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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. His avatar is still known for me. Long time ago when I watched this movie the last time. She looks different in the N64 game.
  2. Has a woman as his avatar, I don't know. Probably not his girlfriend.
  3. I actually never really trained Astrid in both games. In FE9 I get Rolf as bowuser, who never disappointed me. And he has better support options than Astrid. I tried to train her in FE10 with the skill combination "paragon" and "blossom", which failed. Makalov is a great unit in both games. In FE10 he even has the highest speed growth of all units! However his class caps aren't very good. His main problem is his personality, which disgusts many people. I hate him too since the moment, when in my first FE9 playthrough he attacked his sister and after that Marcia critted him fatally. So I missed the best recruitment in FE. I thought he'd talk to her and join automatically.
  4. Actually you don't need to rush after the thieves. After they had plundered the chests, they run back to the entry area behind the second stairs (where the two myrmidon reinforcements appear). So you have enough time to catch them. When they come back, block the entry with any two units (the thiefs won't attack you). Steal with Sothe the things. Make sure he's a free slot in his inventory. With help by Rafiel he can steal two things in one turn.
  5. Gameplaywise the Tellius games would be perfect for me, if FE9 maniac mode existed for the west and in FE10 the weapon triangle on hard mode.
  6. Posted no fact once more. Actually I never have played a LTC run on hard mode, only on normal mode - Not as good as you. Edward is the best non-propromted unit in hard mode earlygame till Jill joins. Without PoR boosts on Jill, I still prefer Edward in the beginning till Jill get some levels in strength and speed. With good biorhythm and a support in attack he can easily do a solo in 1-5 on the ledge. Just decoy the enemies with Sothe in turn 1 on the top platform.
  7. Quoted me a lot. On hard mode axe users are even more dangerous for him because of the disabled weapon triangle. If he has an A-support with Leo, he can get +3 in defense. If he has at least 10 defense and decent HP he can take two hits by soldiers with steel lances without any problems. On hard mode Edward is easier to train than Nolan, because he can be get problems even in early game, if his strength and speed don't rise quickly. Her strength growth is not very good so the assassin class is the better choice for her thanks to the silencer skill.
  8. Favors the black outfit for his main characters.
  9. Should know I just dislike Marisa's personality, because she has pretty much no personality for me. Statwise she's ok, if she becomes an assassin.
  10. Probably knows that Leo can be one-shotted in 1-2 by the archer with the steel bow. To my mind he's the opposite of Edward. Poor in part 1 because of low strength and speed, but in part 3 he can be really useful, if he has enough speed to double the tigers with the Lughnasadh.
  11. Probably has the same opinion. If anything, then only in part 3 because of the S-strikes of the Laguz. In part 1 you can train him as well as in normal mode. The only difference is that you should use him against lanceusers instead of axeusers because of the disabled weapon triangle. With supports and decent defense, he can take two hits by steel lances and maybe steel bows even on hard mode. In part 3 you can still train him with paragon. Bring him into "wrath-zone" and then only attack with range weapons.
  12. Knows Lughnasadh is the only point, which saves Leo.
  13. In the late 90s I had a guinea pig. Whenever in Goldeneye 64 an explosion happened, it started to squeak loudly because of the noise. My cats (I had lots of them) liked to follow the moves of the main characters (different games) with their eyes. Sometimes they even climbed on the TV and touched it with their paws.
  14. Maybe agrees that Sothe becomes worse and worse in the course of the game.
  15. His badge character has the second lowest HP growth of all characters in the mentioned game.
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