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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Not bad! Says someone who doesn't like platformers normally. However still requires a PS4. 02:01 :,( Also I'm not surprised that's made by NIS America as Neptunia.
  2. How's life in desert? What has been the coldest place you have visited yet? Have you ever cooked an egg outside? How did you get introduced into FE? How did you get introduced into this forum?
  3. Huh? Touhou games were released for consoles!? That's quite the news for me.
  4. Probably my favorite version of Tiki's theme. Anyways you notice on the suspense of the melody that you are close to the end. A very fitting theme for a endgame map. 8 FE7 - Fire Dragon Battle Theme
  5. No game confused me as much as TPDP. So mazy. I needed 30 minutes just to find the exit of a cave.
  6. 10 Rean Schwarzer 10 Alisa Reinford 10 Laura S. Arseid 10 Elliot Craig 10 Jusis Albarea 10 Machias Regnitz 10 Emma Milstein 10 Fie Clausell 10 Millium Orion 10 Crow Armbrust 10 Sara Valenstein
  7. best theme from FE11 8.5 FE5 - Attack
  8. I mean I didn't expect anything else than that I'd be alone with this opinion which doesn't bother me at all. I just enjoy everything which keeps up my concentration, if it's necessary or not. Same goes for turning off the battle screen.
  9. That this kind of thread should be pinned for once and for all. Oh wait... talking about FE... hmm... bring berserk staves back!
  10. Would you say the same about FE4 with special terrain like road? I mean, sure, it's only counting the movement added with weapon range which is still a mathematical operation btw. It's not hard stuff for an average educated person. However if you have to do it several times in one turn you can really challenge your brain, especially if you're stressed.
  11. I don't understand how no displayed enemies's movement range is fake difficulty. It simply forces you to use a bit mathematics by counting their attack range. The allies's placement becomes very relevant when you fight on larger maps against a large number of enemies. However I have to admit that this mechanic becomes pointless in your 3rd or 4th run because you know the enemies's placement already. For a first time run still an interesting feature for me. Also you have to calculate the taken damage of an ally in an enemy phase as well. It's not a real difference than to calculating all enemies's attack range for me.
  12. No displayed enemy range is a nice feature for people who like to count. Personally I like it, and I don't click on enemies to check their movement / attack range anymore. It's a feature which makes me thinking. However I guess it should rather a customized option instead of being fixed in hard(er) difficulties.
  13. Tbf lower stave rank in FE8 doesn't matter as much as in 6 since stave level rises quickly in 8 so Moulder's higher stave level isn't a big advantage for him. Moulder and Natasha can heal and restore in the beginning, and that counts for me. Edit: I even overrated Moulder's average stats. His HP is only slightly better than Natasha's but therefore his res is garbage. Seriously his only good points are that he joins three levels earlier which doesn't really matter much and a much higher con. Natasha fufills the classical role of a healer is much more which is appreciated in earlygame. If Cecilia would start with stave level B (which I honestly expect from a prepromoted unit), things would turn out differently. Sain vs. Lowen: depends on the mode
  14. One of the better things Revelations had to offer 7 FE14 - Thorn in You
  15. FE6: Clarine simply because of better availibility. Cecilia's base stave level C isn't good enough to justify being better than Clarine. FE7: Kain although I've to say I never ever used Lowen. Sain's bases and growths are quite decent and he has useful support options (Kent, Lyn, Florina). FE8 healer: This is the only tough one imo. Honestly I'd say neither when L'Arachel joins. She's the only useful light magic user in this game for me despite it takes forever to promote her. Moulder has con and a bit defense but nothing else, Natasha has magic but nothing else. I still voted for her because of her better magic growth but I like neither tbh. FE8 mage: Lute has great growths (highest magic growth), access to light magic or a horse. Honestly I prefer sage because of her caps (30 magic, 26 speed). Her only weakness is her low con. My favorite magic user aside of Judgral and Echoes.
  16. Then we will change it! Actually already did that.
  17. Would it be a early birthday present for you, or would I be rather a birthday crasher for you when I voted you for an interview?
  18. Marisa is easily my #1 in love-hate-bosses. I chosed Lunasa as my starting puppet. It became really tanky somehow. Power Keine can own hard.
  19. One more reason for me not to use social medias.
  20. Ooohhh... I found snipping tool on my laptop. It has way more than I thought.
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