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Everything posted by Mitsuki

  1. Yeah, I'm clearly too good to be real
  2. You all should go /in for Mafia Sucks Mafia since Batmafia won't be starting for a while.
  3. "8/10. I can't believe it was someone else, and not me, who came up with such an amazing and dumb idea."
  4. I'm sorry for you? I'm not sure what you're expecting me to answer, or how your situation will improve only by complaining in someone else's game thread.
  5. If people need a break it's totally fine. However, there are people who don't need that break and even when I don't care much about hosting this setup in particular right now it's frustrating not to be able to host the game for them. Also, if someone there actually wants to play it'd be cool to have them here, but I don't want to force anyone to play just to get the game going. If you get around to talking to them just don't insist much.
  6. It'd be great if more new people joined. I don't think we have enough new players to fill the six slots, though.
  7. Maybe this game will eventually fill!!! I was thinking about inviting people from MotK to play since they haven't been able to host a game there for months, and it's not the first time it happens. Yeah, it's incredible to think there are places where mafia is way more dead than here. Would you guys be ok with it?
  8. Yeah! This setup has roles, but nothing too complicated.
  9. Welcome to the smallest large game of the year. This is a game for 16 players, checked by Kaoz. The rules are the following: [spoiler=Rules]1. This game is NOC, follow the spirit of the game and don't talk about the game outside the thread unless granted mod permission to do so. Being dead doesn't count as being given permission, so living players contacting dead players to comment on the game and viceversa are not allowed. Post any game-related comments in the game thread (if alive) or in the graveyard quicktopic (if dead). If you don't want to talk about the game in public, you may also post your thoughts on your Role PM anytime. 2. Days last for 72 hours, nights last for 24 hours. You can't talk during the night. Please let the mods know if you intend to lurk or if you have important commitments that will prevent you from posting once every 24 hours, otherwise two prods will likely result in forced replacement. 3. Don't talk after the hammer, specially if you are the player being lynched. 4. Lynches require a majority of votes to happen. If there is no majority, the game will end in a universal loss. No lynch may be reached by 1/3 or more of alive players voting no lynch at phase end. 5. We will not announce potential mylo/lylo variants. Standard LyLo or MyLo will be announced. 6. You will be informed if your action is blocked or redirected. 7. No jesters or other bastard mod elements. 8. No screenshots, Mod conversation quoting (Role PM, night results PMs, etc) or post edits. Any of these will most likely end up in a mod kill. Flavorspec is discouraged but allowed. 9. Being modkilled for any of the above or blatantly failing to play to your wincon (a.k.a: throwing the game) will result in an automatic loss for the player involved regardless of alignment and potential consequences towards the ability to sign up for our future games. This includes powerlurking through several phases as town-aligned. If you are unsure whether or not something you are about to post would be against the game's rules, please contact us and ask. 10. Self targetting isn't allowed unless specified otherwise. 11. If you feel that a game or general forum rule was violated, please do not post about it in the game thread, but contact one of the following people instead: - Mitsuki - Vhaltz - Kaoz - Eclipse Game Start link Fighting for Batman (6/16): - YOLOSWAG - Lord Gaius Shin - JBCWK - J Elieson - Dreamer - Refa Batmurdered people: - Great Lord Diego - Lynched D1. Batprofile Checker, Town weak cop - Supershyguy (Clarinets) - Lynched D2. Shark Repellent Batspray, Town doc - Proto and Blitz - Killed N2. Batrobin! Arsonist Roleblocker - Izhuark - Killed N2. Batlucky Person, Town Jack of all Functional Vanillas - MancerNecro - Lynched D3. Batsignal, Town Morse announcer - Green Poet - Killed N3. The Batkid!!!!!!!!!! Town 2-shot friendly neighbour - Tiny Goddess - Lynched D4. The Joker, Mafia Jack of all Trades - Balcerzak- Killed N4. Batflanders, Town Neighbour - King Gilgamesh Baldrick - Lynched D5. The BATAGENT, Town Agent - The3rdCorinthian Sniper Knight - Killed N5. Batcop, Town Tracker Hosts: - Mitsuki - Vholtz
  10. Also Baldrick you may not have been in a good spot number/role wise but that doesn't change the fact that you guys got your ass kicked
  11. Oh. Yeah, I forgot he was rolecop. I know that SKs need to be powerful but to be honest that one was too insanely OP. Also, guess what? I thought about a "poisoner PGO" a couple of times but I discarded it because it seemed ridiculous. And it is. I guess the hard thing to do is not coming up with the correct ideas, but being accurate on the thoughts you select to describe a reality. Sigh.
  12. If you had redirected Eclipse to us it'd have been amazing. By the way, SB, did you really fake the cop report to see Baldrick's reaction and scumhunt or did you do that to seem townier?
  13. Looking back, I think it was the right choice in spite of town already having a vig, because you were very likely to be a mislynch. Still, if I hadn't done that I'd have hard defended you~
  14. Man, am I the only one who is happy about having won??? Also I forgot to say: SSG and 3rd Corinthian played super well in spite of this being their first game (if I recall this correctly). So good job guys!
  15. THIS GAME IS FINALLY OVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Congratulations to town, I feel like everyone's scumhunting was really good. And when it wasn't, town were really townie, so that made up for it. After all, this game ended with only one mislynch. What screwed up this game hard were people's attitudes, but well. It's not a mafia game if it doesn't screw up in some way. Also I called SB as poisoner first, but then proceeded to ignore Randa. I learned my lesson: never clear anyone on roles. At least not in an Elie game. Speaking of which, Elie please try to make less swingy setups. Too many doctors, too many killing roles. This game could have easily become terrible for either alignment. But you can come up with a lot of creative roles that aren't overpowered if you think about it for a while. Koneko was an amazing hydra partner even though we didn't talk about the game much. 10/10 waifu, will always adore D1 and D2 had some of my favorite moments playing mafia ever. I don't think I had ever been as happy after lynching someone as I was when we lynched Blitz. Speaking of which, Blitz, if you read this: Did you stop posting on purpose? Or did something happen?
  16. I've just finished ISOing Crysta and Snike, but nothing new to comment on.
  17. Randa, can you remind me of who your slot's targets have been from N1 to N3?
  18. I'm rereading IWBTS. BBM's focus on bad rolespec, or rather, rolespec that "leans a certain way" with not very strong logic, seems similar. He feels like he has a lot more conviction that game, at least D4 (the phase I'm rereading), so yeah, definitely not cautious. I'm interpreting that as BBM losing his motivation to play mafia overall. Going from my case on BBM there I can give more specific reasoning on why I think BBM's play feels similar: In both games, he feels like he's pushing people without a certain aim in mind, and he borrows logic that's not very good from other people (for example: 2-day delayed poisoner, which still burns my eyes every time I read it) to keep suspecting others. Both of these points stand regardless of meta, so yeah. I'm going to be rereading Snike and Crysta next.
  19. I meant 2-day delayed, not 2-shot delayed, but you get what I mean.
  20. I just don't see why Snike would be bad. Still "less good" than Crysta but that's because I feel better about her. I could still see both as ITP but it's less likely than ITP!BBM; I don't have any real suspicion against them but I don't want to PoE them as town when my reads on them are weak and I need to think a lot more to have a proper conclusion. Yeah, because with that amount of protective roles there could have been both ITP and mafia protective roles. I see what you mean with the last point, but it's that, even as ITP he could still have claimed his role if he believed that scum were most likely to be claiming a protective role as well. --------------- Reply to BBM: (I'm highlighting the important points) Something that's not exclusively avoiding replying, I guess. It was just a random question, meant more as a poke than anything, and your reply was weird. I didn't really think about what you'd say as either alignment, but the reply felt the way I stated. The fact that my example comes from a post that you made later is irrelevant, because I'm trying to describe a general behavior pattern. I remember you felt that way to me. It's not like you're being cautious in the general sense of the word, it's how you're not being meaningful. I have seen and I expect to see replies that hint that there's townie reasoning behind your actions when you roll town. I'm not seeing that anywhere, so it feels like you're ITP avoiding being meaningful. Yeah, lining up lynches was definitely not the word. It feels like you're ok with almost any lynch* is more like what I meant. I see what you mean but I still feel that way. There's something in the way that you're commenting on people that makes me think like that. I apologize (regardless of your alignment) for such a terrible explanation, I usually try to explain gut but this time I just can't. But hey, saying my logic is tunnel vision is just not accurate. You don't know what I'm thinking and how I'm thinking, and why I'm doing what I'm doing. I'm very aware that my case on you is not the best case ever, just like I knew that I had no reason to push Gaius and Eclipse before D4 start, and I still wanted to push them and see where that lead. This is not the same, but it's similar. What, I never said that you were confirmed poisoner, and definitely not on the logic you comment on. I said that if Randa protects SSG and nobody dies then you most likely are. I guess it's not a valid point though if you didn't realize about what I meant right from the beginning. @Randa: disregard what I said. + I'm assuming that he is confirmed poison doctor because 2-shot delayed poisoner would be ridiculous, specially with so many protective roles around (even if there actually wasn't a poison doctor), but whatever. Let's just forget about Randa today, lynch someone else and maaaaaaaaybe reconsider later (not very likely in my opinion). You still need to answer what I asked about Refa.
  21. BBM feels like he's desperately trying to line up lynches. Why would you have everyone in the playerlist in your priority list instead of trying to make sense of who is almost guaranteed to be town? It feels like he doesn't care about who is going to be lynched as long as it's not him. Why is everyone ignoring BBM. @Snike and BBM: what do you think about what I said about this post by Refa? @BBM: Why would poissoner be poison doctor as well? Also 2-night delayed poisoner would be the worst role ever, and they could still be a ninja, so it would prove nothing. (Your logic on Randa suuuuuuuuuuuucks) Why does this matter? Mass roleblock would roleblock everyone for one night, it's not vanillizer. If I'm understanding this right, this logic applies to everyone, not only to BBM, and someone must be the poisoner so ??? It feels exactly the same. It's as if you're being extra cautious with every word you're saying. Like with this reply. Instead of saying anything meaningful, you're trying to measure what I'm thinking to see how this affects you. !!! @Randa: If we don't lynch BBM, you should protect SSG tonight. If nobody dies then BBM is as good as confirmed poisoner.
  22. I'm almost sure that the scumteam has been eliminated. Time to hunt for poisoner! ... ... Yeah, I should have reread. People who I'm almost certain that they aren't poisoner are Randa, Refa and SSG. Randa because of his attitude I don't remember where + the fact that poisoner wouldn't have a way to cure poison, and I'm going to assume SSGs not dead of poison because Randa cured him. Refa is town since he told Gilgamesh to redirect people to him here. As 3rd party, you wouldn't want someone random targeting you (Koneko found that post, she's awesome <3). SSG is town because I don't think he'd have played the way he has as poisoner and I don't think lightning rod makes sense as a fake for poisoner. Out of the people left, BBM > Snike > Crysta probably. BBM is first because he reminds me of the way he played as SK the first time I played mafia in MotK. BBM, are you Creepy Richard again? Also poisoner doctor would be hilarious, and that's something Elie would probably think about. Snike > Crysta because Crysta feels townier to me than Snike (Snike felt more "not-mafia", but less "not-ITP") ##Vote: BBM cut by Refa
  23. Too much time has gone by now. If Eclipse and Gaius are town then just fuck this game. I don't even want to win anymore, I wanted to stop playing D3 and even if I could motivate myself enough at D4 beginning the gamestate has made me even more demotivated than before. And when you look back... three hydras, two modkills, SB being subbed out due to someone spoiling him something, countless replacements. I wish I could stop caring about the game and not post at all, but here I am. This is the worst. D1 and D2 were pretty amazing though, except for Baldrick's spam when he was "outed". It's so sad that a game that I enjoyed so much turned into something that makes me feel this terrible now. I'm still not going to vote, but I'll do so in around an hour and a half if nobody else is against it.
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