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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Since my internet issues are solved for now I can still LP this game... at least I try it for now. Anyways don't expect for fast updates. (it might happen once per week) I tend to cut the next parts. Otherwise I might take 200+ parts... and I have no clue how long this game is. Also you will have to deal with the magenta text color. I won't change it! ;) [spoiler=part 1] Welcome to Mother 3, a round based RPG which was released only in Japan unfortunately. Thankfully a translation patch exists, so I can play and show it for you. I chosed this game because it was very beloved. Furthermore I finally want to finish a round based RPG which isn't Fire Emblem or a Shin Megami Tensei spin-off. I tried my luck with Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy but I got bored very fast and quitted them. I really hope same won't happen here. I know Mother 3 is a very dark game, so it has definitely my interest. Also since I only played like 2h of this game for myself before, I know pretty much nothing about it. If I miss any (hidden) items or important conversation, then tell me please! Same goes for special attacks. Three names were submitted. Wirdo and Dewey were chosed by myself. (I notied that I misspelt Dewey's name in the game actually - damn!) Let's start the game: Nowhere Islands -> Tazmily Village -> Behind the Sunshine Forest Home of Alec, Hinawa's father Gunner: I've a weakness for cuteness. So Gunner get up and goes to his mom. Gunner wants to leave the house just with the pyjama. It'd look a bit... strange. Of course Hinawa asks him for to change his clothes. I know this guy! I expect lots of talking in this game. These frogs are savepoints. After a bit Gunner finds Silva along with the Dragos. Sure! This is a mini tutorial. Some controls like dashing are explained. (it took me like five attempts to do it right) You just to have to dash the drago once. Then you can talk to Alec again to get more instructions. a bug appears The first fight! 2 vs. 1, so it should be a cakewalk The icons from left to right: bash (standard attack) items (don't have any yet) guard escape Of course I bash because there's nothing else I could do. baby damage to me Here we go! My first victory! (tbf everything else would be just embarrassing) This was the mini tutorial. Hinawa comes to catch her kids. She made pizza. what a coincidence They're going to leave. Hinawa leaves the door... ... and sends a message to Wirdo. Suddenly a dark shadow appears. What was it? Well, the game doesn't give an answer yet. Here the game really begins. Bombs are thrown into the forest. What did the forest just do to you, you motherfuckers!? The game doesn't only look depressing, but it also sounds like it. Thomas is in panic. It took several attemps to knock on the door till this guy moves: It's Wirdo! Thomas begs Wirdo vehemently to come with Thomas. Of course Wirdo agrees his offer. And has a helper now. Wirdo goes to the dog house (I think it's Dewey)... ... and gets a weapon. Now I can walk through the map a little bit and discover stuff: healing item There are a few people on the way. They give a few hints about the next target. There's a town where you can't do much yet. You can't enter the buildings yet. You only have to talk to this guy to get the map. Without it you can't go further. Outside of this town: This guy is huugggeeee. Wirdo is so wird that even thinks he could to talk this robot or whatever it is. The two have reached a second town: You can enter your real name here. Otherwise there's nothing to do here (yet). Also more discovering on the field: more healing items Ok, then to the west! These two block the way. Just talk to Ed and they'll step aside and you can go further. This guy begs you for help. As reward he'll give you a little healing item. (you can multiple times (even inifite times?) They're coming closer to the forest burn. You can see the smoke already. The first real battle! np This has to be a random encounter. (enemy advantage) sounds good... ... but isn't apparently. Wirdo is paralyzed for like three turns and takes lots of damage. It took me >50% of my HP. This was cruel! I'm not very delighted for the upcoming battles. At least it gives me another healing item. a bracelet This guy also needs help. This hot spring recovers your entire HP. The only requirement is to stay in the water for some seconds. (I was too inpatient and left the water too soon. I needed like five attempts till they were recovered) They go further towards sunshine forest: He's the forest burn. If you hit the fire, you'll lose HP. one of these monsters He lets some bugs appear. a new monster They are stationary. You have to fight them, if you want to avoid the fire. They give slightly more experience than the bats. first level up! IQ sounds interesting... but I guess it's just another term for skill here. To get this present you have to touch the fire. Mean! There's a guy, a stick and a bug. There are quite some people we have to rescue. Wirdo touches the bug... ... but nothing happens... hmm... Wirdo picks up the stick: A new weapon. I equip it. It increases the offense but lowers the speed. If you hit the bug: Three bugs appear - I guess a miniboss or sth. He can use a skill or whatever this is now. (probably requires the Lighter's Number) There are four different attacks, and I have no idea what each one of will do. I use the first option: swing This is probably the best attack because it attacks mulitple enemies. Beaten after two turns. This went well.
  2. Do you have a personal idol? Not only that. Laguz should get more experience in general. smokers around me
  3. She's pretty, has a nice personality and is a very good unit. And she's not dumb and snobby unlike most other videogame princesses. Do you wish that Sanaki would have more playtime in FE10?
  4. Few wird opinions about Smash Bros: Super Smash Bros Brawl was the best part of this series because of Subspace Emissary. Super Smash Bros Brawl had the best character cast. Snake wasn't replacable by anyone and Wolf was an awesome villian. Falco should be dropped instead of him. The only newcomers in 4 I found interesting were Shulk, Robin and Ryu. The balance of the represented series in 4 was bad. So much I like FE, but five characters were too much. (even more than Zelda) Lucina was just unnecessary. I ignored like a third of the entire roster in 4. (didn't have Mewtwo, Bayonetta, Corrin and Cloud though) I don't care for Tierlists. In 4 I was good with low ranked characters like Ganondorf while I couldn't play with Sheik and Rosalina at all. Rosalina was like my worst character of all I used. I liked Melee's fast speed even if it was hard to play for me. Tabuu was one of the best final bosses in videogames... and one of the hardest in highest difficulty.
  5. no, not yet Are you going to use this thread from now own?
  6. having good breakfast spending some time in the garden (with my cats) walking or cycling playing a bit videogames chatting So you don't like the weather in your current location?
  7. The perfect day for you? No one comes in mind right now.
  8. exact the same I haven't watched any randomized LPs until one of FE6 just lately which was cancelled because there were too many healers and not enough combat units. This LP made me curious and I wanted to try to make axe- and lanceusers more usable in FE6. I can fix their hitrate but that means that swords and magic will become even more OP than they already are. (tbh I haven't understood each setting yet; still have to figure out everything) PS: I never ever would randomize FE7 or 8 because they don't have any balance issues imo. But her speed can't become worse.
  9. No, thank you. Sry, but I don't feel like to do a masochistic run right now. I wanted to play on hard mode but I don't want to do babysitting in my entire run... I really don't. My other units were bad too. A couple of locked lance users and no single sword user.
  10. Umm... I've changed my plan: No FE6 randomized for me.
  11. Hi I'm testing out the GBA randomizer for the very first time. Maybe I can make axe and lance users finally usable in FE6.
  12. digital Would you have problems to sleep in you had a clock in your room which is ticking?
  13. It says Fate in the video description. (I couldn't watch the video though) However when I saw the girl in the video, I thought about Danganronpa too at the first moment.
  14. Alright, thanks! Next time better I shouldn't go shopping with him.
  15. France has some great sweet meals like croissants, crêpes... About the savoury food except for fish I don't know enough tbh. Favorite kitchen?
  16. everything against female videogamers A public prejudgement you can't stand? (like poor people are less intelligent than rich people)
  17. The best flammkuche is flammkuche-pizza. The Ü-Ei is popular in the US!? lol Also I belonged to these kids who never was lucky and never got the wanted (special) figure which is inside in each seventh egg. (even after buying seven of these eggs... I never got it :.( )
  18. Sry, if this was answered already... but I have a question about Almer: He bought stuff in one chapter but neither he can trade these weapons to anyone, nor he can send them to the supply. They're without use currently. My question: Are these tomes lost or is there still a way I could give them to someone somehow? (I don't know if there was the exact same issue with transporter Merlinus in the original FE7) Anyways I enjoy this hack so far! (currently playing chapter 23) Hawke or Keiran will become my MVP of this hack for sure.
  19. Will know it requires to edit the post... and I'm generally very lazy in doing this like he noticed just recently.
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