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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. What should I play after Cold Steel III? Persona 5 Royal, Tokyo Xanadu Ex or one of my seven not finished Atelier games?
  2. Did not post in the right thread by accident.
  3. Likes the Tellius games more than his life.
  4. Oh yeah, I made a big quartz set up yesterday. I bought Minotaur on the island for Musse and gave the one (forgot the name) which increase dealing critical damage when using offensive artes. She has pretty much Tio's role by dealing tons of arte damage. Also gave all the bells to the appropirate units like ocean bell to Musse, the time bell to Juna for casting chrono drive and the fire bell to Ash for casting la forte and impassion.
  5. I aplogize for never thanking you for the tips....... so do I it now! Anyways I'm currently at the end of chapter 3. I have to be honest, I don't enjoy this game so far for multiple reasons. First the combat gameplay is absolutely unbalanced. The enemies's stats became improved dramatically compared to other modes. Furthermore they have the annoying ability to heal theirselves and to buff up in the same turn constantly which slows things down. In return the player has the access to the broken brave order commands which have to be used to make progress in the game. It's not possible to win certain fights without using them like mentioned Le Guin fight. The classic combat from the Sky triology and Crossbell duology doesn't exist anymore. These stupidly broken brave order commands destroyed it. To equal things the enemies became massively buffed. Even in second lowest difficulty I die - regardless using brave orders - which didn't happen to me in Zero or Azure and first was played on normal. Cold Steel III feels like having fake difficulty. Though if I complain about gameplay, not everything became worse. The mech fights are much more enjoyable because the time fights are really enjoyable. It also automatcially gives spotlight to people who aren't Rean. Another issue I have is that the soundtrack is incredibly dull for Falcom standards. There hasn't been one memorable soundtrack in this game for me. Yeah, I admit one of the reason why I play Falcom games is because of their normally phenomenal soundtrack. Unfortunately Cold Steel III doesn't feature any earcatchers yet. As for the plot chapter 2 was really good, but chapter 3 is boring so far, at least everything before the final day. I've mainly spent 15 hours for reading texts of walls. At least it featured some good character interactions like the one with Sara. On the other hand I still don't get Claire's motive to work for Osborne, even after sharing her fate of her family. Idk how desperate someone must be to work for a guy like him.
  6. Ah, got it. I didn't know alchemy games are that common. Anyways played for 40 h yet and still not done with chapter 3 (last day is coming up) which is not even a particullary good one btw aside of a few conversations with the party members. So far it's my least favorite Trails game because of the unbalanced as unfun gameplay, the poor soundtrack and walls of text. Though I have to admit the mech fights have been become much better. The team fight are quite enjoyable. Quite the irony to say it because they were the worst thing in Cold Steel 2. Speaking of Cold Steel 2: I am not even sure, if I will Cold Steel IV next. If Hajimari has a different combat gameplay, I will go for this one first all the way.
  7. If it's dungeon crawler, I would be totally fine with. Though I merely concern for the battle gameplay. If it's like Sky 3rd's too, then perfect!
  8. Also RIP Jerry Stiller ;( Now he's in where he always want see all the people who don't care for his lines. Nah, I better hope he's in heaven. RIP!
  9. This is why I enjoy Liberl and Crossbell games way more. They are balanced without having any OP skills / abilities on both sides. Regardless the outcome of Cold Steel III I'm really not excited for IV since I know the same mechanics like brave orders return. I just hope Hajimari won't turn into similar like Cold Steel III.
  10. Well, seeing him being part of the Ironbloods is one facette of Lechter, and I can't blame someone for disliking him. Though he shows himself from a way better side in Crossbell.
  11. Wow, did I see Shirley posting here!? I didn't even know that SF Discord still exists because it hasn't been shown in the SF page anymore.
  12. Quoted wrong person by accident at first, so sorry for that! I still have no clue how to delete embded quote boxes.
  13. @DragonFlames Is Bardias the second 1 vs. 1 fight I must not lose? If so, I should have done the worst of the game hopefully. Impossible to beat without brave orders in any difficulty. Whatever... I have to say I hope the game's over soon... 38 hours and seriously aside of having some nice backround story and the game does not do much to keep me motivating. I have spent ten hours in this chapter for little Jaeger and monster fights and gaining some backround information about a few characters yet. Sara's conversation was nice at least whilst I still don't understand Claire's motivation to support Osborne. Idk how much despair she must have had to do this step. I think I'm the only person who has this opinion, but in my case it was a mistake to play Crossbell first because I had totally different expectations about gameplay, story and soundtrack. This game feels dull, doesn't even make me really happy. I rather torment through this game what only happened to me in Sky FC yet.
  14. Ah, this was before my time. Well, then ignore my former post.
  15. Have there been two GHBs of the same game in a row yet?
  16. Well, next seasonal banners (bride and summer) should be a skip unless something really crazy is going to happen like Bride Lysithea or Summer Ishtar. I hope next New Heroes banner will be FE10 because it's overdue.
  17. Since current banner is kinda a FE9 banner, I expect a FE10 banner if it's Tellius.
  18. A tune to start well in the new week: Never found it in Azure's soundtrack despite it was played there. But this is part of Zero's arrange soundtrack.
  19. I'm glad that ememies like knights or soldiers have a decent resistance stat in this game. Especially for knights who have to suffer from enough of things I'm glad that they are balanced by having decent restistance and speed not to get ORKO'ed by everything. The statspread of the enemies is absolutely fine for me. Mages became either slower or weaker. No mage has +50% growth in magic and speed aside of Pelleas who's a special case for joining at low level late which is a sign of balance. The only I issue I have, is that they and staff users have lower movement for no reason. Yes, they're not restricted in desert chapters, but it's the case for one single chapter in this game. It's really not a justified exchange. As for magic I honestly wished the DB had more range weapon users. Leonardo - who's only really useful if trained - is pretty much the only real range weapon user in part 3 since Micaiah is mainly busy with healing. It would be helpful if Ilyana stayed in the DB not only because she could easier catch up in terms of level, but also because she would have effectiveness against the Laguz once she's second tier. A chipper would be really good for 3-6 at least.
  20. Ah Now that I think about I probably had this weapon but accidently replaced by the obtsinable weapon in the final dungeon. Though I have not upgraded any of the final dungeon's weapons. I don't even know if they can't be refined. I hope I can let Juna become a dodgetank since she pretty much shall have Fie's role. As for chapter 3 I find Ash as physical attacker way better than Kurt. Same goes for Musse being a better caster than Altina though I have to admit I hardly use Altina for casting. Mainly using her s-crafts to debuff enemies. Honestly I think a physical build would suit her if her HP wasn't that low.
  21. Pretty sure I didn't get this weapon. Lloyd ended up with 65% evasion which was not enough. Actually I never really used Fie in Cold Steel, but after watching videos I'm definitely interested to build her up. I really don't care much for Three Houses anymore nowadays. Interest in the game strongly dropped after finishing Golden Deers and Crimson Flower on maddening, but it still features some nice characters. Annette despite being a rather mediocre unit is still quite adorable though not as adorable as Lys.
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