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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. I know that Revelations has "FE10 syndrom" in term of units' joining time, but Imo it doesn't require much effort to let catch up the lower leveled units. Also it's true that some gimmicks take much time, but personally it never really bothered me... just a personal thing. I know that FE14 is absolute LTC-unfriendly due to these map gimmicks.
  2. Opinion of classical music? I'm learning to play piano right now.
  3. Favorite decade? Fire Emblem Shin Megami Tensei Tales of
  4. I've read in several comment sections that many people really dislike... even hate Revelations. I still haven't understood exactly, why. Sure it has some flaws like: very limited number of units in the beginning questionable map design (like the one where you have to choose the right door) story is very rushed at the end (tbf none of the three parts had a good story) I believe the map design splits the people into camps. Most people hate the map gimmicks in Revelations. Personally I like most of them. There were some interesting ideas like the moving elevator, or the ice you have break to see the enemies (similar to FoW). And the final chapter (including final boss) was creatively designed unlike the ones in CQ and BR. (I guess if these gimmicks were added in FE13, probably nobody would complain about them) All in all I found Revelations enjoyable mainly because of the facts that everyone of the cast was usable and that I liked most of the map gimmicks.
  5. Honestly I have no idea how to call the result of what I've done here. I'm right here.
  6. If the map design and mission objectives are excluded, yes. If not, big no.
  7. I thought the majority dislikes Revelations... of course I like it.
  8. Buffing weapons... actually trying to rebalance as good as I can. I don't do anything with the units.
  9. I only want to use it to make each class usable in FE6. I'd like to train Wendy if it's somehow possible. I try to lower the weight of the weapons and make axes and lances more accurate. The lowest hitrate shall be 60% instead of 45% (hammer).
  10. At least Shanna is easily to use now... if she keeps her class. I still haven't figured out how the randomizer exactly works.
  11. I don't say the opposite. It's just a feature I personally liked because it forces me more to think, especially in large maps where enemies can attack you from multiple sides or in indoor maps where you have to count the ledges. I absolutely love to play 1-F of FE10 without seeing the enemies' movement range. Also I never really check out the enemies' movement range in other FE parts either unless in FE4 because of the special terrains (roads).
  12. For most people it's timewasting indeed, for me it was another feature which challenged my brain.
  13. So is it another thing to post in the unpopular opinions thread? Also I expect a bit more than for example Shanna having 75% accuracy with the slim lance.
  14. I found lances were garbage for the most part except they were in Miledy's hands. My target is to use other classes in FE6 (brigands, knights...).
  15. Do you prefer English or Japanese vocals in videogame intros? liking, yes, loving no Also if any, then I can only love one of them.
  16. I finally did it! I made FE6's lances usable! Well... a bit too usable.
  17. What's your evening routine? getting up cleaning myself dressing myself having breakast turning on the laptop
  18. Well, it's been a while since I posted here the last time... so it's time for more wird opinions: Fatigue was a great idea in FE5 but implemented poorly. There should be a experience limit for each unit based on their level. Higher leveled units will reach it sooner to force you to train the lower leveled units. I liked most of the gimmicks in Revelations. Revelations' final boss was my second favorite after Ashera gameplaywise. (I have no idea if this is unpopular) Weapon weight was one of the best features in FE. (well... Idk if this is unpopular either) Berserk stave has to return; same goes for the weapons from the Judgral series. Disabling enemy's movement range like in FE10's hard mode was a nice feature and should become optional in the upcoming parts at least. Also I don't understand why people still don't separate Fates. The gameplay of each single part is completly different.
  19. I've no issues with the UI's age in the old FE games. Favorite color for over clothes?
  20. Posted a fact which is quite the news for me. (I thought Rezzy has only one son and is expecting a daughter (according to her profile))
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