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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Final Fantasy VI Idk how good or bad FE13 was rated. If it was well, then this too. My least favorite FE game by far. Focussed more on fanservice and waifu-wars than on actual gameplay.
  2. I lol'd when I saw this yesterday. I don't understand why these people don't PM the creator instead of taking necropost punishment.
  3. Do / did you watch any cartoon series based on videogames (Super Mario, Sonic, Mega Man...)? Honestly Idk any. I'm not familar with this series except for knowing a few characters by playing Project X Zone and watching the TV-series about 20 years ago.
  4. Especially walking and visiting a couple of castles at least. Do you prefer sea or mountains as holiday target?
  5. Celebration day or holiday trip? celebration day: christmas holiday trip: four days to Bavaria next month Have you planned any (holiday) trip(s) for this year or already done?
  6. Did you even understand how this thread works? peanut butter
  7. Oh, right. Forgot that he gets the 1 to 1 transfers instead of the +2 in each stat.
  8. What a demotivation. Honestly I haven't dealt with the Danish cuisine yet. same question
  9. FE10 Rolf and Gatrie are far away of being bad. Gatrie is great actually in the entire game except maybe endgame where's decent at worst. Rolf is overshadowed by Shinon's base level but still an unit with great potential. Even in HM more than usable especially when he has the silencer and paragon.
  10. Because Alisa Reinford was used as UN before by someone else before so I used the JP name. Also it's been the first time I used a JP UN. How was the fight against Remilia for you?
  11. You also can get an extra spirit dust in FE10, if Boyd x Mist reach A support in FE9 and also do in FE10. It's more appropriate. Sothe is prepromoted and the lifesaver in part 1 so there's no reason to make him even more OP unless you're playing LTC.
  12. It was my first game too. The story (if I may even call it) was shit, yes, but Idc much for it. The gameplay was meh. Not entirely bad but had much room for improvement. The biggest problem for me was the difficulty. Several bosses oneshotted me and since I'm not fan of grind-festivals I quitted it.
  13. I know that the gameplay and plot aren't the best for RPG standards. But I thought that at least the characters made up for it. Tbf I haven't read any reviews in magazines so I can only speculate.
  14. Is the food in your avatar your most favorite? Italian kitchen Alisa Reinford, a character from the Trails of Cold Steel series
  15. I thought the exact opposite about this game. It's beloved but I couldn't enjoy it.
  16. I thought the exact opposite about this game. It's beloved but I couldn't enjoy it.
  17. I started with the two Devil Survivor games. 2 improved the issues from 1 (having access to more characters early on, adding social links and improving skill system). 2 is still my favorite 3DS game with one of the best character casts of all videogames I've played. The characters are all unique in their personality and sympathic. Also my personal favorite videogame character is in this game. Furthermore it is similar to FE, a round based strategy game with an excellent battle system. The only main differences are that the move turn order is fixed and the damage output is random. And a bit more anime and fanservice are included which didn't bother me, even for someone who isn't into anime at all. The gameplay brought me into Persona, to be precise Persona 3, which is a classic RPG with a similar battle system. It also has influences of a simulation in it because day organisation is a thing here. Time management is very important to fulfill all your tasks and do as many support conversations as possible. I found the story and the characters great. Also the music was superb. Many groovy songs. The final boss theme in The Journey just kicks ass and is still my favorite final boss theme in videogames. Then I continued Persona 4, a game with a less interesting plot at least for 3/4 of the game. The end was totally weird by letting appear a final dungeon and boss out of nowhere which was extremly hard to get into. A little bit disappointment compared to 3. Finally I started my first part of the main SMT series, SMT IV. First of all this game pissed me off in the beginning because the default difficulty was just unfair. I couldn't beat the second or third main boss (idr). If I didn't get the info that it was possible to lower the difficulty by getting several party wipe outs, I'd have quitted it long before. But thankfully I got the info in time and let lower the difficulty. After that it was MUCH MORE enjoyable. The story was just great. However it ws impossible to unlock all three paths in my first run. Have to replay it to get to the neutral path. At the end I still had much fun with this game although I still prefer DeSu simply because it's more like FE. Hopefully I'll get Persona 5 soon.
  18. https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=18748381 https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=11867205 https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=12004644 Leanne from Resonance of Fate
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