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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Thracia 776 (I know it's not that difficult but it features unfriendly mechanics) Touhou (for me it's difficult)
  2. Today I faced stage 5's midboss in IN for the very first time despite having played this game for more than a year for real. Maybe I'm doing best without practice. And I could have been much further if I hadn't lost so many unnecessary lives against Marisa. She's my #1 foe for more than two years already. Edit: I finally faced Markyjoe ......... aka Reisen
  3. Well, none of the game had a good story for sure but that's not why I play FE. At least Conquest has a very interesting and challenging gameplay. Mission objectives from previous parts returned with a few modified ones. It was the hardest FE game on the lowest difficulty for me because the ressources to train and boost your allies were limited. The reason why I had to ignore lots of units to focus on very few (like in FE10 HM). Revelations has interesting gimmick ideas but they don't work in FE. Picking one door and hoping that your choice won't be punishes is just pure gambling and has no spot in FE. Even Wheel of Fortune offers more strategy than this. Also the elevator chapters just slow down the game. However I have to admit the design of the final boss was by far the best (and only good one) in Fates. Birthright has just slightly better Awakening gameplay and difficulty even if also a few more mission objectives exist. I prefer Hoshido's cast over Nohr's but that's not enough to say it was a great FE game for me. Awakening is my least favorite FE game simply because the map design is boring and it features nothing else than rout enemy and defeat boss missions. Two pseudo defend chapters exist but that's not enough in FE for me. It went like two steps back after FE10 (I don't count the Archanea remakes). Pair-up was a neat idea but only helped the player.
  4. I did a run where I used all the worst characters of the tierlist + the forced units (Micaiah, Sothe, Elincia, Ike + healers). It was very fun and interesting experience. It showed me that bottom tier units like Fiona don't have to be trash at all!
  5. FE5 had the best gameplay ideas for me but some of them weren't implemented well like Fatigue. Other mechanics like Capturing belong to the best in the entire series. I also like how dismounting was handled and the idea of scrolls to fix growthrates. However the generic caps for each class kill the point of having individual classes. It was the pretty much the first FE game with the gameplay we still have. It introduced all the mission objectives we have now and other features like trading items (no idea if it existed before 4). Other parts had great gameplay elements too like ledges from FE10, Fates's weapon weight system and Echoes's Turnwheel as replacement for casual mode. So there's no real FE game with best gameplay for me. If I was forced to vote, then I'd go for FE5 simply because of its ideas.
  6. #8 Laura Laura is a healer, and healers are always appreciated. However she comes up with lots of problems: She joins with low level and the fitting bases. She'll be oneshotted and doubled by like everything in the entire game. ...... Maybe she can take a hit by a ballista and a steel lance pegasus knight but that's it. It's just a pain to level her. She needs around ten staff uses to get a level up. Since you normally spend less than ten turns for a chapter, you can imagine what level she'll be at the end of part 1. Definitely not high enough to use the masterseal. Her movement is a huge problem especially in chapters where enemies from the back chase you and you need optimal positioning of your allies. 1-F is just a pain to have her around. The swamp chapter is also absolutely unfriendly to her. Seriously I don't even bother with her in part 1 when I don't have to bring her. Priests have a speed cap of 15 - WTF! Ironically she has a superb speed growth. In part 3 however her healing abilites will be very important because Micaiah all alone can't heal everyone since lots of front units will take heavy damage. She gets a sleep stave which is pointless on her if you haven't seriously train her. Also the range of physics won't be all that large. In part 4 she's ok in the desert chapter. The two other routes, especially Ike's route offer awkward terrain for her and enemies everywhere. At the end if you really trained her she'll be a second Micaiah, and since Micaiah is forced for the endgame, Laura is just a wasted slot. Laura has tons of problems but it's nice to have her arround. Furthermore she has a quite cute personality and outfit. Her base conversation with Aran in 3-13 is adorable. Too bad FE10 made her so mediocre.
  7. You can be a general or you can be dinner! (Assnard from Fire Emblem Path of Radiance) same question
  8. turnwheel, bonus experience, fatigue which also affects main story maps and skill system
  9. This series seems to be interesting. Characters are named after historical figures, some females are totally overbusted and several characters have weird traits like being a crossdresser. It sounds so strange that I'm curious now to try this series out. Seriously I have no idea what the content of these games is. What genre is that and how is the quality of the games? (only own PS3 and soon 4) Edit: Don't pay attention to the OP. It was originally an other thread but I decided to kill it. Can't edit the post anymore unfortunately. Also someone send it to general gaming, please! EDIT: Clipsey test, weird stuff is happening.
  10. CLIPSEY EDIT: Yay, I managed to get into this post, Back to what OP wanted to say. This series seems to be interesting. Characters are named after historical figures, some females are totally overbusted and several characters have weird traits like being a crossdresser. It sounds so strange that I'm curious now to try this series out. Seriously I have no idea what the content of these games is. What genre is that and how is the quality of the games? (only own PS3 and soon 4)
  11. Had to redo it to get a more reasonable result. character sorter result
  12. Well, I guess this is the proof that I was wrong indeed. I was so disgusted by this that I didn't check out the "details"... which don't exist, That happens if you dip too deep in fanartes. Idk if it was the intention of the thread but it reached one purpose at least: Making me a fool At least I learned sth. new today: Pretty crossdressers in videogames Again FttF increased my knowledge.
  13. Anime is so funny. At least the name sounds like a guy. So I give him that.
  14. How so? I still can't believe how Koishi made it #4 in my sorter. She's super annyoing in this puzzle game.
  15. Excuse me? I'm talking about her. It's the only character with the name Astolfo I have found and it looks similar to OP's avatar.
  16. Dunno, I found the melody in the beginning discordantly. Fitting theme to an antagonist which I guess it is after reading the title. 6 Tales of Berseria - True Will
  17. Whoops, I was ninjad. Edward What's your opinion about the artstyle in FE Heroes?
  18. HM enemies have +1 in each stat in average compared to NM. However it varies. If you're lucky you face an opponent with the same speed as in NM. The only noticable difficulty change is that most Laguz in 3-6 and 3-13 have S strike which means +5 damage which matters a lot because no DB member aside of Volug can take usually two hits in 3-6 at least. E-4 and E-5 are the same as in NM because the spirits are level 20 in both modes.
  19. I'd like to draw Micaiah the most because I love her hair colour and her dress as light priestress. Which FE guy would you like to draw the most if I forced you to?
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