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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Î did it... and it worked! The order is retained. (however I still don't know why I didn't have this problem earlier - weird)
  2. Ok, I will do it. However I didn't have this problem previously.
  3. [spoiler=This is a better Tales of intro] I''m even afraid that I have posted it here lately already.
  4. The theme doesn't have even vocals in the western version. Well, Abyss doesn't have either but it's so good that it doesn't need them.
  5. Why did you answer a question which wasn't adressed at you? jk What was the first topic you visited in SF? 15-20 I don't count anymore.
  6. It doesn't unfortunately. I even asked someone else who has the exact same issue as me. I click on original filename but the images won't be ordered as I wanted. (even the same order like time uploaded) I number the images from 1 - xx but imgur can't recognize them for a reason I don't know. As I said this problem happens only lately (~ since this year).
  7. Actually I asked this question a few months ago already but I guess it went lost because I just changed the topic title and no one noticed it. I really need a program for my screenshot LP(s) which uploads my ordered screenshots without any trouble and much cost of time. I have issues with imgur (mixes the order of screenshots after uploading) and photobucket (slow and spamming machine). With my limited internet availibility atm. I need it so much more right now. Thank you for any recommendation(s) in advance!
  8. [spoiler=I highly doubt that it's just a coincidence]
  9. I also expected you might be a bit disappointed by using the word bored.
  10. Eh... I guess it's the only FE game I never ever would replay because this game featured almost nothing interesting for me. Idc for the story (despite it became awful after defeating Gangrel) but even gameplaywise it didn't have much offer to me except for a total unbalanced pair up. At least weapon durability still existed and brave weapons were useful.
  11. The last thing you had done what you regretted after a while? Since I must get up at 5 AM on weekdays, yes.
  12. Idk actually. A mix of latter point and boredom :). Also I have to go already... and Idk when and if I'll be back today. :(
  13. [spoiler=Tales of Xillia 2] It was an excellent game and my second most favorite Tales of game after Abyss. 90% of the places and dungeons are familar to all the people who played its sequel. But it's the only flaw I could see (if it's even one). Otherwise I can say only positive things. There are (new) features I really like: Some answers must be given in a time limit of like ten seconds. You don't have much time to think and the answers will affect the story and even the ending. Yeah, this game has multiple endings. It's the first game of this series (I believe) which is separated in chapters. I really like it that this game gives you an order. It makes it easier to press ahead in this game and it also gives you some liberties. Between each chapter you must gain money because your main character has to redeem debts. You can gain money be fulfilling sidequests a/o beating enemies (including giganto monsters). The good thing is that you're able to visit lots of different places early on. However so faster you redeem the debts, so faster you can unlock new areas. I like the "financial system" (what I mentioned in 2. already). It reminds me a bit on economic simulations which I really like. The main character can use three different weapons which makes him very flexible to attack the enemies' weakness(es). Also this game features an adorable fat cat. Tbh I prefer the skill system in Xillia 1 because it was more flexible but the allium sphere system in 2 works for me too. Graces had a kinda awkward start to me. I wasn't very delighted of the kids' path either. Same, but more for the reason that I hate acting her as a NPC because she dies way too often even with giving her correct battle orders. Also she's my favorite character in this game because she's a cross of a nerd and a weirdo. Also Graces f has my favorite cast of characters. I'd like Abyss' one even more if Anise didn't exist.
  14. Do you wish that the person in your avi and Frank West have to return in a next Project X Zone game? Does Zeiss count as an Est? (he joins with low level late) If not, then only Pelleas.
  15. I'm very sorry for this very late reply. (having massive internet issues atm) I see.
  16. Sorry for a random question: Is anyone here familar with Tales of Xillia 2? How can I get the good ending? At least I found this ending very depressing and sad. Do I have to give the corrects answers before or after the final bossfight? If it's before... well than I have a problem because it's already overwritten.
  17. v Thankfully I don't live in the US (yet) to have this damn fricking choice. Tbh neither because I can't stand both... but Trump would murder the US, so Hillary.Of course Hillary just to screw Donald.
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