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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. The water temple? That's really the toughest dungeon in the game and the only one I stuck for a bit. You won't see many more challenging puzzles like this in the temple the next time... actually not at all anymore
  2. Umm... wut? She's probably the besty of Zesty. I mean she even looks a bit like Aigis. bandwagon starts @ Sophie Also why is Laphi dropped already? My plan that the entire playable cast of Berseria will be represented in this forum is already gone for good. :,( Actually you could still fix it by a Edna x Eizen theme. Damn... I found such an adorable image of Berseria's playable cast, but unfortunately the height is too large to use it as banner. Some characters are cropped.
  3. Thanks for your best wishes! If no one is to be found for theming Eizen, then I could do it. Seres isn't really playable, so.
  4. Eh... it was ok. Could sleep longer than till 3:30 AM... but oh well. Have to leave very early today because of first exam.
  5. Excellent! Then we only need two more people who volunteer to theme Rokuro and Eizen.
  6. Which consoles do you own? If you own a PS3 you could play Graces, Xillia, Xillia 2, Zestiria and the JP version of Berseria. Honestly I'd recommend Berseria first, because this is probably the easiest game of them. The difficulty is really low if you play on normal. The game directly tells you where to go next, so you won't stuck that often. The battle system isn't complicated. You'll understand it pretty fast. There aren't all that many challenging puzzles. Xillia 2 is my favorite game of this series. You could start it before 1 because there's no real story connection between these two. Still related, but not that much. It features also a few different game elements like economic simulation. You have to gain money during the entire game by fulfilling sidequests or beating monsters. Zestiria is the emptiest part for me referring to the dungeons and overworld. There almost no monsters in this game but actually it doesn't matter because grinding is pointless. You gain like no exp. by from generic battles. Only the bosses and elite monster give you exp. You can easily speedrun this game by using spirit bottles through the entire game since they last till you rest. Some puzzles are quite nice, but that's it. I don't like it very much. It's also hard to play because of the ego-camera-angle. Xillia 1 is quite nice too but I still prefer the character design of 2. It was the hardest game of this series for me yet. Graces is a beginnerfriendly game too although the story isn't really great for the most part.
  7. As for the battle style: Just use Velvet and you'll be fine. As for the maps: Only the huge caves can be really confusing. Also this game has almost no real challenging puzzles. The hardest puzzles are in the overworld, there was only one dungeon with a semi-hard puzzle.
  8. Classic: Caeda because of winspear Veteran: Jill because best unit in FE9 + 10 Modern: Idk. Second this.
  9. This is true. In NM he'll get 2RKOed by magic users, steel axes and maybe steel lances. He has better evasion against axes but their hitrate is still decent enough to hit him. In HM he's good against soldiers because they've the same attack power as in NM but lower hit. With support he can take two steel lance hits. Also the pegasus knights in 1-6-1 and lance knights in 1-6-2 normally don't 2RKO him. The only issue is that steel bows can 2RKO him too except you're really lucky with his defense (needs 12 defense + A support with Leo, Aran or Jill) for 1-E. His payoff is actually the midgame of part 1, 1-5 to be precise, because it's the point when he starts doubling constantly and onerounding with a forged sword. Edward isn't really important in part 3. He's basically a (worse) range weapon user than Leonardo because he's too squishy to be used as front unit. Wrath + range swords make him a good player phase unit but he'll get by far less experience in part 3 than Jill, Nolan, Sothe or Volug. Leo's chip is high enough to finish enemies off with Nolan (forged weapon), Edward (doubling) or Jill. He's excellent in 1-5 with the longbow to chip the hand axe fighter, javelin soldier, archers from the ledge so other people can finish them off. Same goes for 1-E. In part 3 he's your only real classic range weapon user in part 3, and you really want one for these chapters.
  10. I agree. I imagine that speedrunning Berseria is really easy because ths game directly tells you where to go next. You don't need any language skills, you just have identify the yellow star in the map. Also the final dungeon isn't as stupidly designed as in Xillia 2.
  11. fanservice is ok for me... in moderation
  12. I just find well dressed females more attractive than half-naked in videogames... and I have no problem to say this in the publicity. You can call me as weird for having this opinion, I really don't care.
  13. 8.5 is a fair rating for his peformance in part 1 because he can do A LOT. As for part 3 Edward will fall behind a bit due to his squishyness. Resolve on him doesn't work as great as for Zihark because of lacking evasion in his affinity. Honestly I'm glad that at least one other person besides me noticed Edward's potential in HM.
  14. Nah, I've nothing against tits and butts. It's more like how characters are represented... and I'm no big fan of half-naked characters, especially if they're protagonists.
  15. I prefer nice and cute looking clothes over naked skin, it's just me. The same reason why I don't like Judith's outfit all that much.
  16. no Charlotte is found as her name as well, but Shallote is more common since the game is named after latter.
  17. Eh... I don't like Velvet's outfit. Even touching her bust with my hands doesn't convince me to buy a figure of her. I only would buy a figure with her standard clothes (she wears in the beginning of the game).
  18. incorrect I know it's probably wrong but I say Charlotte Elminus from Atelier Shallie.
  19. Hopefully more chibis of Berseria will come out later. I want a chibi of Eleanor so badly.
  20. Fire Emblem Opinion of the music band with the same name as your UN?
  21. 3-4 - 3-6 stats after 3-6 (haven't updated the stats of the GM's after 3-3)
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