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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Zera He was already interviewed, and the upcoming interview is no re-interview.
  2. When did you play this game for the first time? How did you get introduced? Do you own a copy or do you have a rom? Did you play it before or after FE7? Was it your first FE game? Which is your preferred difficulty? How often have you beaten this game yet? If you play on a rom, have you used several patches to this game yet? Have you unlocked all gaidens yet? Have you played both routes (Lalum / Elphin + Ilia / Sacae) yet? Have you recruited all characters yet? Have you seriously used each character yet? Lalum or Elphin route? Ilia or Sacae? What's your favorite chapter? Who's your favorite playable unit personalitywise? Who's your favorite playable unit gameplaywise? Who's usually your MVP? Who's your favorite antagonist? What's your favorite map theme? What's your favorite battle theme? Which three things do you like the most of this game? Which three things do you dislike the most? Would you agree with the statement that FE6 is Sword Emblem? Would you agree with the statement that FE6 is the FE game with the most useful prepromoted units? Would you agree with the statement that FE6 went one step back in terms of game mechanics after the release of FE5? What's your favorite support conversation? What's your preferred ship for Roy? What's your opinion of Roy? What's your opinion of the story? What's your preferred team for the final chapter? How would you rank the story from 1 to 10? How would you rank the gameplay from 1 to 10? How would you rank the game overall from 1 to 10? Would you like to see a remake of this game? Could you imagine to replay this game anytime soon?
  3. Got all rewards by hitting 100.000 today. It was way easier and faster to do than former one thanks to 40% bonus for having Lute. Also the maps were easier to beat on the higest difficulty (seven battles). Was a good opportunity to train lots of units.
  4. free pull Brave Lyn pulled Amelia Effie Elise Jeorge Raven Halloween Sakura Lute Deirdre Brave Lyn tempest trial reward Arden Joshua promoted Arvis Reinhardt Cordelia
  5. I started to play P5 this week because it was finally on sale. I'm still doing the first dungeon because of lacking on time. I only go for the battles since I haven't unlocked everyone yet and don't know the characters I have so far too well. First the introduction was thankfully shorter than P4's which was more or less popcorn for the first four hours. The dungeons offer more than Tartarus and the TV did by having little puzzles. I still have to get used on the controls. I haven't got into the hide and seek controls and third eye yet. The demon recruitment is like SMT's unfortunately. A failed negoation can screw me. Furthermore card shuffle was a fun minigame. It's too bad that it was removed. The graphics look retro like in 30s or 40s. Same goes for the music. The battle theme is nice, but doesn't have as a earworm quality as P3's. I wouldn't say it's my favorite Persona game since I really enjoyed 3, but it's definitely more enjoyable in the beginning than 4. Also I find Mogarna incredibly adorable and hundred times better than the unbearable bear from 4. I hope he won't show his potential true form...
  6. It could be worse I guess... Doga: Idc Batre: neutral Will be merged into the + atk one I have already Eliwood: - HP / + spd It's my very first Eliwood, so I'll use him. But no idea what skills to give him since I have no experience with his skill building. Deidre: - def / + res People say + res shall be really good, so I take it. Lyn: - HP / + atk Heck yeah! I can merge my free Brave Lyn into this one.
  7. Idk if it has been asked before because I was too lazy to read everything. Do you own cats? What's your favorite cat breed? What's your favorite cat images you have or from the internet? Who's your favorite fictional cat? Who's your favorite cat in FE?
  8. I thought it was related because there have been a discussion about FE8 characters including posted images. Since she looked really similar to Lute (same hair style), I thought she was it. I put my foot in it... once more. Now I'm feeling really embarrassed. I can't even identify animated characters. Gosh...
  9. ... Why on earth does she look like Lute except for her eye color? And why was it posted in relation to FE8 images on Skype?
  10. Honestly my least favorite map theme which doesn't mean that I dislike it. Also don't find it fitting as final map theme since it's really slow. 6 FE9 - Plight
  11. Wished something like that would exist for Lute. Nothing pretty findable I could theme... Edit: NV
  12. https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=42889646 https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=60826195 Lute from FE8
  13. Ooohh... people force me to necropost. Anyways reported. Read this.
  14. Got the jackpot from this banner with less than 40 orbs. It's the equal for all the shit I pulled the in last two weeks.
  15. Idk what to play first: Persona 5 or Trails in the Sky?
  16. Seriously I haven't played long enough yet to answer this question. However I think locking characters to special pools is a way of IS to make money by forcing the players to spend more - if necessary with real money. Who have you pulled the most in FE Heroes yet?
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