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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. I can't even do Cold Steel III on easy... I failed on chest spiders who outturned me and used to speed down on me the entire time. The difficulty is ridiculous. My team gets 2RKO'ed at worst and has nothing to prevent status ailments and debuffs. Yeah, I know a reflect brave order exists, but it's not like I can use it over and over again. PS: I could beat the main story spiders on normal, but don't ask me how...
  2. It depends if the game gives the opportunity to let them use all. Trails in the Sky 3rd has up to 16 playable characters and they are all usable since the game forces to be used.
  3. Nice, third banner in a row where green orbs are relevant and I got none. The worse is that I got no blues for the legendary banner either. Stuck with loser colours red and colourless. Hoped an Eir but got Losius instead. Good thing about the terrible circle is that I'm back to 150 orbs. Actually I don't even know how a green orb even looks like. Even in the Archanea banner I got like none.
  4. Thank you all! It's not that I don't like the school segment, though it consumes so much time and I'm really excited for any story relevant events. Though by doing an optional quest in St. Arkh I met a very familar face There also a few things I like about this game more: fishing brave orders Actually I'm playing on hard and funnily and I have done better (thanks to the OP brave orders) so far than on easy against the second boss in Einhel Keep. I was more than glad seriously. Earlier when more of my online friends used the forum, yes. Nowadays, I don't. And seriously I was a bit embarrassed when someone congratulated me. Though I take it as a hint to check the calender more often now.
  5. Um, yes. I didn't want to make public at all since there's nothing really to celebrate. It was just a usual working day. Comrades sang a birthday song and that was it basically. I also received a call by my uncle, but it caused me just anxiety... Anyways many thanks!
  6. Can't say I'm really impressed by Cold Steel III yet. The characters are fine yet, but it starts extremely slow and the soundtrack is really underwhelming so far (though I knew it). Spending eight hours already and still stuck in chapter 1.
  7. Project X Zone 1 was meh, but 2 was really good. A fghting game with Fire Emblem's gameplay and mission objectives and a large variety of characters. I really would like to see a third part.
  8. Now time to fill the rest of the day with listening to the music by Falcom band which was posted this morning. I could use it perfectly as replacement for Cold Steel III's boring soundtrack so far.
  9. Wearing mask in stores and in Busses is quite the experience. I don't get why it hasn't been a thing about a month ago... Though other areas like California already celebrate the exit Also it's funny that of all places China will overthrow Trump (unintendedly).
  10. Looks like Xenoblade can be preordered now. Though since I'm busy with Trails, I think it's the best to wait for a sale. Hopefully it will happen till the end of the year (Black Friday, Christmas...)
  11. My impressions: green: Two armor knights and I have Nagi. Distant counter would be kinda nice, but not a reason to try pulling from them. I don't have Celica, but I'm not short on green mages since I have Thrasir. red: Worst colour despite being represented only by only legendary heroes. None of them is outstanding. Again distant counter is the only really relevant thing. colourless: I WANT Eir-merges, and I was hoping Eleonora would share with her, but unfortunately no. Silque and Lalum dragged this colour down unfortunately. blue: Honestly the most appealing colour for me. I don't have Ephraim and Tsubasa who are really good. Naga as "pitybreaker" would not hurt either. blue >> green = colourless > red
  12. Well, I learned something new today after about three years. 🙂 Good to know! I considered Altina as a physical unit (aka Millium 2.0.) was simply that she never casted in Cold Steel II.
  13. I'm mainly for a remake of games which were not released for the west. Judgral games are the best example.
  14. There's no need to play on PSP emulator. Both Crossbell games cost like nothing, even a PSP isn't that expensive (used one costs about as much as a new Switch or PS4 game).
  15. I'm not even surprised that I got no single green for today's banners. On the other hand I'm not even disappointed since I have all 5* exclusive units, even with a good nature. Seriously better getting no focus unit instead getting trolled by a 5* Merric.
  16. Do enemies respawn once they're defeated? Nevermind: I could do it. I didn't know Altina is supposed to be a caster, but I kept her out of the boss's attack range which was enough for succeeding.
  17. Zestiria is a bad game to begin with for one reason: The game calculates the enemies's stats based on armatization. Enemies have doubled stats than in other Tales of games. If you fight an elite monster same level as your party, it will have twice as many stats as your party which means you have no chance to beat it without armatization. There are other issues I have with that game like dull overworld and lame character cast (Alisha was treated like dirt), bad camera angle in combat, but these are minor to be honest. Zestiria is absolutely unbalanced thanks to armatization, the worst mechanic ever happened to Tales of.
  18. Well, I failed against the second boss in Einhel Keep. Even on second lowest difficulty Altina was 2RKO'ed and the other two 3RKO'ed. Apparently I have to use the Orions's Brave order since Altina's allows to take 90% less damage and Millium's gives physical immunity. The problem however was that I had no brave order points for this fight.
  19. Played a bit Cold Steel III till the boss I failed before (second one in Einhal Keep). I can't say anything about all the characters so early in the game yet. Gameplaywise it feels that offensive artes don't really exist (unless in zero artes turns) because link attacks and brave orders.
  20. At least Luke and Corrin made it in I 100% agree.
  21. Can't say I'm too excited to see videogame characters into rabbits. I have to pass on this game, even if it received good criticism. The problem of Zestiria's armatization is that the stats of the enemies are doubled. If you try any equal leveled elite monster unarmatizated even on lowest difficulty, you'll lose! Says everything how balanced this game is.
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