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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=63315986 https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=62991533 Rixia Mao
  2. Ross is the earliest trainee you get so he's definitely usable even without arena and tower. He's the only pirate you could get, if you promoted him to this class.
  3. Four started topics on one day!? Seriously, much worse! (well I guess Soul's blossom of shitposting was before I joined) Then, why do you call yourself Nobody when you tried to become the exact opposite? lol JK! It's almost four years ago so the "youthful sins" are already passed, and tbh I was a bit similar in my early time. I started lots of threads (however not four per day) just to get attention. I still hate myself for doing it. Also the pointless topics is the true reason why we still love Soul. A few of his topics are somewhat amusing unlike Harvey's who's the real shitposter in this forum right now by arguing with unproven or even false facts. You just couldn't escape greatness.
  4. Oh yeah, Ragefest time! This will be fun indeed. I admire the people who made the hacks and also feel sorry for those who have to play them.
  5. I'm really satisfied for now. Is there any chance for Jarod too?
  6. FE4: For casual players relevant since magic triangle took a buff. FE5: Fantastic for boss and other shenigans like daimthunder + ambush. FE6: Pretty good since physical weapons except for swords took accuracy nerf. FE9: Weapon weight screws some units like Soren or Ilyana who uses the heaviest magic type. Later on they're alright but even magic weapons can replace anima tomes. Had a Mia with maxed magic who did the same damage with rune sword as Soren with tornado. FE10: Magic users were made as slow as armor knights. Also magic triangle is irrelevant for the most part since enemy magic users and healers have good resistance. Bolting basically doesn't exist. However as opponent they're still scary for some physical tanks like Ike or Haar. FE13: only dark magic is useful FE15: So OP that it almost must be busted. Seriously it's the best weapon type in the game because of the stupid terrain boost and being able to attack from 3-4 range with the magic ring.
  7. I don't know how it's handled so I have to ask which weapons and items I will get back from the chests in chapter 4? I gave Leif the flame sword at the end of chapter 3, but he didn't get it in any of the chests in chapter 4. Edit: I found it out meanwhile how the filling of the treasures in chapter 4 works. So please lock or delete!
  8. I still don't know how to post properly after almost one half year after the update. Also speaking of quote boxes, lol. It was cursed by one recently. Since the update the content of the previous post is saved. I forgot how to remove the formatting and a quote box was added in several posts of mine, and there was no way to delete it. I could neither delete it by backspace, nor cut it out. Also these super annoying captchas don't work either for me for the most time. And another issue is that you still can't delete all your notifications in your message box. (probably only really relevant for the big posters here) The only good thing about the update is the live notification, but in total it only pisses me off more than it helps me.
  9. NP, that's my job! 10 Protagonist10 Yusuke Kitagawa 3 Makoto Niijima21 Futaba Sakura12 Haru Okumura
  10. Didn't even know that enemy luck didn't exist in the early games. In FE10 the bosses have lower luck than the generics for some reason. It automatically brings me the question why the enemies have no luck?
  11. name: Alisa class: archer affinity: light personal skill: angel (guaranteed activation of miracle in each chapter once) growths: 50% HP, 45% strength, 40% magic, 60% speed, 50% luck, 20% defense, 45% resistance
  12. All in all Celica's map design was better. Especially the chapter against the Medusa sorcerer in Alm's route where you have to walk around building was like the worst designed I've ever played. However I prefer Alm's party unit- and characterwise mainly because of Clair, Gray and Mathilda. Also I like Alm more mainly because of Celica's role in part 4 + 5.
  13. This isn't even uncommon. Enemies in Echoes don't have luck either. In FE9 the enemies are even worse since weapon weight is a thing. Lots of mages and shitty soldiers have less speed and evasion due to speed penalty due to their low strength. And hammer weighs 20 and you face actually rarely warriors with +20 strength. The prepromotes in FE9 are even the worst in the entire series if I may exclude FE8's ones in easy + normal.
  14. You voted exactly opposite as it should be done. fify 10 Protagonist 10 Yusuke Kitagawa 7 Makoto Niijima 19 Futaba Sakura 13 Haru Okumura
  15. The wyvern knights of chapter 21 you're talking about have maxed strength in hard mode while the unpromoted enemies in FE7 are far away of having anything capped. Also in FE7 applies quantity > quality. In Cog of Destiny (especially) and the one against Limstella you fight a tons of enemies with rather mediocre stats. Their stats aren't really scary but their large number of units make up for it. Even Florina has trouble to solo all the shamans and druids.
  16. Yeah, I'm pretty sure too that most Trump voters won't be affected by this interrogation as they haven't before either by all of Trump's antics. I guess the only one who really can do sth. against him is Rober Muller since forcing loyality of an indipendent working intelligence service is an absolute no-go.
  17. 9 Protagonist0 Ryuji Sakamoto10 Yusuke Kitagawa 8 Makoto Niijima19 Futaba Sakura15 Haru Okumura Since five are only left you may give only -1 in total from now on till the end. Voting possibilities: 1x -1 1x 1 , 1x -2 1x 1 , 2x -1
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