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Posts posted by Tequila

  1. so it means.. it's fine if i insert one sprite to D000000 and one in D500000?

    Here's how I'm currently doing things in my hack. Note that this may be a very bad idea (and hopefully someone tells me NO STOP DON'T DO THAT before I get too far).

    Insert graphics at new place. Repoint accordingly.

    Open in HxD (or hex editor of choice) and see where the new data ends.

    Leave a few extra lines just in case the 00s are part of the graphics data (unlikely, but possible), or you want to change/replace the graphic with something a teensy bit bigger in the future.

    Note the new offset of free space.

    Always, always, write down your changes. It'll save you a headache down the line if, for instance, you have to revert to an older backup because you messed something up.

    For instance, here's how my notes file looks like.


  2. I'm not exactly sure how I can be clearer. The space from offset D00000 to D90000 is free. If you look at it in a hex editor, the whole range is filled with either 00s or FFs (NOTE: Just because a space SEEMS to be free doesn't actually mean it IS. However, in this case, it has been confirmed free by virtue of many hacks using the space and not having the ROM crash).

    So, basically, you don't have to go looking for free space. Just take our collective word that that area is, in fact, free, and you can put whatever you want in there.

    Also, be care about replacing map sprites that don't appear to be used. The female nomad and queen are probably ok, but if you want to insert more it's probably worth repointing and expanding the tables (there's a guide by Skitty_of_Time (I think) on these forums that explains how to do this). I know that if you mess with some that don't seem to be used, like archer on a ballista, the game doesn't like that. So just make new entries. Yes, there's a cap of FF entries (255 in decimal), but it's kind of unlikely that'll be an issue.

  3. i see.. well, me myself assumed that the free space is the one that you can ticked the "compressed graphic" is, and D90000 isn't, i tried insert sprite in a free space (between D00150 to D90000) and it doesnt work.. actually it give me a glitch

    The "compressed graphic" checkbox is on the Image Control pane. What you want to do is click "Import a bitmap". Then you enter the offset where you're inserting the picture in the "Graphics Offset" box. Since you're inserting in a new place, you don't need to check "Abort if new graphics are bigger than old" (because there are no old graphics) but you DO need to check "Repoint graphics pointers", otherwise the game's not going to find your new picture.

  4. D00000 is alright, i insert it there and it was working.. but what is the free space right after that? because i don't think i can insert it in D00001

    You need to insert it at an offset divisible by 4 because pointers are 4 bytes long. So no, D00001 wouldn't work. I'm not sure what you mean by "what is the free space after that?". The entire range is free; you can paste it wherever you'd like in there, provided it doesn't extend past D90000 (that part looks empty, but actually isn't).

    If you insert it somewhere new, don't forget to check the "repoint graphics pointers" box as well. You can do it yourself quite easily if you forget, though.

  5. it is. just to tell you i don't insert it in a free space, but in an already used offset, basically it was "replacing" instead of "inserting"... it is okay? or i really need to insert the graphic in a free space?.. but i don't know where to found the free space, they said the D000000 - E000000 is all free but it doesnt seem free to me, the only free space is D000000 :(

    It sounds to me like you overwrote whatever comes next because the graphic you're adding is larger than the one you're replacing. Try adding it on a fresh rom and leave the "Abort if new graphic is larger than old" checkbox ticked and see if it still inserts. If it doesn't, then insert into free space. D00000-D90000 is confirmed free space. It should either have a bunch of 00's or FF's.

  6. I love the idea of a Malazan screenplay, but a significant portion of the series is character introspection, which really doesn't translate well to a screen. But watching Quick Ben taking on 100 Tiste Edur would totally make my day.

    I also support a Mistborn and WoT series. Doesn't someone own the rights to the latter? I seem to remember a really crappy pilot episode being released last year amid much scorn.

  7. I've not done this kind of event before, but I believe the first parameter is the conditional ID, so it's freezing because that conditional block doesn't have an ENIF. You'd need to do either IFCD 0x01 0x01 or ENIF 0x02. Also, shouldn't the AFEV go before the ENIF?

  8. Trying to figure out how to use the Terrain feature.

    Step 1: Tileset FE7 - Plains. Generate a map.

    Step 2: Add terrain tiles. I want mountains. Pe stands for peaks.

    Repair. Notice distinct lack of peaks.

    Help? I tried putting red tiles under the terrain'd section and that didn't change anything. I redownloaded the generator, just in case.
  9. Sorry about the delay.

    [spoiler=Chapter 32x]


    Hope no one minds me making Hector even more godly.


    The crew. Legault comes along because SOMEONE neglected to buy chest keys, and someone else will probably scream at me if I don't get the fortify at the very least.

    Note the lack of healers. This kind of comes back to bite me in the butt later.


    Lyn cares not for you ~40 hit rates.


    Everyone else heads north, with Eliwood luring out the swordslayer berserker.


    ...which, despite the odds, hits him anyway. Sigh.


    Gotta wake up earlier than that to hit Lyn!


    His comrade thinks he can do better, and, well, doesn't. Savestate here, because those are nice levels.


    Hector...not dodging.


    But getting good levels!


    But still not dodging.


    New idea! Eliwood uses an elixir and tanks the choke, with Hector providing support.


    This time he manages to dodge, getting an ok level.


    Oh my god they just won't stop!


    Speed is excellent, cause he needs it.

    Fun fact: Hector has higher speed at this point.


    Is this a strength-blessed Lyn, or is it just me? Either way, not complaining.


    [complaining begins]


    I love it when enemies with killer weapons get critted with low chances. And...even more strength! She's 4/4 this chapter. Not rigged, I swear.


    [complaining intensifies]


    OH, COME ON!

    Note: I have been using savestates for this very reason. I think I went 2 turns back, and Lyn got the same level as last time.


    Eliwood-Hector A support.


    Has strength. I think that's the last of the swordslayer guys, as well.


    Did some nifty rescue-dropping with Heath and Legault to put Lyn in a position to be attacked by a tomahawk guy.


    ...who actually hits, this time. Also, 5/5 for strength.


    Lyn heals up, and Heath takes a turn at the choke.



    Levels, some of them better than others. Hector still has more speed than Eliwood. What's wrong with this world?


    This was on EP. I savestate, because this is just asking for rng abuse.


    Heath is great. I love Heath.


    He doesn't keep this.


    I just knew this was gonna happen. I knew it!


    Heath gets the same level, while Eliwood burns some rns, getting a better level...


    ...and more importantly, avoiding that crit.






    And he does it again!


    Yay, ew, and EW!


    The stream of reinforcements has halted, so now I dare move up a bit.


    A brief roadblock nets our heroes some more levels.


    LynxHector C support.


    Eliwood gets an amazing and meh level, respectively, althought he finally overtakes Hector's speed.


    Legault finally pulls his weight.


    Oh...I actually forgot about these reinforcements...

    Never mind, more xp for me!


    Not much of it, though.


    Eventually, even these reinforcements peter out.


    Some time later, Lyn gets to finish off Kishuna. Onwards to Light!

  10. Remember, this is still FE8. Mines have been replaced by "action tiles" as far as the Enemy Control Glitch is concerned. Which means you need to have them stop on a lava tile, a tile where you used a torch staff, or a tile where a snag used to stand.

    Or a tile where you dropped a mine. The mine effect has been coded in; it's just not been made available for use in vanilla.

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