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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Who of the GHB units is worth to be promoted? I have four Valters and Lloyds and two Lyons. Valter seems to be the most interesting foe me because of his mobilty and I don't have a lance wyvern knight yet.
  2. The faster enemies are coming, the easier to make combos. Means it's easier for me on higher difficulty.
  3. It was a fairly easy map... with the OP classes (cavaliers + fliers). I have no idea how to beat this map only with infantry and armored units... (And of course the fliers request doesn't grant any orbs)
  4. This was the very first GHB I could beat on infernal. It was defintely the easiest map because it was an outdoor map, so terrainfriendly towards horses. Brave Lyn was the key to success. Unfortunately I couldn't beat Valter with Valter because he was too weak while the others were too strong (ORKO'ed him). However beating him on highest difficulty and getting all the extra rewards except for one is pretty good for me.
  5. 6. Three things you dislike about Canada? 7. Any other countries you have visited yet? 8. Opinion about SerenesForest? 9. Favorite videogame of all time? 10. Favorite ship for Joker? I see myself right here. I know how hard it is and must be...
  6. Solid Brit-Pop 7 Faithless - Salva Mea (extended version)
  7. 1. Favorite three things about Canada? 2. How do you usually overcome Canadian winters? 3. Favorite videogame soundtrack? 4. What was the happiest moment for you? 5. Any self set targets you still have to reach for yourself?
  8. Strength is hardly relevant for magic users in FE10 unless for long range magic or in case of Sanaki. All close range tomes can be used by almost everyone without speed penalty. It's not like in FE9 where Soren hasn't the required base strength to use wind tomes without speed reduction. Weapon weight only affects Sanaki who still can use (el)light without speed reduction at least. And in endgame she technically needs only one more strength point to use rexflame without penalty by double bloodtide. Also Soren isn't the fastest mage. The fastest mage is technically Laura in terms of speed growth. The only mages with >50% speed growth are Calill, Tormod, Laura and I believe Pelleas. Ironically Micaiah has the highest speed cap with 33. Though only arc fire sages can double the auras thanks to rexflame's +3 speed boost. Shade does NOT always prevent fatal hits. There's no rule for that, but it doesn't work all the time. Even after 200 playthroughs I haven't could figure out FE10's AI yet.
  9. Technically each console collects dust, even the ones I'm using right now. But I'm constantly cleaning them, so it's no problem for them.
  10. Quite decent 7 The Vapors - Turning Japanese
  11. Games: yes, if I don't like them, or can make money from them like FE9 or FE14's special edition Consoles: no, I still have all mine
  12. It's a thing of accustoming. In my case I'm used to it getting up very early for school, university or work for more than a quarter-century. So it's no problem for me to leave the bed without much effort. The disadvantage is consequently that I go to sleep earlier than most people here because my body is exhausted after 15 hours, so during the week I never pass 9 PM. I would have serious problems to change my sleep schedule, especially for someone as me who's unable to sleep at daylight. That means I have to pick classes or work as early as possible.
  13. It's rather a pain for me to get up late. Since I'm used to get up at 5AM during the week for work, I've serious trouble to sleep longer than till 6 or 6:30 on weekends. Also staying awake late is another issue for me.
  14. It's funny but also tragic at the same time that Calill's personality was buffed in FE10 while her usage heavily nerfed. She became from an boastful and arrogant young lady to a very kind and caring adoptive mum. However gameplaywise she became from a great prepromoted sage to a mediocre sage with poor availibility.Even if Sanaki wasn't forced for the endgame, she'd have a real hard time to reach an appropirate level for the endgame.At the beginning of part 4 she reaches normally reach Pelleas's Level at best unless you do pargaon-shenigans with her in 3-11 and 3-F. Also Calill and Ilyana are the only characters I dislike personalitywise in FE9, but both are good units (usually used Ilyana). In FE10 I don't mind them, in Ilyana's case you really don't get to know much about her, but both are only mediocre units. Decent fillers when you can bring them, nothing more.
  15. Not anymore since Phil Taylor retired. Seriously darts is really fun to watch. Not a pub sports anyomore as it was about 20-30 years ago. Thankfully it was taken seriously and is shown in Free-TV nowadays. Actually pub sports like Darts and Snooker are the only sports I constantly follow on TV.
  16. I have 80s blood, so I love almost each song from this decade especially Synth Pop and New Wave. I like lots of songs by Depeche Mode, Duran Duran, Pet Shop Boys, New Order... I also like Rock music with piano support. Muse is my favorite band in this area. Though my actual favorite song is from the 70s:
  17. Regardless of trolling or not, dark magic is absolutely irrelevant in this game despite its existence. It's the stongest magic type, but no effectiveness and Belberith has no 100% accuracy unlike the other SS tomes. It's shit against the auras in Pellas's hands even if he has a A-support with heaven (Elincia/Tibarn).
  18. One single 5* unit (which was a low attack Takumi) out of 27 pulls is a bit disappointing... but oh well. The funny thing was that I got two Lachesis in a row... my very first ones.
  19. Ilyana is somewhat a crutch-unit in part 1. She starts at about five levels higher in average than the first tier rest. She can double, even ORKO a few enemies with her really decent 13 base speed. With boosts in magic and speed she can do it for a few chapters. However she becomes less and less useful due to her pretty eh growths (Odin-likish) and the poor accuracy of thunder. When you can't bring everyone anymore, you can easily ignore her. Raising her is pointless unless you really want rexbolt for showcases because she'll be underleveled when she joins GM's - even if you promote her at once. She just exists to bring some goodies to the GM's. Seriously she rather would have stayed in the DB because it'd make the chapters against the Laguz a lot easier with having access to an effective weapon against them and having a second real range attacker besides Leonardo (Micky is rather busy with healing). Making her switching to a stronger party kills her usefulness later on unfortunately.
  20. Seriously Pizza Hawaii is by far the best Pizza for me, and second most favorite meal after Spaghetti Bolognese. I love the delicate-sweet combination of cheese and pineapple.
  21. I can't watch TV in my new flat where I live in for four months already. And honestly I don't miss it at all... However I watch sometimes TV stream on my laptop, but only mainly news.
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