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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. My voting changes: Edward: From 7.5 to 7. Giving him the same rating as Nephenee seems to be fair. Nolan: From 8 to 7.5 because he can be really screwed in HM, if his speed doesn't grow well. Laura: From 5 to 5.5. Definitely more appreciated than Rhys so she deserves a better rating than him. But still worse than Micaiah. Rafiel: From 8.5 to 9 to give Reyson a better rating. Mia Growthrates (%) HP: 70 Strength: 45 Magic: 15 Skill: 60 Speed: 65 Luck: 35 Defense: 40 Resistance: 25 Skill: vantage Affinity: fire Mia is the easiest swordmaster to train because she comes with great bases and grwoths. She’s basically a hero with her good strength and defense growth. The main reason why Mia is way easier to train than Edward is because of her higher evasion thanks to Ike’s authority stars. She’ll dodge quite a lot. And with her good HP and defense growth she’ll be able to take more than one hit later on. She’s a bit squishy in earlygame, but after a few levels she’ll turn into a beast. The best contender for Alondite / Vague Katti. 8.5 / 10 Kyze Growthrates (%): HP: 85 Strength: 40 Magic: 5 Skill: 45 Speed: 35 Luck: 50 Defense: 40 Resistance: 15 Skill: quickclaw Affinity: light Seriously I never ever used this guy so I can’t say all that much. After seeing his bases and growths I can say that he doesn’t really fulfill the purpose of his class. He’s a tiger with low strength but therefore decent speed. You want a tanky and powerful tiger with Mordecai and not one similar to a cat. However a plus for him is that his transformation gauge falls slower than Lethe’s. I think he’s not the worst unit, but he joins at a time and party you absolutely don’t need him. 3 / 10 Lyre Growthrates (%) HP: 50 Strength: 35 Magic: 10 Skill: 65 Speed: 70 Luck: 50 Defense: 20 Resistance: 30 Skill: - Affinity: thunder Lyre is the worst unit in FE10. She joins with abysmal bases for her level, is a cat and gets like no experience. So she has no potential to turn into something. Honestly her only purpose is to use her as wall in 3-1. PS: I watched someone’s rising her in 4-5 on normal mode by giving her paragon and letting her attack untransformed. She became actually decent, not great. It’s just a waste of time and effort… 1 / 10 Ranulf Growthrates (%) HP: 70 Strength: 30 Magic: 15 Skill: 40 Speed: 35 Luck: 55 Defense: 15 Resistance: 10 Affinity: wind Skill: - Ranulf is the best cat but it doesn’t say all that much. In part 3 he’s excellent to weak the enemies. You can use him as wall since he’ll dodge most of the attacks. H owever again: He’s a cat, so his transformation gauge goes down fast. In part 4 when he’s not used anymore he can barely do anything. He can double most of the enemies, but if his strike level didn’t rise, he can do barely damage to them. Furthermore he has no real potential because of his awful growths. He’s great in part 3, but after that not anymore. 6 / 10 Reyson Growthrates (%) HP: 65 Strength: 5 Magic: 30 Skill: 20 Speed: 20 Luck: 60 Defense: 20 Resistance: 20 Skill: - Affinity: fire Reyson has the best mobility of all herons, but nontheless he’s only the second best heron because he needs to use laguz stone / gem to refresh four units. The reason why Rafiel is minimal better than Reyson. He has the best bases and growths of all the herons. He’s the only one who doesn’t get doubled by everyone when he’s transformed. 9 / 10
  2. Hasn't checked out the Hangman thread today yet.
  3. Get hyped for rating the *cough* worst unit in this game tommorow. I'm still unsure about some ratings: Edward might get a bit lower: from 7.5 to 7 because he's not as usable in part 3 as I wished to be. Leonardo... Idk. I think I overrestimate part 3 a little bit, but somehow he's appreciated in the DB since you don't have any real range units in part 3. I still find a 5 seems to be fair. Not sure about Shinon and Rolf yet. Giving Shinon the same rating as Ike is kinda unfair towards Ike because he has better 1-2 range weapon. However if I lower Shinon to 8.5 and give him the same rating as Titania and Volug, it'd be kinda unfair towards Shinon, because he's much better endgame material than Titania and Shinon. Alternatively I could give Ike a 9.5. This is what he absolutely deserves when he gets Ragnell, but not before... I have seriously issues to rate all the healers because they're so slow, but still so helpful. Giving Laura a 5 is a bit unfair because she's absolutely appreciated in part 3. In lower modes, however, you don't need her. As for Rhys he's not needed when you can't bring all your units. Your units are so strong that they don't even need a healer. I will definitely give Boyd not more than a 5 because he's more or less only a filler unit. Will update eventual changes when the next voting starts. Idk if it was some kind of joke. If so, then I'm too awkward to get it. Don't pay attention on my comment. :P If not, he doesn't get a personal bow in FE10. Rolf's bow can be used by everyone in this game unlike in FE9. And if you meant the silencer you get by the base conversation with Shinon in 3-E, same as with Rolf's bow.
  4. Updated the list. Only needed to update my new rating of Volug and Brom because the others were already done yesterday. As for Soren I normally try to fix his HP and defense problem by giving him a support with Ike and resolve in part 4. It works very well, even with poor biorhythm. One hit will bring him down to resolve and then he'll be pretty much invincible. However he can be oneshotted by a crit with his low luck. In general his fragility doesn't really bother me because thankfully he's no close combat unit and with speed he normally won't get doubled except by swordmasters. Part 3 gives you two silencers (3-4 and 3-F). At the latest in part 4 you'll be happy to have both because both can use their own silencer. When you get the silencer in 3-4, you can use the other sniper with killer bow. In terms of growths both will be absolute equal by giving bexp. I have used Rolf often enough in HM runs to confirm he'll become Shinon II. He only needs fast levels. In term of average stats Stefan beats Lucia, but he never is really needed unlike her.
  5. A game you'd like to play but can't because it's released for a console you don't own? Like them cooked, but never ever have eaten them fresh yet.
  6. Soren's speed is easier to fix than Boyd's with bexp. Also Boyd with speed transfer is also only slightly more useful. He can double thunder sages maybe, the enemies who hurt him the most. Also my vote changes: Boyd: from 6 to 5 Brom: from 5 to 5.5 Titania: from 9 to my origin vote of 8.5 because she's not that epic. Even with speed transfer she can't oneround halberdiers and warriors in HM unlike transfer Ike. So she's slightly worse than him. Rhys: from 4 to 5 Mist: I leave her vote because she has more potential than Rhys. Even usable in endgame. Volug: from 8 to 8.5 Gatrie: from 8.5 to 8 Rolf: I leave his vote because he has way more potential than Boyd. If you seriously rise him, he'll become comparable with him by giving bexp. I think a "punishment" of two points for the babying is fair enough. He's still a very usable unit despite Shinon's existence. Will update the list later... since I'm a bit tired right now.
  7. Honestly I have to agree with Brom > Boyd, because Brom is super necessary in 2-P unlike Boyd who never really is needed. I will change their votes... as for some others.
  8. Close race between Abyss and Xillia 2, but I feel like more to replay Xillia 2, so this. Favorite character to play as in the Tales series?
  9. Zestiria Which Tales game would you like to play next the most?
  10. I left HHH mainly because of the kpop spam. I don't feel like to see 20 kpop images in a row. I moved to FE4 thread, but only because it's much calmer. However I only post there rarely. Not a big fan of big-chats anyways. (same like with this thread)
  11. Completed: Abyss, Vesperia, Graces f, Xillia 1, Xillia 2, Zestiria, Berseria On hiatus: Symphonia Favorite wife for Dew?
  12. Skill ring: I'd say it's not a bad idea, because Ichival is rather inaccurate. Speed ring: It's not absolute necessary. Although Ichival gives +10 speed, it's really heavy. But Faval still should be able to double most of the opponents. Furthermore he has charge. Some other units need a speed boost more than him.
  13. Hopefully I haven't posted this song yet... can't remember.
  14. I know that normal crossbows / bowguns aren't all that great because the strength stat isn't calculated, but unlike most other games close range bows exist in FE10. That's the reason, why I think that archers are better than in other games. Furthermore Shinon can kill several enemies with one single crit with the crossbow. I believe he can even oneround sages in the early part of part 3 without crit(s).
  15. Bridget Statwise the worse archer but therefore she has Ichival, the probably worst of the Holy Weapons. It's very powerful but inaccurate compared to the killer bow. Giving her the skill ring is recommended to have better hitrates. She can easily complete arenes as Jamka, so easy to rise. All in all Jamka and Bridget are equally great. Only FE10 Shinon is better for me than these two. 8.5 / 10 Claude He has two fantastic staves and honestly the only choice for Sylvia to have an useful Cairpre early on. Sylvia can pass the bargain ring from chapter 2 to Claude to sleep / silence / revive abuse with Cairpre for a very low price. It's probably the best way to let him catch up the others. His only weakness is that he doesn't have any skills. But with his staves he's still more than useful enough. 7.5 / 10
  16. What do you exactly mean with that? The caps or that snipers are only really effective from two range? If you meant latter, then I have to admit that FE10 buffed this class with lots of great melee bows including double bow.
  17. I haven't done this pairing yet, but it sounds good. Faval learns crit and charge, two very nice skills. A crit with Yewfelle is an instant overkill. Charge is better on range units like archers and mages than on melee units. It's basically a double adept, if he can double an opponent who isn't able to counterattack.
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