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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. @Interdimensional Observer As for the final boss did you unlock its third form? Because this is actually the "true" battle.
  2. Ken by Chun-Li Dark Samus by Metall Mario Isabelle by Krystal Chrom by Lyn Piranha Plant by King Boo The wrestler Pokémon (Idk it's English name) by Yuri Lowell
  3. Everyone else than the avatar from Three Houses would surprise me. Since with the introduction of the Monado techniques it would be a great opportunity to give them different weapon types to be different than all the existing FE characters. A FE character with a wielding axe in Smash would be definitely refreshing.
  4. I am glad days have become longer and weather cooler again. Getting awake by birdies at 4 AM was awkward. Getting up at 6:30 AM on a sunday is still early, but I am used to it.
  5. Freepulled Saber from the summer banner by accident. Wanted to pull from green, but finger slipped on red. Good result after all since he is incredibly hard to get now and got a great fine. +atk / -def is not too great since he seems to work as a tank, but I can work it with, I guess.
  6. I could beat abyssal actually, the first GHB I ever could beat on highest difficulty, with Nowi, ATiki, Reinhardt and Olivia (all +10, Olivia being 4*). It says how easy this GHB must have been that I was able to beat it.
  7. I might not be in the majority, but I like the path Intelligent Systems closed by adding mechanics from other SRPGs like Persona or Legend of Heroes. It feels refreshing. I really like the school system with is still unique for me since the protagonist does not get taught, but teach. As for the battles I must get used on the new mechanics like battalion and gambit. I guess latter is a team attack whose conditions I could not quite figure out yet.
  8. With simulation I meant the day organisation and school part as it exists in Persona, so I guess you understood me correctly. 14. Asuke or Sora? 15. How did you find your interview?
  9. Yes.........because it is the only of game from 2019 I will play unless NiSA will make my dream come true by bringing out Cold Steel 3 on Steam also this year. Shoot, Vesperia was also from this year, so this would make two. But it was a remaster, so I cannot count it as a game from 2019.
  10. This is an easy skip. Micaiah is the only one who interests me. Last year's CYL had three great units at least (Celica, Veronica, Hector). I would rather spend my orbs for Veronica merges or an usable Celica finally. All pulled Celicas became fodder unfortunately.
  11. Even I might have rated this theme for the fifth time already, I always enjoy rating it. 9.75 Trails in the Sky 3rd - Castle of Illusions
  12. 11. Do you like the idea of Fire Emblem bringing up simulation aspects? 12. Which Fire Emblem would come closest to your personality? 13. What do you think how your life will be ten years later?
  13. About 90% of the games I have bought in the past year were on sale. In general I do not buy games on date of release simply to save money. Vesperia and Three Houses were the exceptions. I am searching on Steam or e-shop and there are good games dropped frequently. And there are also the daily sales like summer or black Friday where the price of tons of (good) games is dropped. That said until about a couple of years ago I only bought digital copies, but since I am taking care for my wallet, I changed to digital copies because the chance of getting games more favorable is higher.
  14. For almost 250 orbs I pulled Eir, Caineghis, Byleth and Sothis. It could have been way better in terms of quantity, but at least I got what I wanted (Cain-merge, New unit, marvelous fodder in person of Byleth and another Eir-merge as bonus). Alm would have been nice, but not pulling him confirmes the 2019's pattern: I have pulled all female legendary heroes, but none of the males yet.
  15. Oh, I have started it too recently (chapter 3 atm). 6. What are your first impressions of Tokyo Xanadu (if you have any) 7. Would you like to see a crossover with Falcom characters, and if so, what kind of crossover? 8. What is your most favorite videogame theme? 9. What is your most favorite not videogame music theme? 10. Who is your most favorite videogame character?
  16. @Shadow Mir I forgot Fates pretty much. If this skill already existed there, then yeah, I have no memories about its skills anymore.
  17. Which Nihon Falcom games have you played yet? What is your favorite Nihon Falcom game? Are you looking forward to Trails of Cold Steel 3? What has been your happiest day in your life yet? How would you describe yourself in three words?
  18. Sylvain is thirsty for skirts. I wished there was some good Ingrid fanart, but there is like none. 😭 Apparently no one likes her... 😭
  19. Alright, thanks! This kinda turns down red for me then although he is superb fodder though.
  20. I am confused to see the male avatar. I thought we would be exclusive to everyone who owns 3H. But anyways colourless is the best represented colour in a legendary banner of all time. All three are monstrous. Since I have like no orbs and all colourless units already - despite I would like to get another Cain to fix his defense bane - I will only be able to pull a full circle.
  21. I consider 3H as Trails of the Cold Steel with FE maps because this is what it basically is. Even fishing from Cold Steel was taken over almost 1:1. The recruitment is basically like establish social links in Persona which require certain stats of the protagonist in a certain level. Personally I dislike Dimitri's art in Heroes because it looks cartoonish, but in 3H he looks fantastic and I also like his nature personality. If marriages exist, he will become avatar's husband. Too bad I have to go back to work today again and still tons of uploads to do for my LP, so I will not make much progress in the game in the next days. 😞 When I receive Crossbell games, I will be supercomflicted what to play. Since I expect 3H to be a LOOOOONG game, I am fairly sure I will not finish these until the end of this year.
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