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Everything posted by pianime94

  1. What other units do you have? You should switch Olivia with another red since she is better for defense team, imo.
  2. Ike will take revenge for us in the future (call it the Blue Battle Royal or something). No sympathy for ya, princess.
  3. Probably in next 2 weeks if we follow the pattern.
  4. I don't really hate any characters in FE, but this game makes me love more characters than before.
  5. Oh, I actually got this too before. I only got like 240~ points even though I have F Robin in team.and I went ???. I thought I accidentally picked Beginner or something, but that's impossible because the lowest I can get is 250~ in Beginner.
  6. Aaaaa thank you, Arrow person. I think I got this before switching my defense team according to Silith13's suggestion. My previous defense team: Julia, Ryoma, Hinoka, Palla. On a side note, I'm surprised I'm still meeting Camillas in the Arena.
  7. The worst thing is if you fight against a team with dancer on that map. It isn't pretty because the mountains and forests really limit your movement.
  8. Oh wow, this is really brilliant. Since I don't use Lyn for defense, I guess I'd go with this instead. A bummer that it doesn't work on ranged enemies tho.
  9. I'm laughing at sheer thought of the destruction it may brought. I'd literally give Leo a Blade if that happens.
  10. Agreed with @Sire. Iif you have somebody with Seal Atk, Chrom would be boasting 48 Def at 50% HP (41 base). Literally only Blues and Mage types can dent him at 50% hp. One thing, Chrom's Res is really really low even with +, so I don't see the point of +Res being beneficial for him right now.
  11. @Sire actually has some brilliant idea I might use. Though I need the suitable IVs for some of that first. After taking in Ice Dragon's consideration , I'll discard the idea of giving Eliwood Vantage since it only truly shines on the likes of Takumi, Hector, and Ryoma. I also came up with my own inheritance list. The ----- signifies a team setup. While most of them are incomplete, I already got a basic idea of what I wanted to try running. The Cavalier one will be the most exciting one to try out. I have most experience using the 2nd team, and I took some ideas from Sire for Ryoma, Julia, and Sharena. The 3rd team is pure theoretical because I actually don't have Linde nor Chrom, but the idea is to turn Chrom into the ultimate physical wall while having teammates that buffs him up and destroy things fast. .
  12. I want both so I can experiment with more units to work with. If you have a good team, bad IVs can be mitigated.
  13. Guu I still haven't gotten a defense win at all. Guess this will be a defenseless week for me.
  14. I...I wanted to say that first! She brought a score, a premonition from the future. The final battle has long past, my friend. I joined team Ephraim after Chrom lost exactly for this. Not that I have many flags left, but hey.
  15. Eliwood is the first unit I promoted to 5*. I feel no regret whatsoever because he's doing really great and definitely worth to feather! Sharena'll probably the next I'll promote to 5*.
  16. Yeah. The Nino one is a good one because Nino is just awesome. Plus, you already have Eirika, so you're pretty much set.
  17. Chrom with Seal Atk/Threaten Atk is gonna be fun to run with. I'd give Vantage to Lyn, for sure. Still contemplating whether I should give Desperation or Vantage to Ryoma. I'd want to give Death Blow to Eliwood for those additional oomph. To further overkill it, I might give Leo/Gunter Seal Def. Still thinking of what to swap Eliwood's Axebreaker with. Either Seal Atk, Vantage or Quick Riposte. Giving Linde Galeforce might be a cool idea too.
  18. I try to use various combination and train as many units as possible so that I can get a good coverage of things. Gameplay wise, I genreally play defensively through baiting and counterattacking. That is not to say I can't play offensively, of course. I can play offensively if I have the right team setup, e.g., flier teams. Still experimenting with my Cavalier team to see which playstyle suits them better. I try to get as high as I can in Arena.
  19. It's better than actually losing in the last fight after having a deathless run. Trust me.
  20. That could become a dangerous chokepoint depending on the enemy's skills.
  21. This's a way overdue of a report, but I finally got Eliwood! +Atk -Spd, but that is actually fine because Gunter is here to mitigate his bane. I really wanted +Atk Eliwood, too. My ideal IV is probably +Atk -HP. Nevertheless, I immediately feathered him to 5* and he's been doing a lot of great work for me (like stomping Ursula Lunatic). Now pray I'll get more dupes of him and the ideal IV in the future. I pulled quite a lot -more than I'd like to- in the Prince gacha aiming for Chrom or Leo A bit sad I didn't get Chrom, but there'll be RNG to cover it up, just like how she did for Eliwood. Since I'm experiencing orbs famine now, I'll have to be keen to really save up my orbs.
  22. Don't have Hector for brawn, but I do have his buddy and my brain. Here is the sequence. Eliwood pretty much knocked 3 out of 5 enemies out of sheer cavalier power. Sad that Ursula doesn't have Goad Cavalry.
  23. I somehow miraculously pulled a deathless run with this team. Fem Robin's notable work during the run: Killing M Robin, baiting. Was a dangerous run in itself since I met double Tharja with Azura on one of the battle. In fact, I've met Azura thrice in this run, like please stop.
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