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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. WHOOPS...meant her actually Nep is still Nep.
  2. Tbf the hair color of my avatar looks different due to the light and art affect. She has grey hair actually. In this image she has violet hair as Neptune so I can see the similarity. I'm honest enough to say I'd think it's Nepgear, if there wasn't the hat.
  3. If the hat wasn't there, then I would even agree with you.
  4. My post was rather a bad joke. However 80s still had soul music. It's my #2 favorite band ever. They had a few good songs in the 90s too like Come Undone or Ordinary World. If I can't stand one type of music then any kind of rap unless it's in videogames. JP Hip-Hop as in Persona is very enjoyable actually.
  5. Soul music can be 80's music technically.
  6. 80s were the best in terms of music. Unfortunately yes. Couldn't remove the formatting.
  7. Sometimes it's simply better if we don't know about other incaple heads of government.
  8. Did a nice YT video of ToCS's bossfight against Rean x Altina.
  9. https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=63315986 https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=62991533 Rixia Mao
  10. Ross is the earliest trainee you get so he's definitely usable even without arena and tower. He's the only pirate you could get, if you promoted him to this class.
  11. Four started topics on one day!? Seriously, much worse! (well I guess Soul's blossom of shitposting was before I joined) Then, why do you call yourself Nobody when you tried to become the exact opposite? lol JK! It's almost four years ago so the "youthful sins" are already passed, and tbh I was a bit similar in my early time. I started lots of threads (however not four per day) just to get attention. I still hate myself for doing it. Also the pointless topics is the true reason why we still love Soul. A few of his topics are somewhat amusing unlike Harvey's who's the real shitposter in this forum right now by arguing with unproven or even false facts. You just couldn't escape greatness.
  12. Oh yeah, Ragefest time! This will be fun indeed. I admire the people who made the hacks and also feel sorry for those who have to play them.
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