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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. FE10 by playing it too much When is it to expect that your chess round vs. TheSilentChloey will be finished?
  2. It should survive its tenth anniversary somehow at least.
  3. It depends on the mode. I don't deny that she has a hard time in HHM due joining late with rather low level (idr which level), but overall she's still a good PP unit. As for comparison Eirika in Ephraim's route isn't so much different. When she returns in chapter 14 her attack power and defense aren't great either unless you could bring her to level >15 before the end of chapter 8.
  4. Umm... the title is quite the news to me. Sure, she's not great in HHM because she joins underleveled, but even then still usable.
  5. Not really anything special from the pulls but a few new characters at least like Palla, Sheena and male Robin. And a 4* Shanna, so I can sacrifice my former 3* in the new one.
  6. More ranking time... time to rank the boss in its difficulty from hardest to easiest (based on easy mode) Stage 1: UFO > LoLK = IN = DDC > HSiFS Stage 2: LoLK > UFO >> DDC > HSiFS > IN Stage 3: LoLK >>> DDC > UFO > IN >> HSiFS Stage 4: IN > HSiFS > DDC > LoLK > UFO Stage 5: LoLK >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> HSiFS > UFO > DDC >> IN Stage 6: LoLK > UFO = Eirin > HSiFS > Kaguya > DDC Actually I have more lives left against Junko than against Byakuren, but only because I can get up to two extra lives in this battle. Junko isn't nearly as bad as Clownpiss, even if she has a few mean nons and spells which require perfect microdoging and her final spell is just idiotic. Overall she is bearable and I can capture the majority of her spells.
  7. If it's not your first FE game and you have played FE9 as I can read from your OP, then definitely yes. Gameplaywise it's improved. More maps with new mission objectives, new mechanics, better bonus experience system and better skill system. The story isn't built straight as you can already see that this game is divided into parts and groups. Speaking of the groups. They have a total different difficulty. The first group features the "weakest" lord with the toughest enemies, so earlygame can be quite rough. Thankfully quick battle save exists on easy and normal where you can save at any time. The main issue of FE10 is that not everyone is as easily usable as they were in FE9 because of plot reasons. And to unlock everything you have to play this game a second time and fufill certain conditions in FE9 (automatically requires using FE9 transfer datas).
  8. When did you get the game? Where did you get it? How much did it cost? How did you get introduced? Was it your first FE game? Have you played FE9 before? On which hardest difficulty have you completed the game yet? How many times have you finished it? What is your preferred difficulty? Who's your favorite unit characterwise? Who's your favorite unit gameplaywise? Which is your favorite party (till part 3)? Which part is your favorite in the game? (endgame counts as an own part, so it'd be five in total) Which three aspects (gameplay / storywise) do you like the most about this game? Which three aspects do you dislike the most? Do you usually play with FE9 transfer boosts? Have you unlocked all characters yet? Have you unlocked all cutscenes yet? Have you unlocked all special (boss) conversations yet? Have you ever used each possible unit in this game seriously? Who's your favorite boss / antagonist characterwise? What's your favorite chapter? What's your favorite map theme? What's your favorite battle theme (includes player phase, enemy phase and bosses) Are there any mechanics or story related things you would like to see back in future FE games? What's your opinion of biorhythm? What's your opinion of the support system? Who died the most in all your playthroughs? Do you reset if someone dies? Who do you usually bring to the tower? Would you like to see that anyone else aside of Ike can set the final blow to Ashera? What's your opinion of unlocking stuff only in the second playthrough? Are there any story related unanswered questions for you? What was the highest % rate you missed? What was the lowest % rate you got hit? Who's usually the unit with the most kills in your runs? How would you rank the story from 1 to 10? How would you rank the gameplay from 1 to 10? How would you rank the game overall from 1 to 10? Is FE10 a good entrance title for a newcomer into FE? Answers
  9. Honestly I don't even know what to play next. Too many recommendations, it's so hard to pick one. Still try to 1cc LoLK somehow to join the club of the true Touhou hardcore players.
  10. Leg since you can still have an ordinary life, just being stuck in a wheel chair.
  11. Since I see several character threads in this section around I'm asking why not making a general FE10 character discussion thread where you update this thread with a new character after a few days? It would save a lot of new threads and makes the overview for the visitors easier. It's what I did with in the the DB members. As for Ike I like him (not love) him in FE9 for being a great lord gameplaywise without a real weakness and for having character development. He is credible at any time, especially when he misbehaves in Sanaki's presence. In FE10 he's stuck with his personality and affects the ending way more than he should. Tbh he lost all my symphaties in FE10 he earned in FE9. Gameplaywise he's still pretty good but doesn't trivialize the game unlike in the prequel. Also I don't like his stature, I'm no fan of beefcakes.
  12. I didn't say as no one else that LoLK's ressource system gives you like nothing. The main issue is that is suffers from the high difficulty of this game, so beginners like me can't really benefit from it. Destroying and grazing everything is nearly impossible for me except in stage 1 and 6. Surviving has the main priority. However I'd say it's still a bit better than TD's. UFO's system gives you tons of lives (full lives till stage 3), but for that you have to collect all the ufos in the right colour which isn't easy in later stages. You don't have to dodge bullets but also UFOs I find a bit annoying.
  13. Oh, you haven't played HSiFS yet? Character cast: IN > DDC > UFO > HSiFS > LoLK > TD Soundtrack: IN > UFO > LoLK > DDC > TD > HSiFS Graphics: UFO > IN > LoLK > DDC > TD > HSiFS Ressources: DDC > HSiFS > IN > UFO >>> LoLK > TD Difficulty balance: DDC > IN > TD > UFO > HSiFS >>>>>>>>>>>>> LoLK Overall: IN > DDC > UFO > HSiFS > TD > LoLK
  14. DDC is fun after all for me. Fair difficulty, my favourite ressource system and some interesting bosses like Sekibanki and Seija. Although I'm still not that fond with UFO, I'm pretty sure it's the game I've played the most yet. My opinion: IN > DDC > UFO > HSiFS >>>>> LoLK
  15. I don't mind if a Touhou game is brutal as long it's only in harder difficulties. The thing in 15 is that easy mode is basically only slower than lunatic in some boss nons and spells which means you still need to do perfect micrododging which is probably my biggest weakness of my playstyle as you can see here: Seriously I find her spells easier than her nons to master except for the one with the rings... and her final one of course. Clownpiece is the real nightmare in this game. I hate each single non and spell of her while Junko is managable for the most part with a bit practice.
  16. Cool thread! Reminds me to revive my questionnaire thread.
  17. Quite nice. Beginning seemed to be familar to me somehow. 7.5 Touhou 15 - Whereabouts of the Heart
  18. I tend to see a pattern in the latest Touhou games: 13: medium difficulty and playerunfriendly ressource system 14: medium difficulty and playerfriendly ressource system 15: mean difficulty and playerunfriendly ressource system 16: low difficulty and broken ressource system So as for Touhou 17 I'm prepared for the worst. But it can't become worse than 15 in terms of difficulty.
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