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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. This too. Same goes for everyone whose name is not Ike and Micky. Tbf lots of units need more balanced growthrates. I was close on the moment to say improve the supports, but it's impossible to make every single support unique due to the immense number of support possibilities. Storywise it's the worst support system, gameplaywise it's the best for me.
  2. I played one fighting game once just for test purpose but Idk its name anymore because it was on my previous laptop. Can't really give a feedback. BTW I'd rather go for 14.5 since it sounds like an improved version of 13.5
  3. Hopeless Masquerade looks quite interesting at first sight. Will try it out!
  4. Touhou Chemblem when it ever will be translated. Maybe also the fighting game, forgot the title though.
  5. Thanks! Touhou Chemblem if it ever will be translated. Would do a LP of it at once when it's out. Maybe also the fighting game, forgot the title though.
  6. Not as good as 1 for me. 6.5 FE10 - A Grasping Truth
  7. One of many great themes with vocals in FE15. 8 FE13 - Chaos
  8. best (FE10) Improve class growths and caps. It's just dumb that magic users have same movement and speed growth as knights. Balance unit's availibility in that way that units like Fiona or Lyre are still usable in HM. Give not Ike the final blow. Add weapon triangle in hard mode. Add berserk staff. Nerf mastery skills or give them the enemy generics too. Make GM's and CK's chapters more challenging. worst (FE13) Improve the entire map design. This game has like two decent maps. Add several mission objectives. Remove pair up and bring rescue, take and drop back instead. Remove second seals and infinite class changes. (one of the things I hate the most in recent FE parts) Add weapon weight. Add ballistas. Add magic triangle. Add status affecting staves. Remove luna (+) skills from the opponents.
  9. Finally beaten TPDP Remilia. It took me long enough, but it wasn't that hard honestly. Just needed a revival item and enough puppets left against her. Miko could 2RKO her. Just needed a revival item for her because Remilia could oneshot her. Had to sacrifice someone else after that. Two over ray attacks were the key to success.
  10. Finally beaten TPDP Remilia. It took me long enough, but it wasn't that hard honestly. Just needed a revival item and enough puppets left against her. Miko could 2RKO her. Just needed a revival item for her because Remilia could oneshot her. Had to sacrifice someone else after that. Two over ray attacks were the key to success.
  11. ^ I thought this was the version from Revelations's final map. Honestly this is one of the most annoying map songs in FE for me. When I have to focus on chapter 21, a very long and also tricky chapter, this goes on my nerves after a while. Even turn this off. Sry, but this theme is just distracting for me. Not enjoyable listening to. 3 FE8 - Follow Me
  12. It's a really good final boss theme despite I'm no fan of FE13's and 14's soundtrack. Also Anakos is the only final bossfight I found somewhat cool unlike the ones in the other paths. 7 FE5 - Near to the Defeat
  13. Oh yeah, RIP to LPs then. I guess it's not possible to autodelete topics only in certain sections (fttf and all Fire Emblem sections). It'd be still a hellish work I think. If autolocking after one month existed, it'd save the mods lots of work and some users from lots of warning points.
  14. Will know I only played FE10 ~150 times because of the challenge in the DB chapters. It's still the perfect difficulty of all FE parts for me. GM's chapters are boring for the most part. CK's are alright.
  15. First time I've ever could fully enjoy this theme. Not a bad one at all. 7 FE5 - Fate
  16. Will know that the most challenging part of this game is the most fun because it makes you to think.
  17. Well... read the pages. I'll get a new laptop sometime since my current one is going to break apart. I hope this one let me configurate gamepads so I still might come back to this. I still have the motivation to say sometime I've beaten a Touhou part!
  18. Will know that's the most fun part of FE10.
  19. Will know that's the most fun part of FE10.
  20. Knows Fiona has the worst start but amazing potential.
  21. I think I'm the only one who prefers the oldschool solo LPs. Co-op LPs often tend to lose the focus on FE and start to discuss about other trivial things. I watched a co-op LP of FE10 (I don't tell by whom), and this one was really disappointing, so disappointing that I didn't watch any other FE co-op LPs. The LPer played this game blindly, but the co-commentator had spoiled and judged parts of the plot and gameplay before the LPer figured out them out. The consequence was that the LPer was influenced so massively that he jumped into (wrong) conclusions too early. This really took the interest of me to watch any other co-op video LPs.
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