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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Thanks! However if I will stay five more years here is more than questionable. It cannot be denied that FTTF is dying out slowly.
  2. With today I have been member of this forum for a half decade now. So many things have happened to me while this period... Honestly more bad than good things. At least I started to feel appreciated and happier in the past few months mainly because I found a job I felt absolutely comfortable with. But one thing has not changed: I am still posting in this forum, even if way less frequent than about 3-4 years ago for obvious reasons.
  3. FE10 won, so I will LP it for the third time already, but always with a different theme. This time it will be an only females run. Difficulty is normal. However since it is FE10 which has obvious balance problems it is not possible to realize this attempt 100%. Not only that a male has to set the final blow in this game unfortunately, but there are some chapters which require all the manpower. Anyways the rules: - only females may be used in combat equipped, males may do absolutely nothing (including dancing and disarmed shielding) Exceptions: - in 1-P Edward may be used as shilding - in 1-1, 1-2 and 1-3 one male Dawn Brigade member may be used in combat with a weapon equipped, furthermore Sothe may aka has to shield in 1-2 - in 1-4 and 1-5 one male DB member may shield - in 1-9 BK may shield - in 2-1 Brom is free to use - in part 1 Rafiel is free to use - Ike has to kill the boss in E-2 and E-5 Plaaned weapons: Urvan: Jill Wishblade: Double Bow: Astrid Vague Katti: Alondite: Rexbolt: Ilyana Rexfire: Calill Rexcalibur: RIP I will let you decide who will get the unfilled SS weapons.
  4. Zihark, Jill and Tauroneo will show up in 1-5, but they are controllable one chapter later. I did not quite get on which difficulty this game is played (assuming normal when the steel bow archer in 1-2 could oneshot Micaiah), but if it is normal, I recommend to focus on only a limited amount of units in the first playthroughs because the Dawn Brigade chapters can be rough sometime and so not good for experience sharing. You can get along without Laura when not the full party can be brought anymore. In part 3 she is really helpful though. Volug's half shift is locked till the end of part 1. He also may not day before the final chapter of part 1. I recommend to promote at least one first tier unit before the end of part 1 (obviously Jill or Edward) to make more use of the paragon scroll.
  5. This year's carnival costume: One of the workmates gave me an awesome tip how to improve the bust size with no time and no cost: I absolutely enjoyed this day.
  6. I do not know if it is the right place... At mods and editor: The colour of Xander, Micaiah and Niles was mixed. Cannot post screenshots with my phone unfortunately. Regarding topic: Easy skip because no BraveCelica and no other unit I really want or need aside of Micaiah maybe.
  7. Legendary banner gave me: Lyn ---disappointing Myrrh would be waaaayyyy better. Thankfully I have Azura already. Voting gauntlet banner gave me: Lewyn --- AWESOME!!! Free spiral special... or a supermerge I rather intend to give his skill to my +speed Katharina or Delthea.
  8. I think their movement was average iirc, more than Jin but less than Hiryu. I mean I do not deny that these two were not the best damage dealer due to lack on good personal skills, but they were alright imo. They still had a decent multi attack.
  9. It might not be clear from my side, but I only mentioned my pairings. Of course some or all children make it into my team once they are recruited. BTW I have made no thoughts about reclassing yet since I never have done it in my former playthroughs on lower difficulties before with two or three exceptions. Anyways I am busy with "THAT" chapter, means chapter 10.
  10. A RPG fighting game like Project X Zone only with Fire Emblem characters. An action RPG like Tales could work too.
  11. Oh, it's translated as shining bow. I meant this. Anyways I completed Mozu's sidequest. She got four levels in her debut chapter which is good, even if most of them were below her average growths.
  12. Indeed I considered to focus only on a limited amount of units because lunatic is definitely not made for experience sharing. My main team will be: Avatar, all royals, Felicia, Arthur, Effie, Mozu, Beruka, Niles and Kaze. Charlotte is only used to get Xander. Nina should do big damage with the glassbow. Now I am thinking about it Niles and Felicia could work better because of tome breaker. Niles could tank all magical enemies. As much I despise Camilla's character and supports, if she is that great as mother, I might pair her up with my avatar.
  13. What do you mean with that? You meant they have no good skills (like buffing attack)? Otherwise Idk how they are terrible. In general I find no one in Project X Zone 2 bad or worse. I know a few characters like Hiryu had advantages by having more movement, but it was not unbalanced overall imo.
  14. I started my first lunatic run. Since I have not played this game for more than two years I am not familar with skill inheriting anymore. I planned this pairings, but if you have improvement suggestions in terms of gameplay I will take them. Avatar × Mozu Arthur × Effie Leo × Felicia Xander × Charlotte Niles × Elise Benny × Camilla Silas × Azura Odin × Nyx (if I will be ever able to train them) PS: I do not even remember that I can establish all planned supports.
  15. I started Fire Emblem Conquest on lunatic (currently chapter 7) That said I have not beaten it on hard yet... I am afraid to screw up, but I want and have to take that challenge. I think I will pair male avatar up with Mozu, but Idk exactly yet.
  16. Since I will have my fifth year of membership in this forum on 19/03/01, I came up with the idea to do a little special by letting you vote a LP of a game / mode I have not done before. However since I am unable to do videos with my tablet I must take Screenshots with my phone. Hopefully it will work out. The voting will last till 28th February, so I can start on 1st March.
  17. 1. What makes Radiant Dawn your favorite Fire Emblem game? 2. What kind of seasonal for Felicia do you want to see the most in Heroes? 3. What other RPGs aside of Fire Emblem do you enjoy? 4. What has been the happiest day in your life so far? 5. How would you describe yourself in three words?
  18. With today's new story orbs I pulled Mist, yessssss! Only Ike is missing. Five focus units and Helbindi with less than 150 orbs is really sick. It is even better than last year's Valentine's banner which gave me tons of 5* units although more pitybreakers. Still enough time left to get Ike and complete my Tellius collection.
  19. I can tell on this example how huge the difficulty spike from easy to normal just is: Fighting level 200 boss on easy with level 87 team: done in my second attempt Fighting level 82 boss on normal with level 87 team: got murdered Edit: I kinda forgot that Rita is really great against latter with meteor spamming and overlimit abusing. I should try it next time. It was the way how to take them out on normal in the PS3 version.
  20. It is an odd comparision since these two themes have nothing really to do with each other. One is a theme of a town (my favorite btw) and the other one the theme to the credits. Anyways my proof that no song of this game is bad: Just listen to this while school or work.
  21. It is good on... ... Astrid because parablossom ... anyone who has more than three non capped stats and >=90 experience before battle to get a level up faster. Laguz benefit more since their experience growth is slower.
  22. I am going to fight the final optional boss... Party level: 85 Boss level: 200 Wish me good luck!
  23. The existence of Project X Zone 2 is the reason why I still have hope to see a Fire Emblem fighting game sometime. It is also the reason why I started to like Awakening a bit more. Chrom and Lucina were represented fabolously. I like their appearence way more than in Smash where they both, especially Lucina, are just fillers. I really hope that FE characters will return in a hypothetical third part. As for best FE maingame it's Conquest without any doubts for me. Its story might be bad, but I do not play FE for the story. Therefore its gameplay and difficulty are great. It is the first and only part after Radiant Dawn with an actual good gameplay. Some mission objectives returned and the extend of the weapon triangle was a great idea. Only the removal of weapon durability was a thing I did not like. Otherwise it feels like a mature FE to me. Awakening was two steps in the wrong direction for multiple reasons and Echoes is pretty much the opposite to Fates. Great story (part 4 excluded), but mediocre map gameplay at best.
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