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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. http://www.zerochan.net/1004597 Is it the character MarkyJoe uses as his avatar? anyways Vita Clotilde
  2. Clair + ridersbane = awesome Clair reminds me on Tana with her high speed and luck and decent strength growth. Imo the best physical unit in Alm's party, and honestly the best in the entire game. In my two playthroughs she turned out better than the Whitewings. Clive is one of the worst units in the game. Being mounted doesn't save him for his mediocre bases and growths. Totally outclassed by Mathilda and Conrad later.
  3. I watched a part of Comey's interrogation. He gave very controversial information. It's just the question for me how it exactly will affect Trump (if it can't be proven).
  4. Honestly I'd even agree with the above post if the word guide was replaced by door openers. The only chapter you really need is a guide is chapter 24x because of the dumb pit tiles unless you have enough rescue staves. Tbf there are still passages in other FE parts you might need a guide like how to beat Julius in FE4. If Julia died before or you don't know how to recruit her back, you'll be pretty screwed. It's right that FE5 is the beginner most unfriendly FE game, but it's not like that you can do all the recruitments in the other FE parts without a guide.
  5. poor Tharcija 776 Tbf the insult towards the game hurts me by far more even if I somewhat have to agree with this post.
  6. Trails of Cold Steel II and Fire Emblem Echoes Can enjoy Erica Lindbeck's lovely voice.
  7. 10 Protagonist 2 Ryuji Sakamoto 2 Ann Takamaki 12 Yusuke Kitagawa 8 Makoto Niijima 17 Futaba Sakura 14 Haru Okumura 7 Goro Akechi
  8. Yeah, this game is really fun simply because the Touhou puppets are much cuter than very most Pokémon. However I still have to check out the chart for each battle. Understanding which attack type is effective against the opponent takes some time. And yes, the current patch needs some improvement. Idk what the attacks of the opponents do which kinda sucks.
  9. I just figured it out the first part is false actually. Normally I can wait... but for ToCSIII I can't tbh.
  10. This is how I always make her the MVP. In general Pegaus Knights are great (second best class after magic users), not only because of their mobility, also because archers actually suck against them. First, they don't do effective damage early on, and second their hitrate is abysmal for making bows pretty inaccurate.
  11. Honestly the battle themes were the only good thing of this final dungeon.
  12. You just couldn't wait. Beaten ToCS II. The final dungeon was... eh. Just a unspectacular copy of Persona 3's Tartarus. The final boss was just an alternate version of 1's final boss in the Old Schoolhouse. Nevertheless a fantastic game overall!
  13. Oh whoops, I accidently read it as April 2015.
  14. I meant why wasn't she added originally?
  15. I meant why wasn't she added originally?
  16. Is it ok trying to get back into Touhou by playing the Puppet Dance fangame? Honestly I like it much more than Pokémon.
  17. Wow, RIP How can JP not like her in first case?
  18. Actually quite the opposite when I see both days of joining.
  19. Had to check out this term... oh... this thing. Yeah, I saw them in the hand of some people already. It cares me as much as people are typing on their mobile phone - not at all. I'm not interesting in this thing and I also doubt it incereases the motoric skills. It's not of my business with which things people spend their freetime.
  20. OMG everyone is usable for ToCSII's final dungeon exclusive the Crossbell ones. And I can buy Vita - Heck yeah!
  21. 10 Protagonist 3 Ryuji Sakamoto 4 Ann Takamaki 2 Morgana 12 Yusuke Kitagawa 8 Makoto Niijima 15 Futaba Sakura 13 Haru Okumura 9 Goro Akechi
  22. Pokken sounds like a Pokémon x Tekken crossover for me. Also saw the Crossbell games for a low price... but this requires a PSP. Damn it, money!
  23. ^ The last quote is the latest result. Had to correct the votings after SecondWorld's edit.
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