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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Happy New Year to all people from the Touhou chat! Tbf with games I only meant the shoot em ups. I didn't include fangames like the fighters or TPDP. TPDP indirectly introduced me into the shooters.
  2. 6. Favorite word not from the English language? 7. Of all European countries you have visited yet from which country were the people the nicest? 8. How was 2017 to you? 9. Any plans / targets you have for 2018? 10. What's the feedback of your interview?
  3. Does finishing Persona 5 count? Otherwise no (as always). How was year 2017 to you?
  4. And Ike with Soren Also I admire Ilyana for eating so much and still being so pretty. Metabolism ftw. I must admit she reminds me a bit on myself for eating much and nevertheless not gaining pounds.
  5. If you're ok with buying digital copies, you can get Persona 5 for the half price on sale in the PS store. It's how I got the game. And even then, it's worth its money because it's a LONG game. The longest I've played yet. It could hit 100 hours.
  6. 1. How did you become that great in speaking multiple languages? 2. Five favorite places you have visited yet? 3. Five favorite videogames? 4. Was Santa Claus kind to you this year? 5. Hast du diese Frage verstanden? Bonus: What happened to the chess thread?
  7. Laying in the bed and played card games for most of the time. Well, I was invited to dinner by semi close relatives yesterday, so a little bit I'd say. What was your favorite christmas present?
  8. Persona 5 is available for PS3 too. Anyways have fun! Persona 3 FES is definitely my favorite game of the series even if I couldn't play 1 + 2 yet.
  9. at night How pleasant were the christmas presents for you?
  10. I wish everyone a hopefully better Christmas than I have... because I have none. No called family anymore I could spend these days with... It's just an ordinary day to me: Hanging up at home all alone on the laptop and talk to people virtually and waiting that the time goes by.
  11. You don't need to be a hardcore Touhou player to post here. Touhou isn't only about their games.
  12. I already am. I want to have the hair my avi has. 59 Posting in SF still sucks after almost one year of this called "upgrade". Where's my well loved source text???
  13. ... and make them. Seeing necros in threads from about a decade ago really hurts to see. I mean there are better ways to overcome boredom than to spend hours in searching the archivement of FTTF.
  14. ... Ich hoffe aber erst nachdem ich ausgewandert bin.
  15. Ok, I have made my thoughts now. I only have played three games from 2017 if I include Tales of Berseria which came out this year for the west but played the JP last year. The other two were Fire Emblem Echoes and Persona 5 (which still have to finish but I'm close to the end). My favorite of these three is Tales of Berseria simply because I enjoyed this game each minute of the main game. Tbf it's one of the easier parts with not that challenging dungeons, but the character cast, story and the music made up for it. It's the darkest Tales of game I've played, even darker than Tales of the Abyss. You feel with the protagonist who had / has to overcome a fate. There were lots of depressing... but also entertaining moments. The game did it greatly to attract the player to the story. Nothing really left to be desired tbh except that I wished a bit more deepness in the dugeons. Most are just straight forward. Even the disliked Zestiria did a better job here.
  16. Since the results came out a few days ago, I think it's a good time to do this kind of thread. What's your favorite game from 2017, or you have played in 2017? You can answer to both questions with or without reasons.
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