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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Kliff as mage was awesome, especially with the magic ring. Five attack range, and more reliable than fucking snipers. His speed was good enough to double some stuff. Of course he sucks in close combat against dread fighters, but that's not how to use magic users...
  2. same These are also the only RPGs I'm aware of besides Dokapon if this counts.
  3. Haha... quite the opposite for me. I had several waifus from other videogame series.
  4. I'm glad that my waifu is a great unit :P
  5. He will understand. It just happens that characters you like aren't great units.
  6. Beaten the dungeon. I have to say that the final map was easier than some generic encounters simply because the final map is just a defeat boss mission. The boss was really bad on normal mode (couldn't even hit summoned allies). It was easy to oneturn him. Just had to use invoke in the second turn to drag him out. Three fliers (Palla, Catria, Clair) with forged Gradvius-trading and Alm with forged Falchion were enough to oneturn him. PS: I didn't grind much.
  7. Beaten the Echoes's extra dungeon and boss. It wasn't as awfully frustrating as some people mentioned, maybe because I played on normal. The boss was easier than Doma. Anyways I still could have fun with this game at the very least. Wasn't always the case tbh.
  8. Yeah, I remember by watching MarkyJoe's FE3 LP that male peg. knights really exist in FE3.
  9. Male peg. knight enemies exist since the early 90s!? Woah... lol. Then why did IS come up with introducing them just in Fates!? The hack Midnight Sun features definitely a more fun and better male peg. knight.
  10. Dang, forgot to add the little word "female". I already forgot male peg. knights are a thing in FE. The answer is of course: Seriously what's with the talk about the Whitewings outside of Celica's route!? Clair is definitely the best. Has Catria's speed and almost Palla's strength. I should start the same kind of thread for Clair now.
  11. Clair was the best peg. knight for me BY FAR.
  12. I haven't benched anyone either since everyone is deployable except in dungeons. As for the dungeos, funnily enough, I haven't even noticed till I think part 4 that I could bring only ten units. I never chosed my team. My main problem of the archers was that their accuracy was just bad. Python had often <=50% so I couldn't feed him with kills. They were ok to poke 2 range magic users, that's it. Also 15 speed is really REALLY bad. (still faster than my level 10 Falcon Knight Palla) I made Atlas become a cavalier, and honeslty he was even shittier than Clive. (only used Clive to make Mathilda more OP)
  13. Python had like 10 speed and 6 skill and defense after promotion to a sniper. Leon was a bit better but still had hit issues. Ironically I find the archer class only OP on enemy's side. Same goes for terrain boost btw. Mainly the enemy benefits from it.
  14. Oh, that means I have to use Leon and Python. But they turned out shit. I guess I'll promote one of the villagers to archer in my next run.
  15. Oh, that means I have to use Leon and Python. But they turned out shit. I guess I'll promote one of the villagers to archer in my next run.
  16. There are a few obtainable axes in this game. You can sell at least one to a guy who will give you sth. (please don't ask me where and what you will get for it) They exist only to make money from it unfortunately. Also speaking of shadow weapons: When I got a shadow sword and forged it I didn't know it's a devil weapon. Lost Kamui because of this lack of knowledge.
  17. When is the death jingle played when Alm or Celica die? I know they have an own theme, but if they have been died yet, only the regular death theme (from the Akaneia series) has been played.
  18. The most annoying gimmick of this dungeon for me so far is that you can neither save during the dungeon nor go back to the entrance to save. If Alm or Celica die, you're really screwed on Casual Mode. (yes I'm playing on Casual to get to the "true" final boss somehow) Also I find the design of this dungeon really boring. I thought about a real labyrinth according to the name of this dungeon, but it isn't unfortunately. A straightforward designed dungeons without any puzzles.
  19. Stationary consoles by Nintendo are too childish for me now. I don't play platformers or party games nowadays anymore and I'm focussed on JRPGs. FE is the only interesting series by Nintendo. Xenoblade interested me too, but I never could find a copy of Chronicles for the Wii for an acceptable price. However the GBA and (3)DS have quite a lot of great JRPGs.
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