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Posts posted by Tequila

  1. Basically, start over from the chapter she's recruited in. I assume you'd rather not do that, since you seem to be in the post-game, or close to it. Instead, you can ramhack her rank in using the memory manager. Here's how:

    Go to a map where she's deployed.

    In VBA, go to Tools -> Memory Viewer

    Select her (ie, press A, so you can see the squares to move to)

    In the memory viewer, go to 3004E50. The four bytes there are a pointer to her character data in ram. So, for instance, if it says 4C BE 02 02, that should be read at 202BE4C. Go to this address.

    According to this, lance rank should be the 0x29th byte. Go to that location and write 0x1F (for D rank).

    Check back in the game. She should now have D lances.

  2. I know there are more later, but I can't remember where...maybe the desert chapter has one in the sand? You get one in vanilla somewhere. Also, you can torch-glitch some in Cog of Destiny if you really want to cheese things. You get the Wallace chapter if the levels of your lords sums up to be less than 50. I think Klok changed it so promoted lord now adds 20 (rather than resetting the counter), but I could be wrong.

  3. It should be, but isn't because the AI prioritizes staves by rank, and Rescue outranks Physic. The only way to get it would be to switch the order they start in in Nightmare so that Rescue is on the bottom, and then rush with steel sword/axereavers.

  4. Writing isn't dead weight, per se, but it's not a very highly valued skill in the sense that it'll make other people want to join you, for the simple reason that pretty much everyone else who posts a concept here (and believe me, there are lots; the majority of which never get off the ground) is writing their own story. Unless you're a really really good writer (and even then, you'll have to get lucky), you'll need something else to entice people.

    In regards to what you have, I guess it's a good start; it looks pretty much identical to FE8 so far, though.

  5. Well my Vanessa/Ross is a lvl 10 Journeyman that is capped there with 4 Mov and doesn't gain any more experience while I do have a Ephraim as a level 12 pupil so I know he is (1)

    I think, in that case, you'll have to manually promote her. This involves modifying a promotion item to include T0 Journeyman, and then either hacking it or getting one naturally. The promotions are hardcoded to Ross, Ewan, and Amelia's character slots. I think you must be using an older version of the randomizer, because the new one doesn't allow for this (I think).

    It only let me pick "GBA files (*.gba" I don't know what that means and could the rom I downloaded change the way it works

    No, that sounds right. Did you unzip the folder that the rom came in?

  6. I haven't seen any doc, but here's an educated guess on why this is.

    There's a few different maps saved in ram, each of which plots a certain attribute of the (whole) map on a grid. For instance, the unit map shows where each unit is. The fog map shows which squares should be visible. The range map shows which squares can be attacked. You get the idea. Each map gets a chunk of memory, and in the beginning, it contains a table if row pointers. Why is this useful? Well, given a set of coordinates, it's quite easy to return the data at those coordinates.

    Example: Assume r0 = x coordinate, r1 = y coordinate

    ldr r2, Your_Map @ The offset of the map whose data you want to find. The row pointer table begins here.

    lsl r1,2 @ Leftshift your y coordinate by 2 (equivalent to multiplying by 4)

    add r2,r1 @ This mean you're now looking at correct row pointer

    ldr r2,[r2] @ Dereference that pointer (now you have the offset of the row's data)

    add r2,r0 @ Add the x coordinate. Congratz, you're now pointing to the data at the coordinates you specified

    ldrb r0,[r2] @ Actually grab the data

    Sure, you could get the same data, assuming it's set up in the same way, but without the row pointer table, by dereferencing:

    Your_Map + (y*length_of_map) + x

    but multiplication is pretty resource-intensive, so IntSys decided to do it this way. Another thing to note is that each row has an extra 2 squares added; maybe as some kind of buffer? I dunno. The point is, a new column would cost 1 new byte per row, but a new row costs 1 new byte per column, + 2 for a buffer, + 4 for the new row pointer.

    Of course, this could be entirely wrong and I'm talking out of my ass. The way the maps are set up is certainly correct, thought.

  7. Yes, what more do you want to know.

    What you've done so far would be a good start. I think you'll find that you'll get far more people willing to help you with things you're missing (animations and music especially) if you show that you've got a couple of chapters (at least) already done. Just saying "I have ideas, now please make things for me" is not going to go over very well.

  8. Do Journeymans in Fe8 still promote after reaching lvl 10? My Vanessa-Ross Journeyman reached level 10 and I went into chapter 6 and there was no promotion.

    I believe only the original trainees can become T0. Most likely Vanessa is a T1 journeyman and thus will promote with a hero crest. If you didn't randomize movement, you can easily tell; T0 has 4 mov, T1 has 5.

    for some reason the randomizer cant find my FE7 rom whenever I click browse it cant find it even thought I know it's there could it be the rom i'm using?

    Try looking for all file types (should be next to the box with the file name).

  9. [spoiler=My Units]

    In no particular order (thanks, imgur, for making your setup even LESS friendly)...


    I didn't use him except for his joining chapter until 1-F, when I had more space. Actually turned out ok. His class xp multiplier wasn't changed, so he got exp faster than anyone else, which is how I managed to level him so quickly. This has been fixed.

    *cue people booing*


    Force deployment, obviously. Nothing to write home about, although the concept is novel. Used her more as a ferry bot, even though she got her share of kills.


    Plot-relevant Staffbot Mcgee. Not a huge fan of her character, but I think that's kind of the point. Used her to lure out and chip. Excellent Jeigan material.


    I have a soft spot for archers, and here, I was rewarded. With so many fliers, he was ORKOing (if not OHKOing) left, right, and center. Definitely one of the MVPs.


    Festal made her absolutely amazing. Plus, she actually has decent strength and speed. The AI tried to silence her 4 times, and failed. It was glorious.


    Typical knight, albeit with 5 move, which really increases his use. An amazing tank, and can use all weaponry without AS loss. Not quite an MVP, but definitely up there.


    Myrm-like merc, with actual con. I like her quite a bit; she tanked wyverns like nobody's business. Bit of a glass cannon, though.


    Pretty dodgy, and can actually attack (although she was on healing duty pretty much all the time). Stick her on a forest and not much can hit her.


    MVP with Stark. Seriously, what are they feeding lords these days? I dunno if he's speed-blessed or not, but he was doubling waaaaaaay more often than a dark magic user should. Add Belial's effectiveness against every mounted unit in the game and he was an absolute beast. Did have a bit of an accuracy issue, but I guess the man has to have some drawbacks.


    Tried to use him; wasn't too impressed (but he's a fighter, what can you do?). I do like that he started out a bit higher leveled than the rest of the gang, so he actually has some bases to work with. He was basically a damage soaker; everyone with Meteor/Dulam targeted him.


    THE HAIR! I love this guy, but I'm not entirely sure why. It's not like his stats are super-great or anything...and yet, that mug makes me want to use him. So I did. Has surprisingly high defense for a magic user.


    Stole stuff. Thieves don't usually break the mold, and this was no exception. I did use him to bait out fighters and the like, and he did a decent job of that. Couldn't really take more than 1 hit at a time, though.


    Her mug's not great (which has been brought up already multiple times), but her stats are pretty good. She solo'd Seneca with the iron rune because she was the only axe user that didn't get doubled (whose brilliant idea was it to make Callandor a reaver, anyway?)


    Gave him the energy ring, and he proceeded to wreck face. An excellent cavalier.


    Speedy lord. I like his animation, and the Nimbus tome is quite handy and covers his weaknesses (mag and res) very well.

    Nero and Sofia weren't used, unsurprisingly; I was apparently using an older version of the patch where, by the time they were released, Kate was kicking Seneca's ass. They both look pretty good, especially if your Grace turned out crappy. Can't really say more.

    Charles: I tried to use him. He got HP and defense, and that was about it. Couldn't hit, couldn't double, so I dropped him after chapter 8 or so.

    Lily: Tried to use her, too. She's got strength, which is nice, but no evasiveness or defenses (and forget going anywhere near archers, although that's the way it should be). Used her more as a utility character in 1-9 and benched her after.

  10. The only one I feel qualified to answer is #3. It's possible in FE8 because it exists natively (route split choice), although it's hardcoded to the text ids. FE7, I'm inclined to say no, due to the lack of memory slots. Like, it'd be possible to display something else; the problem is finding a way to pass in the arguments (in this case, the text id to display).

  11. I recommend doing what you can and just use the vanilla animations and mugs. If you show the community that you're willing to put in the effort and actually make something (rather than requesting stuff and then the project fades into the ether, which happens far too often), you're far more likely to get people that will help you with artsy stuff.

    While Feditor is mentioned in pretty much every guide, and isn't a bad thing to introduce you to the world of FE hacking, I strongly recommend not using it for a project. This is because, in an attempt to make it user-friendly, it makes questionable decisions under the hood and has a really annoying habit of breaking unrelated things (one of the more infamous glitches is that it breaks the cavalier animation because it has data that resembles a pointer) or just plain not working for no good reason. The good folks at FEU have created tools in the past few months that mostly replace all of feditor's functions; unfortunately, the guides are still being written, so they have a much steeper learning curve than Feditor. You can always stop by the Discord channel and ask for help, however!

  12. I've been enjoying it so far, but there's something that seems off: The Starpiercer bow seems to be unusable, no attack range indicators show up when I move a Sniper that has the bow equipped. Is this unintentional or is it counterattack only?

    I haven't played this, but I assume the bow has an attack range outside the usual values (1-1, 2-2, 1-2, 2-3, 3-10, 3-15), so the R-button Range value will say -- and the squares won't highlight properly. It should still be able to attack, though you'll have to figure out what exactly its range is.

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