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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Not yet. Hopefully no one is blinded by my UN. I'd like to change it but can't do it yet. If you're referring to Alisa, you'd be correct.
  2. Why did I see this thread just now? Anyways these sprites are just amazing, especially bride Elincia. So cute! Keep up the great work!
  3. It happend to me that the enemy captured her if she's unequipped. But Idk what will happen, if it leaves the map with her.
  4. What do you mean with supports? They don't exist (yet). Oh yeah, I didn't remember that light sword had five hit less than the steel sword. Chapter 3-2: Lionheart Eltoshan (part 1)
  5. (If someone else feels to start a thread about it, then go ahead) Anyways UK (London) was overshadowed by terror attacks in two different places. Nine deaths are confirmed so far and several people were hurt. No one has confessed for these attacks yet, but it's likely that it has an Islamist backround again.
  6. And again... I wake up with terror attack news. Unfortunately it happens more lately than I wished...
  7. To my disappointment I noticed that most supports don't really improve the hitrate. I think the A support of Tobin x Gray only gave Tobin +5% (if any). I used him mainly to drag out cantors, but as I stated before, he had issues to hit them. I think ~80-85% was the highest possible hitrate I've seen on him yet. Also giving him iron / steel bows screws him more than it helps him because he loses speed, and his speed isn't the best anyways. He tends to get doubled by bow knights and even witches. These weapons are only useful, if you can lower their weight which requires money. As for kantors: Enemy phase: I drag them out with archers. Can mages with magic ring counter from 3 or 4 range too? Player phase: I take them out with thunder and archers. But when I got the magic ring, I kill them only with a sage / priestess who has this equipped.
  8. I'd not even count this game as a classic FE game, but rather as a SRPG with FE elements. Anyways this game has actual a story, a really good one, unlike the previous parts for the 3DS. Gameplaywise it leaves to be a desired a little bit. The map design is poor for the most part, mechanics like weapon triangle don't exist, inventory is limited to one space for everyone. Also the huge terrain boost is annoying (mainly the opponent benefits from it). It's a remake so to expect several changes would be a mess and ruin the nostalgy of the original FE2. However some nice features like skills or bexp. were added. As for someone who dislikes FE2 because of its clunkiness and slow gameplay, I still enjoyed Echoes. The story was told very well although I really disliked Celica's role in part 4 + 5. And some issues of the gameplay were fixed. Not the best FE part overall, but still a decent one. It's definitely my favorite of the 3DS parts although Conquest's gameplay was still really good.
  9. It's hard to rate every unit for me since I didn't promote all the villagers to each possible class. I can only tell about classes so far. The most intimidating classes for me are dread fighters and magic users (especially sages) with magic ring. Dread fighters are bulky, very fast, have high movement and good resistance (taking halve damage to magic) which is very uncommon due to the ridiculous low resistance growth in this game. Saber is most likely the best, but Jesse and Kamui are pretty good too. Sages and priestess with the magic ring equipped are amazing to take out knights and dark magic users without taking counterdamage. Sages are bit better than priestesses because they can counterattack from two range in EP. Cliff, Mae and Delthea are excellent magic users. Archers have the same range actually but unfortunately bows are incredibly inaccurate thanks to the stupid terrain boost in indoor maps. Actually it's even my least favorite class. Also fliers are pretty great like in most other parts. However only Clair really covers all the important stats this class needs. Palla is strong, but slow. Catria is fast, but tends to be a bit weaker than Clair with lower luck. Est joins really late although her growths are respectable. Still her base strength is very low so she definitely needs a forged lance and stat boost to become useful early on. Gold Knight is an amazing class too. Clerics are very important too. Skills like invoke for the final boss or fortify are absolute appreciated. Honestly the only really bad units for me were Boey (worst magic user), Clive and each knight aside of Luka because they tend to get doubled by witches later on which is really REALLY bad.
  10. I see. The main problem for me is that archers can't get much exp. early because - as I said - they miss often and can be used only in player phase to chip. When you can forge it's normally too late for them to become useful unless I overgrind in dungeons what I don't do. Even with a great forged bow they're only PP units. Semi decent mages with magic ring are already more useful in combat because of their better accuracy.
  11. I still can play ToCS II's epilogue. Took me four (long) attempts to get rid of this bug. It wasn't for nothing since the final bossfight is fun. Also beat the second phase in less than three minutes. Don't know how I did it.
  12. Knows Kawaii Sanaki is the most adorable Sanaki.
  13. Can someone tell how to make them useful early on without investing too much coins for forging? Also are Cliff or Gray better potential archers because Tobin completly failed? The main issue with them is that they're slow and inaccurate, and in the beginning you don't have access to blacksmiths.
  14. Alm (forged Falchion) Celica (forged Venus Sword) Clair (forged Gradvius) Catria (forged silver lance) Palla (speed ring) Est (luck ring) Silque (arkanum ring) Tatiana (arkanum ring) Zeke (forged Duma's lance) Cliff (magic ring)
  15. Give the knight ring on Reyson to get canto. It rarely happened that I got the boosts. Give it to a foot unit you use quite often like Ike or to Reyson too.
  16. Bows are pretty bad in FE9 combined that they only do double damage. The S bow is literally a joke. Unlike Astrid he's neither mounted, nor he can get levels as fast as her. Sure, Sothe is worse in combat than him because Rolf can do chip damage from range at least. On the other hand Sothe he can end some chapters quicker for searching in the sand and opening chests.
  17. I have to change my post in that way that I only find enemy archers are good simply because the benefit from the terrain much more than the allies. Archers have increased range but therefore shitty accuracy. It's pain to level them. I made Tobin become an archer in my latest run because Python and Leon didn't turn out well and even died. The result was that he was even WORSE than them. Somehow I could promote him to a bow knight nevertheless. (don't ask me how) It cost me lots of effort and time to do this because his hitrates were terrible. He had 80% at best against dark mages with the heaviest tomes equipped - just sad! As a bow knight he has less speed (10) than baron Lukas (12), and loses even more when he has the silver bow equipped. Forging helps his accuracy and damage output a bit but at cost of speed. Even witches will double and 2RKO him. He can do free chip damage to mages with increased attack range - if he hits - but that's all. The stupid terrain boost killed IS's idea of making archers better by giving them increased attack range. As for allies it's my least favorite class BY FAR.
  18. Definitely FE10, because then I'd have joined this lovely forum like 5-6 years earlier and had fun for staying there a longer time.
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