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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Umm, what's the theme used in Ashnard's GHB? I noticed multiple songs are played simulteanously. One of them is the map theme in E1-E4 from FE10, but I can't identify the other one(s).
  2. As much as I like most of FE5's mechanics, the 1-99% hitrate isn't one of them although I have to admit it suits to the story of never feeling safe. The enemies are usually bad, still getting hit by 1% isn't cool. I still have to build a dodgetank in RPGs. In Cold Steel and Crossbell series I failed to make Fie and Lloyd become one.
  3. Yeah, but only if IS decides to get rid of that 1-99% hitrate formula. FE5 is absolutely not the ultimate dodge-tank FE game. Mareeta is better in destroying anyways. Always ORKOes Elf and Veld.
  4. same voiceactor If Thracia 776 really gets a remake like Echoes, Mareeta turns into a kitty.
  5. That's totally fine. I think Julia is more outstanding than Ike simply because this unit type doesn't really exist, but there's no need to complain at all. Five (amazing) 5* for 140 orbs is a splendid outcoming. Still Ike is the fastest unit in Heroes (besides Mareeta, I believe).
  6. Shares location with my avatar. 👌 And of course Idk the game.
  7. Well, that was a night for the rubbish bin. Slept for maybe three hours because I was sweating all the time. Probably caused due to my excitement of continuing Cold Steel III... I got Mario Maker 2 in a deal of Amazon where to get three games for 111 €. Purchased this, Tokyo Mirage Session and Nino Kuni 1. It was a great deal especially if you consider MM2 and TMS cost normally 60 €. Though I have seen MM2 for 40 € in the e-shop too in this year. I made a castle level, but I forgot to save it, lol. It's a nice filler game for sure. Doesn't sound too bad for me. The main issue I had with the game I played it was too hard for me. I died to the second boss already.
  8. Made my 40 pulls. FallenMaleCorrin FallenIke FallenLyon 2x FallenLysithea Got Lyon with my 40th pull. I really wanted Julia, but I had to pick Ike as free pull to get rid of his attack bane and become supergood with his speed superboon. Funnily both Ike and Corrin are +spd / -atk which I totally can take since both have a superboon and are as quick as Speedy Gonzales. Anyways the first two 40 pulls banners have been absurdly good for me so far in terms of 5*.
  9. Probably a silly question, but this game have alchemy or any kinda simulation aspect? I have to say I'm not the biggest Neptunia player. I tried to play a couple of games, but the gameplay couldn't drag me in. Thanks for sharing!
  10. Huh, what game is this!? Also I would be open for a Atelier Neptune though it would require a cooperation of KT and NISA...
  11. Easy mode of both games have doubled experience (elite mode). Though another differences in FE10 are that it features less enemies than on normal / hard mode and some early game bosses have weaker weapons a / o are stationary and a few mission objectives have been changed. 1-5 is a defeat boss instead of a survival mission. In 3-6 and 3-12 less enemies have to be defeated. In FE9's easy mode only the battle experience is doubled, that's all I can remember. Means on paper the jump from normal to hard is bigger in FE10.
  12. FE9 has one too. I wouldn't mind to increase the enemies's stats to make this game more challenging. Adding randomizers would be a neat idea for a remake to these games. Still I would like to try it out sometime. Reminds me on Ryza....... or Atelier in general.
  13. Who shall I ship with Rean at the end? Also lol, for chapter 3 the same field music is used as in the previous ones. So far two different field themes, that's what I call "variety"! Not gonna lie Cold Steel 3's soundtrack is an utter disappointment so far.
  14. FE5 has a randomizer too? I only know about the ones for GBA. I never have done one, but a FE5 randomizer sounds fun. Shooooot, reminds me I promised someone here to start with a Super Thracia LP. It's all Cold Steel III's fault...
  15. None because I played FE10 before 9. I don't like his personality or rather what the game did to him by being Micaiah's bodyguard. Every second like contains I will protect you, Micaiah. It's really tiresome and I don't learn anything else about him. Gameplaywise he's one of the very few prepromoted non paladins who can carry the entire party pretty much through the entire first part. Though in part 3 he starts to struggle at lot by being very squishy. The main problem is that he has very few uses in part 3 and 4-P. It's not enough time to give him enough levels till his forced promotion. And in 4-3 he will see like no combat at all thanks to the terrain. Meanwhile he's absolutely useless in endgame. He only is used till the third map (then replaced by Nasir) to shove people.
  16. FE9 has a good and simple straightforward story and world building. Gameplaywise it feels like a mix of GBA and FE5. The only issue is (for me at least), it's a very easy game. Even on hardest difficulty it's easy, even easier than FE8 in hard because it has no real threatening chapter aside of the early game ones. FE10's story is way more complex for having different segments with different groups but it's not worse at all. Gameplaywise it feels more polished by introducing new and unique mechanics among others and it features better maps. Though endgame maps tend to fall behind for having a repetitive mission objective. This game features three lords (despite only two are real lords) and one of them is a very fragile and not fast mage. Keeping her alive in the entire game isn't easy and cause frustration easily. This game has a unique support system by allowing anyone supporting anyone at cost of its conversation though. All conversations are more or less bland unless they had a support in FE9. Speaking of that I recommend to play FE9 before 10 simply to get transfer boosts for FE10. It applies for having a A-support between two units or having someone with capped level and a capped stat. Some units can really benefit from stat boots in FE10. As for the content playing FE9 first is nice, but not entirely necessary.
  17. Pulled a bit from the new banner. In three circles I got BlueFallenCorrin..... and two Lysitheas. She's kinda fallen too in some way and I love her anyways, so this is just awesome! Corrin is +spd / -atk, so another copy would be fantastic. I wanted to get either Ike or Julia as free unit (still have to Idea who to pick), but if I shouldn't pull another copy of Corrin, I would pick him and let him run with a speed boon. Honestly I didn't even want to pull from this banner, but having no colourless orbs in three circles and getting welcomed with a free Lysithea, dragged me into it.
  18. Well, the unbalance comes from the enemy's type. The DB mainly fights against the Laguz which have all much higher attack power or speed than a second tier Begnion soldier. In 3-P you can see the big gap of the Laguz and Begnion's soldiers who all die to two hits. If the DB would fight them aside of the 3-12, they would do way better than against Laguz and could level much easier. Nolan and a not speed screwed Aran could take a few hits by Begnions and gain some exp. In 3-6 it's mainly Jill and Volug who get the levels, so big gap among the party is going to happen, so other units play only a side role. Of the GM's Mist, Rhys, Rolf and Soren are lowleveled but at least latter two can't be ORKO'ed in very most cases. But as equal this group features way more units who can deal and take damage than the DB does. That said I find the difficulty of the DB perfect for me and consider the GM's as too easy because humans are weaker than Laguz. The only way to bring more balance in the GM's chapters is too decrease a few units's level a / o increase the enemy's level. Adding +40 attack and +22 speed Laguz would be great, but unfortunately this wouldn't quite match with the story...
  19. Hooray to canon relationships. I mean Rean has good taste in girls at least, don't get me wrong.
  20. Example: a five level higher enemy gives 7.5 experience more for killing, so I can't see that the GM's outclass the DB (even more) in terms of level. I mean I would be totally up for nerfing overleveled units like Titania, Gatrie and Shinon too to make part 3 some kind of challenging.
  21. I'd say that it could be interesting if a horse has its own HP stacked with the rider's HP. The dealt damage would be shared (50% each) to the horse and rider. Once the horse is dead (should have less HP than the rider logically) the rider takes 100% damage. FE10 had horses in 3-3 with a HP bar, but I think it was utterly pointless since the enemies didn't attack them once the gates were opened. Though this would be way how to get horses aside of buying. Their stats / level could grow by surviving a chapter like Merlinus.
  22. Buffing the enemies's level in the GM chapters because they are way too underleveled. Also giving authority stars to Micaiah after her first promotion. Why does have Ike three and Micaiah none despite both are leaders of an army!?
  23. I have turned on Cold Steel III for 1.25 h today and I have taken control for a total of five minutes. It feels more like a movie than a videogame for me.
  24. I never would have thought that way, if you had not mentioned it. Means I'm not offended in the slightest. I know that one certain song I love returns in CS III which made me think one certain character is back I did not expect for good reason.
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