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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Umm... It's hard to explain. My main issue is that I have too many thoughts at the same time for some reason and have issues to sort them. I start with a second idea before I've finished the first. It's an issue since my childhood. Bringing it to this thread: I think further than I type. That means I tend to use words from the following sentence, although I haven't even finished the previous one yet. So I somehow merge the two sentences... and it turns out shit. Also I proofread most of my posts, but some errors can be found only in the third thread... when it's too late and already posted.
  2. I have to overcome my depressions once for all after all the shit what happened in the past years. Getting work and money is a beginning... only a beginning. I'm not the youngest anymore... so I should become independent sometime. I want to have a normal life like everyone else has at my age. My cousin is a good example (actually my idol) who has a great job, wife and even a kid lately.
  3. more open to foreign people trying to suppress my anger towards non involved people It's ok. With "lewd" I didn't only mean porn games like Huniepop or Catherine. Also, I knew about your Sonic hate. ;) Also this is one of the reasons too. I saw Sega as a (bad) rival of Nintendo in its earlytime. Opinion of Mario x Sonic party / sports games?
  4. I don't know, if I'm the only one here who has to deal with this situation, so I'm going to ask this in the public: Have you ever been the situation that you posted sth. in SF... then you see your displayed post and say to yourself: WTF!? What have I just posted here? Typos everywhere, grammar is broken, incomplete sentences... This is the issue I have after each longer post. I about all my errors in each single post... honestly I'm even ashamed. I'm awful in thinking and typing at the same time. (even a problem in job) I just would like to know, if I'm not the only one in SF with this issue. Edit: I can't believe this happened to me even in this post. AAAAAWWWWW...
  5. @Fire Emblem Fan Alright! I love stupid challenges, so I'll take them.
  6. You seriously want me to duo 4-P with Ike and Lyre!? I mean keeping Rafiel alive is hard enough already by bringing fliers to save him. Also Kyze for the Silver Army is quite nice because I'd have already a plan with him in 4-P. 3-11 - 3-F stats after 3-F
  7. This didn't answer my original question. I just wanted to know who of the left units shall be sent to which group?
  8. Might or might not be wondering about that...
  9. Thanks Letty! Oh yeah, also final exam today. Will be a quite exciting and hopefully successful week... Tbh I love life challenges.
  10. Will know she acted childish to me. I thought she was like 14-15.
  11. I never would touch a Sonic game because... I hate this character since Smash Bros Brawl. I couldn't deal with the gameplay. I'm bad in platformers nowadays and the increased speed would make even worse for me. Most lewd game you have played yet?
  12. Might have noticed there's a second soul in the forum.
  13. I watched the Berseria's speedrun partly. It was nothing special but a speedrun. Zestiria is the best to speedrun because of the OPness of holy bottles. You can walk through each dungeon without having any chance to get involved in a battle. It's perfect because it's the game you want to speedrun the most anyways. Won't spend anymore money for videogames the nex time except for TocS. Will sell therefore Fates's special edition. Looking for money is way more important now for me. Having job test and interview this week. Kinda nervous...
  14. I guess it's true, but I usually increase all parameters except for weight to have a higher chance to oneshot enemies with Nolan. I think you can forge two weapons with maxing out all parameters, if you sell Meg's fortune skill.
  15. Is it a common thing? Made a bid for TocS on ebay. Hopefully I'll win. I didn't know that the Trails series is so precious.
  16. Oh, ok. Just thought you put all the votes in a table (excel or access), and it wouldn't be a problem to change them, but it's fine. Not that it really makes a huge difference anymore.
  17. Why technical problems only in the English version?
  18. I just noticed one thing. The Tales series has so many adorable girls who start with El. It's so hard for me to decide who's the cutest of them. So I pass this turn to you. :P Elize Elle Eleanor VElvet
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