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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Technically it's impossible to give a certain answer because it depends on the player's preferences and how they define a "good" or "bad" unit.
  2. I choose my team that at least almost each holy weapon is covered. Urvan: Jill Alondite: Mia or Edward Vague Katti: Mia or Edward Double bow: Rolf or Shinon... sometimes even Astrid Wishblade: Marcia... I also try Fiona Rexcalibur: Soren Tibarn Naesala Caineghis Elincia (because free aura kill) Rafiel (because possibility to oneturn E-3 and even E-5) Rexfire goes to Sanaki who's forced anyways. RIP to Rexbolt though because Ilyana stinks after part 1. And RIP to Baselard because Sothe is garbage in part 4 and endgame.
  3. What funky method do I need to download Fate / Grand Order outside of US? Also downloaded FF mobius because it's the only series I have somewhat knowledge of.
  4. Heroes was very first mobile game. Since I really enjoy(ed) it, I'm interested in more mobile RPG gachas. I also have Tales of the Rays, but unfortunately not really played yet. Does anyone here know about one or two more mobile games which are somewhat from the RPG genre where characters from the same series but different parts are merged(except Pokemon GO)? Thanks in advance!
  5. Quite alright 6.5 Pet Shop Boys - Opportunities (Disco Remix)
  6. Fitting when it's played, but not really a memorable song to me 5 Devil May Cry - Public Enemy
  7. Even for FTTF standards... which are really low... this would be disqualified. The worst is that's not the first thread about the Judgral games which ended this way. Anyways I have said enough here.
  8. This is why this should be better locked now!
  9. I have to admit watching LPs influenced my decision if buying / playing a game or not. I watched Markyjoe's LP of FE5 who did not like the game and even cancelled it. Nevertheless the game interested me because it had (unique) mechanics no other FE game offers. Of course some of them don't really work well like fatigue, 1-99% hitrate or stave missing, but some others were outstanding. Capturing how it exists in FE5 is the most fun mechanic in FE. It's way better than to grind for money to buy OP stuff. But then again, watching is a total other experience than playing. I was sceptical about Echoes by watching LPs of it, but I still enjoyed it, even if it's defenitely not the best FE game in terms of gameplay. Also I find it annoying to discredit games just by giving them an other name just to make fun of it. It's annoying and bad influence for people who haven't played this game yet. Disliking sth. is fine, but not discrediting at any price.
  10. One of my least favorite characters of my absolute favorite videogame. Picture is nice though. 6
  11. I don't find it justified to merge all FE14 parts since they offer a different difficulty. Conquest has overall a good map design imo and grinding is disabled here. Also mission objectives like defend and escape and turn limited missions return. The only real similarity of FE13 and 14 is the support system. Gameplaywise they're quite different (depending on which FE14 part you play).
  12. Thracia 776 has the most introductions of mechanics of all FE games (defend + escape missions, capturing, fatigue, thief staff...), even if some of them really need improvents. I honour only the ideas already. It'd be my favorite FE game, if all mechanics would be executed well. Still I really enjoy this game. Saying FE13 has better gameplay than FE4 is the typical statement of all people who are annoyed by FE4's large maps. Gameplaywise it's way more complex than FE13, whose game mechanics are reduced to a minimum.
  13. About 3-4 years ago I watched tons of LPs. I watched pretty much everything Fire Emblem related, but also other stuff like TheRunawayGuys. Nowadays I barely watch any LPs. Mainly watch as learning material if I stuck or to improve my gaming skills like in Touhou. I only follow NintendoCapriSun for being a huge fan of him, and as for Fire Emblem only MarkyJoe1990 because he introduced me into FE and he's informative as entertaining. These are secondary aspects to me. Being credible is the most important thing. Entertainment can be bad, if you focus rather on side aspects than on the game. I watched some dudes who just wanted to be funny, but they ended up in trolling. Even in Fire Emblem I saw it. It wasn't funny, but just stupid and embarrassing. Your FE12 LP was really solid and a perfect guide for me to play it in japanese.
  14. I don't really think it's that uncommon in this area.
  15. yes, always I hate typing the pin of my cash card for each buy, so.
  16. So, from the FE10 banner I didn't get any of these units with my 63 orbs, but therefore two Brave Lucinas (both +atk). I don't think it's a bad deal.
  17. Requested fanart of Eirin Yagokoro just recently.
  18. https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=58276402 Hecatia Lapislazuli from Touhou
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