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Everything posted by Nintenlord

  1. Screw him, he no longer even works on the FEditor. @zahlman: Do you happen to know why the old versions can insert animations that the new ones can't?
  2. Are these events originally from disassembly? If they are, you shouldn't add or remove codes unless you really know what you are doing. Start from scratch instead.
  3. Did you add new/change codes in this region: ORG $6677BC TurnBasedEvents: TURN 0x0 label9 [1,0] 0x0 TURN 0x0 label10 [2,0] 0x0 CHAR CharacterBasedEvents: CHAR 0x5 label11 [0x1,0x18] CHAR 0x5 label11 [0x18,0x1] CHAR LocationBasedEvents: SHOP 0x0 label12 [7,9] 0x14 SHOP 0x0 label13 [6,1] 0x13 VILL 0x0 label14 [3,4] 0xE LOCA 0x0 [3,3] 0x1D LOCA 0x0 label15 [6,7] 0xE LOCA 0x0 label16 [0,4] 0xE LOCA 0x0 label17 [5,7] 0xE LOCA 0x3 [16,3] 0xF CHAR MiscBasedEvents: AFEV 0x0 label18 0x65 CHAR PointerList: POIN TurnBasedEvents POIN CharacterBasedEvents POIN LocationBasedEvents POIN MiscBasedEvents POIN EnemyUnits AllyUnits POIN EndingScene
  4. You have the order of parameters wrong: CharacterEvent(eventID,pointer,char1,char2) Meaning you'd need to have: Character_events: CharacterEvent(0x00,Pickme1,Eliwood,MorphLloyd) CharacterEvent(0x00,Pickme2,Eliwood,MorphLinus) CharacterEvent(0x00,Pickme3,Eliwood,MorphBrendan) CHAR
  5. Are you loading the right units? And do show all of the events.
  6. There is? I never knew, I didn't program any limits to it. The source certainly doesn't have any limits.
  7. Character_events is the only label in the code. Eliwood and the rest are definitions.
  8. A) Use END_MAIN to end lists of main codes, such as character events. B) All caps is reserved for codes.
  9. Your palette is screwed up. Show us how it looks in APE.
  10. I fixed it, but forgot to have Dropbox update the download... I can understand your sentiment, but I gave up trying to have every name be exactly 4 characters after I added World map codes. It got a little crazy then.
  11. ^I can't get that to produce any sorts of errors with any version of EA.
  12. Ok, how's that even possible? Only way that could happen is if TileMap had non-divisible by 4 length, in which case it would throw errors itself since BYTE used to require 4-byte-alignment (though not in the latest version).
  13. New release of EA: Note that the MoveToChapter change is a breaking change.
  14. The ALIGN before TileMapEnd is useless and possibly harmful.
  15. Skirmishs units mostly use something called unit templates, which are similar to UNIT codes, but work differently. I think someone made some documentation on it, but I can't seem to find it... Ah, here it is: http://femodding.wikia.com/wiki/Valni,_Lagdou_and_Skirmish_Hacking_Notes
  16. OK, new rule to posting events: Use CODE tags!!!! Quote tags disappear when quoting, making my job of helping those who are trying to help even harder. Example: Code was quoted, so it disappears when I quoted it. Here's how to do it right: Won't have any effect, CODE was removed several versions before TileMapEnd was added. The game calculates the amount of tiles it needs to read from the TileMap(0x00,4,4,1,1,ChestOpened) part. Width * Height = Amount of tiles it needs to read. Meaning you don't need to terminate it with 0. And the tile changes don't need to be 4 byte aligned, only 2 byte aligned. It should go like this: House2: IFCA 0x00 0x10 Ivy FADI 10 BACG 0x01 FADU 10 ITGV SecretBook REMA ELSE 0x11 ENIF 0x10 LOU1 Guards ENUN ENIF 0x11 ENDA The general pattern of conditionals is: House2: IF** CondID1 //May contain other parameters //If conditions are met ELSE CondID2 ENIF CondID1 //If conditions aren't met ENIF CondID2 ENDA
  17. Labels don't work like that in EA. If you are talking about Character ID's, EA can only use one Character ID named Bandit, which is 0x3E.
  18. AREA goes to Misc_events usually. Yes you can. It's completely valid and works.
  19. Dammit Arch, at this rate there won't be anything left to remake. I support this project figuratively, along with the usual help I do on this forum either way. My PM box is always open to you, Arch. Do your best. Where's Vergil?
  20. Coordinates start from (0,0) at the top-left corner. You started from (1,1). It's easiest to just use your map editor to get the coordinates, as both Mappy and Tiled both do it the right way. PS: It's nice to see that people read my posts even when I'm not replying to their question.
  21. Jamesiluce: Post the FMP or MAP file (not the Mar file). Agro: You ever posted about your issues with Tiled?
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