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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Seriously posting in a thread like this is really not much better than what OP did. It is likely what the OP wants: replies Just report this to let this locked! No need to post in a thread just to share the same opinion probably everyone else aside of the OP has. That said mentioning a report is actually against CoC.
  2. Ah, I see. I have not done the colloseum, so that explains it.
  3. Also I am making my promise right now never ever to change my username again because my current one makes actual sense.
  4. I have finished Tales of Vesperia. I was surprised to see game play differences to the ten year old version, although there have been only very few. Have to beat Xenoblade Chronicles 2 next. I am actually very close to the end (chapter 10), but Rex's solo fights are annoying. Still have to bring it on. Then I will have to go for Octopath Traveler. I am not really excited for this game since the first boss fight. I am really worried that this game shares the same fate as Final Fantasy 6 and Bravely Default by landing on the bench. I think I should look for more Switch games now. I saw Ys8, but 60 € is too much right now. Actually I do not know about any decent RPGs for <= 50€ except for Xenoblade Torna.
  5. Telescopia Graveyard turned into an experience goldmine. Since it is possinle to have up to five or more chain battles per floor, the party can easily learn their weapon skills in two floors. Estelle had like ten non learned weapons, but she mastered all of them. Doing the final dungeon right. I believe collecting the final fellarms will be a higher burden than the final form of the final boss.
  6. Funnily I do not know this place. Technically I have reached the final dungeon. Though I will do the PS3 exclusive dungeon first to collect all the fellarms. Hopefully I can use the dungeon to let my team learn as many skills as possible because the majority has about a half dozen non learned weapons each. Especially in person of Rita it is bad. I will do more sidequests in the English audio run which will follow once I have completed my current JP run.
  7. Is it just me or do the characters have a different speed in leveling skill weapon experience? Rita learns her skill the slowest for some reason. She has a half dozen of weapons she has not learned their skills. Maybe they have a skill which quickens / slowers their skill experience (I did not note). Yeah, one issue about Vesperia is that a guide is required in the full content version at least, especially to have access to the PS3 exclusive dungeon and to unlock the "true" final boss.
  8. Red I have a perfect LIke, so not needed. Laegjarn is not needed anymore since NYGunthraa and Eirika does not interest me in the slightest. No BraveCelica, RIP. Blue Tiki is the only unit of the pool I really would like to have. I have multiples Cliffs already and Ryoma is the least of the cast besides Loki I need and want. Green Already have a good BraveEphraim and DancerElincia. LLyn is not an unit I really need. Colourless I have none of them, but I also do not really need and want any of them. Duma and Linde would be helpful in armor / horse teams, but I can easily come along without them. All in all will do one circle, that's it!
  9. Thanks, I got it finally! My main problem was that I did not know that the sword arte icon with the square around stands for an arcane arte.
  10. Even in my second attempt I still have not figured out how to use mystic artes. Most of the characters learned their special, but when using overlimit 3 and holding arte button nothing triggers. I guess I will beat in the hard way as I did with the PS3 version.
  11. 9. Do you share your real name with a FE character? 10. What is a target / wish you have not reached yet, but want badly? 11. What has been the best moment in your life? 12. What do you expect from 2019? 13. What is your feedback of your interview?
  12. NY's banner 2019 ended as I was feared of: Got no green in the circle and pulled NYLavatein with 4.75%. Not really wanted, but definitely better than a Mist or Takumi. She is +atk / -spd, which is not too shabby. NY 2019 is done. No Fjorm merges, but therefore three focus units and no pitybreaker.
  13. I would not mind at all since all my wants are non Nintendo characters. The more variety, the better honestly. I would not be surprised, if more characters are added who also appear in Project X Zone like Dante or Yuri.
  14. Agreed, flying enemies are incredibly hard to hit with the awkward camera angle in this game. It is actually the only enemy type Judith can shine besides of casters of course. I think the main reason, why I prefer casters than in other parts is, that they are not affected by the camera angle can hit things way easier than physical units. Rita is busted anyways once she got get her tome in Aspio.
  15. I prefer it cooler too, but living with that temperature I had is absolutely unhealthy. Not only for the human, but also for the building. Coldness is a perfect substrate for mold. We are having a bit snow and temperature below zero at day right now, but it will become significantly milder this weekend.
  16. From what I have played so far it is 50-50. The enemies usually split up and go for close combat units but also casters. But I haven't really seen all the enemies prioritizing one single unit.
  17. Salut monsieur! J'ai pas mal de questions pour toi: 1. How did you get into SerenesForest? 2. Any interesting sights in or around Toulouse? 3. Have you been in Lourdes yet? (it's not that far away I think) 4. What is your opinion about Macron's politics (if you have one)? 5. Could you tell me three good things about France? 6. Which languages can you speak? 7. What are important facts about France most people do not know. 8. Favorite dish or food made in France? Je pense c'est tout!
  18. I have had a new experience: spending a night in a room with a temperature slightly above zero degrees. An experience I really did not need. (using hand shoes for typing on my tablet)
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