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Everything posted by pianime94

  1. Dear IS, Please implement secret triangle attack.
  2. Oh yeah. Ye trotter. 3* Narcian should be able to do the job too. Everybody is MVP, especially Olivia. This is Ana if she decides to keep stuffs and give things a chance.
  3. Could always go with the 2* and spend 200 feathers instead of 2k feathers to 4* the 3* Michalis Actually, I tried applying my hypothetical strategy and it turned out to be working too great. Beat it in just 3 turns which uhh defeats my previous record I think. Turn 1:
  4. Mhmm. If only she got the free Subaki and Narcian, this would've been over with a short amount of work and less anger-inducing. Hypothetically, the only non-free unit she actually needed to have is Palla if she didn't decide to dismiss those two budget saviors of this map. Yep. My budget strat actually revolves around her too (not that I want to try it because stamina is precious). And gee, I decided not to monitor this thread anymore because it had gotten 200+ new posts in the past hours, but then you mentioned me and I was missing a lot of context. So I went and skimmed everything lol. This better be worth it.
  5. Contemplating on Sharena or M Robin. But if they decide to make Ninian available as 4* after the banner ends, then her.
  6. Well, then her default Fortify Res could make them even more potent. Especially Nino if she's dealing with mages.
  7. Azura with Threaten is a good idea if she has somebody to tank for her.
  8. You just need to follow the sequence in that video. No Japanese fluency needed. Tho, afaik, you don't have Narcian...so I guess it's impossible(?) I mean, you could raise the 3* Michalis to do the job, but you'd probably deem it as a waste of time.
  9. We need more than Corrialga, Dragonowi, Faechic, Ninirem, and Latiki, yeah
  10. I personally want more of the older stuffs. But anything goes for me if they actually features a character I like from X or Y.
  11. Hmm. I guess I'll try to play it safe and go with +Spd one since I had him face off Tiki a lot recently
  12. Good luck. The Armor was a sadist's work of art (with 2X Draug, Gwen, and Sheena). OTOH, I actually beat 9-5 without Light's Blessing nor suffered any death with my vanilla Cavalry team. I guess we're really Horse Emblem.
  13. Quick, do the Lunatic missions ASAP so you can get 20 orbs for another pull!
  14. They want to set your wallet ablaze first so that Ninian can chill it when she comes. R-right?
  15. Good to know I was right. Thanks. Didn't know about that since I don't have any viable access to the games which implement skills (apart from maybe Genealogy and Tharcia).
  16. I forgot to ask this for a long time. Since this is the Chrom I borrowed during Voting Gauntlet, I can't experiment on my own. So I hypothesize Aether heals based on how many HP the attacked unit had left? That is, Jakob with 20 HP? Not sure if Sol and Noontime works the same way.
  17. I just play around with a not so random team, i.e. Cavalry. But right now, I'm gonna see if I can do a bit better than my previous achievement. My Julia's +HP. so she's barely scraping out of it alive. -HP or Neutral would've probably killed her. Apart from Vantage Ryoma, the rest are vanilla. Really gotta need to think of what to inherit to Seliph.
  18. Phew. I want nothing more of this sadistic task. But an F2P gotta do what he needs to do for orbs.
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