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Original Alear

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Status Updates posted by Original Alear

  1. Wow I feel like you were gone for a while, hi.

  2. Maybe this is a weird question, but is your photo from some sort of French "New Wave" movie? Somehow the way the girl's face looks reminds me of some of the movies I've seen from that period. Well anyway, let me know what it's from?

    1. Espinosa


      Ah, that's young Rita Lee. What French films were you thinking of exactly? Cause I think I might like them.

    2. Original Alear

      Original Alear

      I actually haven't seen that many. It's something about the way her expression is that reminds me of them at least. I've seen some of the "Three Colors" trilogy, 2 or 3 or 4 Godard films and 2 and a half Truffaut films (I had to go to bed).

  3. Man, your sig is cool.

    1. Ness


      Why thank you sir/ma'am.

  4. Happy birthday.

    1. Specta


      Thank you c:

  5. Happy birthday dude.

  6. Shouldn't you be a scorpion or a set of scales instead of a moesnake?

    1. Nanami Touko

      Nanami Touko

      Nope plop snake the best ever.

  7. Happy birthday dude (...oh no, em said "madam"!)

  8. Do you folks still do skype on saturdays at some time ever, and can I join?

    1. Original Alear

      Original Alear

      And I'm asking you b/c I remembered you running them.

  9. B/c feeling bad is a great way to make myself be better I bet!

  10. If you get to retire as a CIA expert torturer can they give you youtube access? Also I feel like I should feel bad for loving your "about me."

  11. Thanks dude, and have a good one if/when it comes up again.

  12. Wait I started saying happy birthday back, have a good one though.

  13. You're a fucking hero of the 3 kingdoms.

  14. I am deeply disappointed (prospectively, speculatively, hypothetically, or erroneously) in Gene Wolfe's fanbase, perhaps :(

  15. I am deeply disappointed (prospectively, speculatively, hypothetically, or erroneously) in Gene Wolfe's fanbase, perhaps :(

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