Supporter. Vaike!Nah@General with LB/Axefaire/All+2/Str+2 and Brave Axe can have 103~105 MT. She also has the Luna access from Vaike's special passdown to daughter. For other pair-ups affected by Vaike x Nowi, I'll suggest changing them to Gregor x Cherche, Stahl x Miriel instead. For Gregor!Gerome, there's absolutely no difference between his Str+6 and Vaike!Gerome's Str+7. Both of them can ORKO all Secret Apo's bosses by dual strike only, except Wave 4's Berserker. Both of them need a Barrack Boost to ORKO that Berserker. For Stahl!Laurent, he loses Armsthrift but gains Luna. Others are almost the same as Gregor!Laurent. Furthermore, I'll suggest switching Stahl and Lon'qu to Lon'qu!Laurent and Stahl!Severa since Galeforce units require more Luna than Galeforce-less units, and Stahl makes Severa an insane Sniper. But keeping them not changed is still OK.
  17. Rallybots are worse than healers since they usually do the rally AFTER attackers' finishing their action, even the rallybot is your current MU who tends to be the first unit to act. So if you don't use rallybots to boost your 1~3 units' Def/Res, give up using them. For healers, you still have an option that is letting your Falcon Knights with Range 1 Counter bring some Goddess Staves. This does not affect your main purpose for using those Falcon Knights.
  18. (Edit) OK. Actually a Dual Support+ only boosts hit% by +5 since a Rank S pair always had a hit+15.
  19. Virion x Maribelle: Deliverer and +3 SPD are delicious. Libra x Maribelle: Good for accessing Waste which has more power than Celica's Gale but you really need a Dual Support+ on your Brady's wife side to make its accuracy being practical.
  20. If a StreetPass team's hit was not being cared, it could only be my Wyvern Lord sample team that all output came from the Counter. The problem of my sample team is that you can only force your opponent to battle in Range 1 at the enemy phase. But all the StreetPass units can be ORKO by rallied 90%+ DualStrike Double-Galeforce pairs before they entered the enemy phase, except they're popped at Prologue which just offered 6 units to battle with your team's 10 units. Airship_Canon tends to create a team with a mixture of Counter and Triggering Skills' output. Counter is hit% regardless but Triggering Skills isn't. Counter and Range 1 weapons are deeply rely on enemy phase which is very hard to be entered except your opponent handicapping him/herself. So I don't think the plan is perfect enough for the StreetPass team surviving from opponent's paired & rallied aces and then kill them one.
  21. 2 triggering skills means you have only 2 slots to make the hit higher. Your opponent can have +19 Spd and +17 Lck which gives it + 37 avoiding from pairing with a Rank A+ Assassin and both fully rallied. For 2 slots, it's +40(Lucky 7 and Hit+20) or +70(Lucky 7 + weapon breaker). It's still able to cover your opponent's vantage though. For 1 slot (you need to reserve 1 for Counter), you can only put one of them. It's not enough. In a word, you don't have spare slots to put more non-hit-boosting skills. For high-mov units, I'll go 10 Wyvern Lords - HP+5, Counter, Miracle, LB, Iote's Shield. Then pray for it appearing on StreetPass team's opponent's Prologue.
  22. (This reply has been deleted from original poster due to repeating saying something)
  23. Many thanks to discover the formula to calculate the Logbook character's payment. -------------------- (The previous question was self-solved and deleted by original poster) -------------------- Another question: How to calculate the 0.5 points exactly from HP? If rounds it down, then Prince Marth's Lodestar bonus will never be 2,500: 151,400 - 71,200(356.5 -> 356 stats points of +LCK -HP) + 57,600(72 skills) + 20,000(Boots) = 2,600. (I don't know King Marth(+STR -MEG/RES?)'s max payment so I don't know the correct Lodestar bonus. Anyone has tested it?) But if rounds it up, you can't explain why Tiki's max payment is 150,000 --- 147,600(+RES -SKL's basement) + 1,600(Manakete exclusive skills) + 1000(Manakete's stats bonus: 4.5 -> 5 points) = 150,200.
  24. Tried 636 damage's method but failed due to the damn Lunatic+ which boosted enemies' parameter even in a StreetPass battle. Here's my another Japanese Miiverse post for it. The Lunatic+ boosted Diadola-copy's Def to 8 in a testing battle on Paralogue 22 that made me deal only 621 damage on her. Maybe I should remake a Normal progress with V!G!M and have that Def.3 Peg Knight in StreetPass to retry the 636 damage method.
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