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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Walter was a great help. Either he used agi and did no damage because Minotaur blocked, or he just missed with physical attacks. Medusa sounds like a Medusa... and I hate Medusas since Tales games.
  2. Hopefully that the stupid grinding has an end now by lowering the difficulty. I still want to beat this game sometime... without no more breaks.
  3. Had to cheat by letting my party get killed twice to lower the difficulty. However this was the key to beat the boss... just barely.
  4. Happened to me thanks to a fucking crit. => Part-wipe-out in turn two. I think Jonathan has bufu... the spell I need. I guess Walter has fire, the spell which doesn't work against the boss. Isabeau can use media iirc. Also with which level did you fight him? Damn... I burnt almost three hours today for grinding to beat this boss somehow. :( Also, I'm an idiot and have no more demons with healing spells right now.
  5. In 1-4 pretty much everyone except for Sothe will get the kills in enemy phase because no one except for him can take two tiger hits. Nolan can take a hit by a tiger and cat. Edward can get kills easier than other units aside of Sothe with beastkiller. The comparison was only brought up that her bases were competitive, if she joined 1-2 chapters earlier.
  6. If you say that Meg's bases are bad for her joining time, then I'd absolute agree with you. But if you say this... ... then I have to say, you're wrong... or you have just a total different view than most others here. If you really think that 10 base strength and defense (more defense than base Nolan) are bad for a female knight... then well... I'm out of arguments right here.
  7. Is it right that the difficulty will be lowered, if you have enough party-wipe-outs? If yes... then I know what to do now.
  8. I noticed that he's weak to ice. (didn't have demon with bufu actually; fused one afterwards) Even with attacking his weakness and using all possible (de)buffs (tarukaja, sukukaja, rakunda, concentrate...) it's impossible to beat him under the current circumstances. After the second conversation with the protagonist (can the dialouge affect his battle behavior?) he literally wrecks my party... and this is NOT nice at all.
  9. NES / NDS: Haven't played the remakes enough to give a judgement. SNES: Ares because of Mistletainn. GBA: Allen. Alance in FE6 HM are the most usable cavs. overall. GC / Wii: Titania. Great in both Tellius parts. 3DS: So much I hate it to say... but Xander because of Siegfried.
  10. Classic: Haven't played FE1-3 and I don't find any good in the Judgral series, so no vote. Veteran: FE10 Gatrie. A general with 60% speed growth kicks ass. Nephenee is pretty good in FE9 but overhyped for me. Modern: Effie is great in each difficulty.
  11. Classic: Hare to decide. Navarra, Ayra, Larcei, Shanan and Mareeta are so good. However went for Shanan just because of Balmung. Veteran: FE10 Mia. Myrmidon who needs the least effort to become great. However Edward is an honorable mention too. Modern: Ryoma just because of his personal sword.
  12. Classic: Julian because he's great despite not having a class change, and I really like his name. Veteran: Volke because of his story part in FE9. Modern: Idk. Since stealing was removed, so I didn't really pay attention on this class in the newest parts anymore.
  13. Classic: Othin because of pugi and wrath. Veteran: Nolan because FE really needs speed fighters with mustaches. Modern: Arthur because he's decent enough overall.
  14. I know here are some SMTIV people in this thread, so maybe someone can help me: How to beat Minotaur? He easily onerounds one of my party members in each turn. Even stat (de)buffing doesn't help me. So far as I know he has no weaknesses. My unit is level 13, same goes for the demons. I've grinded for more than two hours already, and honestly I'm really tired of it. I want to beat it now!
  15. Umm... she's four levels lower than Aran. 70% hitrate is with good / against biorhytm, though. If Nolan misses several times, and Sothe isn't next to you, this chapter will be problematic. Edward usually doesn't get 2RKOed by the bronze lance soldiers at least. And the second one brings him to wrath zone. A steel sword crit can kill him. In 1-4 Edward just has to be sent into wrath-zone, and then let him attack with the wind edge. That's why I mentioned, if he can't oneround with a crit. Otherwise unequip him and let him bring in wrath-zone. That's the best strategy to train him in 1-4 and 3-6.
  16. A typical situation you might find in FE: Imagine you have an unit with 30 HP who has to block. Three enemies are in its attack range but only one can attack him. All the enemies do 13 damage to him and have 2% critrate. The hitrate of each opponent: 52%, 50%, 59% (order of attack) Your ally can oneround / oneshot any of them except for a criticial hit. It accounts 7% to each enemy. The hithate of a regular hit accounts: 88%, 90%, 81% (order of attack) What is the % chance to kill the first opponent? What is the % chance to get killed by the first opponent? What is the % chance to get killed by all three opponents by regular hits? What is the % chance to get killed by all three opponents in total? What is the % chance to kill all opponents and survive?
  17. Your answers of the latest questions are correct. I noticed that I messed up at few times. Here's the (hopefully) fixed version: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0By3VdhdU6OlxSVM5NUdLcDVaVUk
  18. Alright... in short: 2-P Nealuchi and Elincia weakened the dracos to give Marcia the kills. She also killed Zeffren and got a level up for that (speed, defense). All the enemies were defeated in turn 7. 2-1 Brom did the main work and got most of the kills including Yeardley. He got two amazing level ups. In his first level he gained everything except for magic and luck. His second one wasn't bad either. Nephenee didn't get one single level. Brom recruited Heather. I let three enemies alive for the bexp. 2-2 Mordecai and Lucia prepared the kills for Brom and Nephenee. She could get her first level (speed, defense among others). Heather found the discipline scroll and grabbed the secret book from the boss. I ignored the three reinforcements. My original plan was only to report the chapters I have to use the worst units, because all the other ones are pretty generic and not exciting at all to report (as for me). Also will only present level ups of the forced units.
  19. I don't deny that Nolan is better than Edward in part 1's earlygame, 1-2 excluded. He's the only one who can take two hits in 1-1. In 1-2 he starts already to struggle. With the steel axe equipped he can get doubled by a few enemies and also 2RKOed as Edward. With the hand axe his accuracy is awful. You're happy when you see >70%. In 1-3 he's quite solid because he can take two hits except for steel axes. The soldiers also have speed penalty so he shouldn't get doubled with the steel axe equipped. It's definitely the worst chapter for Edward in this entire game. In 1-4 he's ok against the cats, if he leveled speed at least once. Since you can forge in this chapter he doesn't have AS reduction anymore. However he'll get 2RKOed by tigers as Edward will. Overall Edward is better in this chapter, because he can double the tigers, and it's one of very few chapters he can make good use of wrath because laguz are locked on melee range. He can block as well as Nolan can, if he can't oneshot a laguz with a crit in enemy phase. 1-5 is a great chapter for Edward. If you place him on the ledge, he can oneround all the fire mages including boss from the ledge. Sothe with forged knives could do it too of course but he's also needed elsewhere to get the masterseal. In 1-6 Edward is normally so well leveled that he can oneround enemies with forged swords. With a Leo support he might even take two hits by steel lances, and so he's almost as tanky against enemies with physical weapons as Nolan. Sure, Nolan is still better against mages because of his much better resistance growth and has the better support. During part 1 Edward gets levels faster because he's able to kill more without much effort. Nolan's strength advantage in the beginning will be equaled later on due to Edward's higher strength growth. Furthermore axes are the most inaccurate weapon type in the game. That's not really an argument in the longrun. In part 3 I definitely agree that Nolan is the better combat unit overall because of his affinity and his tankyness against the laguz. Edward's earlygame is his problem. To make up his speed I give him as many kills as possible in the first two chapters. In the prolog he should try to get two levels to level speed at least once to double the fighters (except hand axe fighter next to boss) in the next chapter.
  20. I have the same problem. If I click on the notification, the link to the video is unavailable.
  21. I just noticed you were the guy with the FE1 LP. What LP(s) could you imagine to do next?
  22. Since in 2-P, 2-1 and 2-2 everyone was free to use there's no reason to go into detail. Only mentionable are the obtained discipline scroll in 2-1 and the grabbed secret book from the boss in 2-2. 2-3
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