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Everything posted by pianime94

  1. @Sire, just curious, do you have anybody in particular you're waiting for in the future? It seems you always go summoning whenever the chance arises.
  2. Yeah, he really betrays my initial expectations, but hearing him saying those things at us is really funny. XD He's a p chuuni guy.
  3. Here is my battle sequences. Since this is inspired from the Knight-filled Sky, I decided to went literal with it. It's a very specific team, however. Beware of Michalis' Skill tho since it'll potentially kill Palla regardless of her Gem weapon and buffed with Ward..
  4. Okay I managed to clear Lunatic. Will redo it so I can share the sequence here.
  5. Wow damn, Michalis' skill proc and killed me. Got to be careful of that.
  6. Just an fyi, it'll start in 15 minutes or so.
  7. If only they give them Wings of Mercy. Imagine the terror when you fail to one-shot an enemy unit.
  8. JP can be especially tricky when they decide to forego the pronoun altogether. I would be like..."Who or what is this sentence referring to?" and had to reread it a couple more times to be sure (or think about it logically) It also really matters to be aware of the subtlety each grammatical form you are going to learn, because well, they make a big deal of everything since they are very sensitive... I myself am still learning Japanese and still wowing solely because I'm impressed by how much a single sentence can carry an covertly complex (hard to translate) meaning. Good luck if you're trying to learn it. It'll feel like you're being bombed with a lot of rules but it's fun :D.
  9. Agree with you there. Fielding 4 Armors is just really tedious. What's more, hey're not a damage horse if their name is not Hector or Efiie so they go down first before the enemy due to difference in damage output. :( Clearing the 10th Stratum with Armors starts to look bleak.
  10. What do you guys think of a defensive Eliwood (assuming in a cavalry team with Goad and Hone Cavalry)? HP: 39 Atk: 50 Spd: 26 Def: 23/26 Res: 32 Weapon: Durandal Passive: Rally Defense/Resistance Special: Escutcheon A: Armored Blow/Def+3 B: Seal Atk C: Ward Cavalry The idea is to have him stay alive during physical combat as long as possible in order to help Reinhardt obliterating opposing units.
  11. Yeah. I'm getting a bit paranoid here.
  12. Ah, then let me apologize if I sounded rude before. I just like concise direct statement, you see (not that I know if you're certainly pissed by my rudeness because I'm not a word psychic). But hey, just in case. I..didn't even think of sexualization when I saw that Linde's art. It just never crossed my mind due to how out horrible it is kek (the latter one is even worse).
  13. Noice. I got Lucius, but he's still at level 1. Not to mention, I'm training my Armors to futilely failtry tackling the 10th Stratum. Wonder how I can level rush a healer to 40.
  14. Wow uhh, that's certainly not good for my eyes health.
  15. Clearly mages with pain, debuff, and savage blow is the way to go this time around.
  16. @Quintessence FEH Twitter already shared us next Arena's season units. Tho I may have misinterpreted your post due to skimming. :p
  17. I can imagine the chokepoint will consist of mage and or flier. Also, hi 5 for living in the same GMT.
  18. I can't say for Azura, but Minerva/Eldigan with Moonbow is actually p ridiculous. With Minerva's speed she could potentially double Moonbow in a round.
  19. I caved and used another 18 orbs (please me, I just wanna save orbs. Help) 3* Tiki -Atk +Def. Mmm she'll be pretty tanky. 3* Donnel +HP -Spd. More Donnels means more Dragback woo. 3* Lissa -HP +Atk. I already trained my free Lissa, so this one could be a Rehabilitate fodder I guess. 5* Lucius +HP -Atk. At least I got a focus hero! Though he probably won't be ready for the Arena on time. Please just let me save my orbs this time please... Please.
  20. So I guess the ultimate passive build for M Robin would be A: Triangle Adept B: Lancebreaker C: Anything. That means he'll only have trouble dealing with Greens. Scary stuff.
  21. Just to clarify, Vaxmillian is correct (as sad as not getting 20 orbs is). The JP image stated that we'll get 10 orbs and 5k feathers if all answers are answered correctly. The reward will be handed out on 7th April.
  22. I'm done with Infantry. So I'm left with just Armor one. Time to train Gwen, Sheena, and double Draug.
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