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Everything posted by pianime94

  1. Not sure, but Seal Atk would be nice as a failsafe if she fails to kill.
  2. Klein has it at 4*. But Klein is good.... Why are you doing this to us IS!?
  3. You have been blessed by Ninian, Rey! Hope I can get Ninian to come here out of chance in the future.
  4. Vantage on Nino is wasted if you ask me. Currently thinking on how to make Seliph work. NINJA'D hard.
  5. You just made my day :D. Leo with Blade+, Close Counter and Vantage is dream.
  6. The only thing I've inherited atm is Lonqu's Vantage 3 to Ryoma hahaha. Sad that I can't give Eliwood his well deserved Death Blow 3. Why Hawkeye.... Gonna 4* the Shanna I have so I can inherit Desperation.
  7. Alm, Sigurd, Deirdre, Ayra, Athos, Gotoh, Fiora, Pent, Louise, Canas, Guy, Mia, Ike, Sumia, Walhart, Kana F. Athos, Gotoh, and Walhart might be really far away.
  8. You can get 2 free Felicia from the Heroes battle. Also, I'd want to kill my past self too if I had that kind of period.
  9. Not sure if you;re taking translator's liberty in this part, but the literal TL was: "Please stay as you are, Ninian...."
  10. Man, the forest map really is hard to navigate using cavairy team.
  11. I really don't wanna fight a team of Azura+mages in the bridge map.
  12. Your cavalry team is already good, if you ask me. Eldigan is really really strong, and Abel is able to handle Swords very easily, which are the current meta of the Arena. All colorless cavalries are healers, unfortunately. So they won't do much offensively. Though, they do help your survivability, obviously. All puns are intended if any.
  13. I think you're having a bit of misconception on how goad and ward work. I'll show you mine proof. You see there that Leo is near (within 2 spaces) of Reinhardt and he got his attack boosted by exactly 4. Goad and Ward works as a passive in combat boost. You won't actually able to see the actual stat boost your unit got from Goad and the likes, but it's there. Hope that helps. P.S: I lost that match.
  14. As a Cavalry player myself, I'd say run with Leo, Eliwood, Gunter, and Abel. I used Ursula (before I got Reinhardt) myself because I don't have Abel, but Abel should fare better. Gunter's real use is a hone bot and physical tank/chipper really. Leo, Eliwood, and Abel should be your main cleanup/burst squad. For prioritizing who to hone, I'd recommend honing Leo and Abel (unless your Eliwood is 5*). If we can transfer Hone Cavalry I'd throw it to Frederick lol. He technically does better than Gunter as a unit.
  15. Used up all my orbs aiming for Ninian. Needless to say, I didn't manage to get her and is left with a 3.5% rate up. Do you guys wanna know my first session? Then feast upon it! Why Anna.... BUT She did gave me Reinhardt (+HP -Res)! (What a spook) With this, my Cavalry is complete and is perfect until they decide to throw in Camus. The rest of the pulls include 3* Saizo (-Spd +Res). Well...this is definitely a bad IV.. 3* Oboro (-Def +Res). Don't really know her thing.. 2x 3* Subaki (-Atk +Spd and +Spd -Def). The latter is definitely his best so I'll train him up. The other will become fodder for Reinhardt. 2x 3* F Corrin and 1x F Corrin (2x -Def +Res and 1x -Atk +Spd). I want to use her, but I actually dunno which one is the better IV for her... 2x 4* Pothead (+HP -Def and -Spd +Def). Please no more Donnels... 4* Hawkeye (+Def -Res). He'd make a nice fodder because Death Blow. 2x 4* Catria (-HP +Def and +HP -Spd). Compared with the previous Catria I got who has +HP -Res, I guess I'll have to raise the -HP +Def one and last 4* Cordelia (-HP +Spd). Is one of her best IV I think, so I'll have raise her up later for my flier team. In recap, I have achieved my cavalry dream team and also completed my flier team. Level grinding Reinhardt is fun. I think I'll be able to get another 20 orbs later. Hopefully the 3.5% rate will work miracle, or at least let me reset the rate.
  16. And Ninian can't even scratch Julia. The horror.... Julia getting more and more OP slowly. Not that I mind!
  17. Ninian's English VA, is a bit to..hmm powerful (?) to my image. Definitely prefer her JP better. Lucius JP is plain laughable, I'd prefer English for him lol.
  18. You made my day, good sir.
  19. Well, since you have no sign of buffer units (if you don't count Olivia), I don't suggest Tharja and Nino atm.Your options left are the blue Lances: Sharena, Cordelia, and Effie. Catria is also a notable mention because she's pretty great.
  20. Sharena's always a good pick. She'd do well in replacing Peri for your team. +Atk -Spd Tharja is not the best, but it's viable if you have buffer units (especially spd buff) for her. Nino and Robin probably got one of their worst IV.
  21. A score of 4416 final ranked me at 9402. That was kinda close, whew.
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